Thursday, June 15, 2023


 I'm thinking it may be time to start sorting the past. Some folks call that decluttering or downsizing. I can see that. What I have in mind is sorting through the volumes of papers and notes that I have accumulated over the years. I have no idea why I have saved them other than I hate to throw them out. Realistically I can't see anyone else wanting to go through them for any reason. I suspect they would all just be thrown in the trash after I'm gone. Maybe even before I'm gone, if I can't take that stuff with me. I have file folders full of old papers, documents, notes. It will take some time to sort through all of that stuff. I'm thinking the time has come however, time to sort out the past. 
 I have read about MarieKondo. This is the Japanese art of decluttering described by a lady named Marie Kondo. Pretty clever don't you think, the name I mean, she simply named her method after herself. She says in her book that decluttering will bring focus and happiness into your life. It's an interesting approach but a bit in contrast to the way I was raised. I think it is more a generational thing. My parents didn't throw anything out and they learned that from their parents. That, combined with a more materialistic society fueled by the desire for immediate gratification, has led to the accumulation of stuff. We see it, we buy it. I'm guilty of that. Having decided that it may be time to declutter a bit I'm thinking about starting with the stuff I haven't bought, just the stuff I accumulated. The stuff I am willing to throw out. 
 That is what MarieKondo is all about. She discusses the phycology behind that process. It is an interesting read. Among other things she says we don't hang onto things, we hang onto emotions attached to those things. Throwing out the thing isn't throwing out the emotional attachment. It's like losing a loved one, they are still with you. That's the mindset she is talking about. And she does say you should start by doing one "grouping" at a time. For instance, my pile of old papers and notes. Do just that today. That is so you will see results right away. That's important to keep you motivated. After that, maybe go through your clothes, then your books, tools or general knick-knacks throughout your house. Just clean it up, declutter it and find peace. 
 But then again it is summer, almost, and I should be outdoors. Maybe all those papers will just have to wait, Make it a wintertime project. Besides I might need some of those papers, so I had better wait. Waste not, want not. That was some really good advice I received from my parents and grandparents. They saved balls of string and aluminum foil. Can't say I remember Mom ever having to buy a ball of string, but I don't remember her ever using that aluminum foil she saved either. Well, she had it, just in case. Always a good idea to have a backup plan. Yes, I had better wait a bit, not act to hastily on a method I just read about. Something once gone is gone for good. All my notes and papers may be valuable one day. Hey, I'm sure George Washington threw out a lot of his stuff thinking no one would ever be interested in it. William Shakespeare holds the distinction of the world's rarest autograph. With all the writing he did you would think there would be more. But, they aren't, he threw them out. Yeah, best to hold onto those things. 

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