Friday, June 9, 2023

seeking justification

  I feel the need to preface this particular blog simply because of the world we now live in. I started writing these blogs to share my thoughts and memories. My thought was to leave a record, of sorts, for future generations of Reicharts to read. I had no expectations of any fame, of making any profit from them, or gaining much popularity. None of that entered my mind for more than a few minutes. Yes, I entertained those fantasies for a few minutes thinking how cool that would be, but being a realistic person, I quickly dismissed all of that. Here it is almost twelve years later. I must be a physic because I don't have any fame or fortune and I haven't gained a massive fanbase either, just like I predicted. But I continue to write for my intended purpose, to leave a record of my thoughts. I decided I would preface this particular blog. What I mean is, to post this blog. I want the record to be as complete as I can make it. That means posting my thoughts on subjects that may upset some. These blogs have turned out to be, in many cases, a discussion with myself. It's an explanation. I have often wished I knew the thoughts of my ancestors, how they felt about historic events as well everyday life. How did great great grandfather Terry feel about fighting in the civil war, how did my own father feel when drafted into WW2? What about women's suffrage, prohibition, the civil rights act of 64. What did they think about the advent of radio, television and all the modern technologies they encountered. How did they think and feel? That is what I hope I am leaving behind. And that is what the following blog is, nothing more, nothing less. It's how I feel. It needs to be understood that actions speak louder than words. I hope I am judged by the actions I take, rather than any thoughts I express. Thoughts are subject to change, actions once performed cannot. “I'm afraid that in the United States of America today the prevailing doctrine of justification is not justification by faith alone. It is not even justification by good works or by a combination of faith and works. The prevailing notion of justification in our culture today is justification by death. All one has to do to be received into the everlasting arms of God is to die.”
― R. C. Sproul, Saved from What? I would add that justification is also being sought by the removal of God altogether. And that is what we all seek, justification for our actions. Many atrocities have been performed by those that felt justified.
 Well, here it is, pride month once again. Apparently, it's been a thing since 1999 by proclamation of then President Bill Clinton. I read where it is to commemorate the Stonewall riots. It is supposed to celebrate what it means to be gay. Many letters and designations of a more specific nature have been added over the years. Currently it is the LGBTQA+ community. So, I had to think about that. What does it mean to be a member of the community. What differentiates them from others? The answer, when it is all boiled down, when you reach the heart of the matter, is who they choose to have sexual relations with, and by what manner they chose to do that. That's what it is. 
 Pride is an interesting word to have chosen to name this particular celebration. What is the opposite of pride? Shame. So, the way I see that is they are trying to say they have nothing to be ashamed of. Thing is, in my experience, when you go against the majority opinion, the normal or expected course of action, you do feel a bit ashamed of yourself. It's a failure on your part. That is the "questioning" part of the formula. The usual response will be one of apathy on your part. Then you attempt to change everyone else's opinion, convince them you are correct. Shame stems from your conscience. It occurs when you admit to yourself that you may be wrong, that you have violated some societal norms, perhaps ethical and moral boundaries as well. The only escape is to have others agree with your choices. 
 I wonder how many straight people today are aware of the stonewall riots. I suspect not many know much more than it was gay people rioting against the police. The police were enforcing the laws as they existed at that time. The mafia owned and operated the stonewall inn. It had been operating in violation of several laws but raided frequently. Thing is, the club was usually tipped off by corrupt police officers before the raid and they hid the illegal activity. On the day the riot began the club hadn't been tipped off and the police began arresting people. Yes, excessive force was used, yes the laws were prejudicial to the gay community, and yes, it should never have happened. But the rioting continued for several days, hundreds were involved, and many were injured. But the gay people persisted and eventually the laws were stricken from the books. You could now legally proclaim your sexual preferences and display your affections in a public setting. A victory was won. 
 That was the impetus for pride month. A parade was held on the first anniversary of the stonewall riots, the gay community marching to say, they are proud of being gay. It really doesn't change anything however, at least nothing beyond a legal status. Making it legal doesn't make it "right" in the eyes of those that disagree. I think the biggest issue with the whole deal is in the defining of what it is. Love is love is the common phrase used. That's true, love is love. but love isn't sex. I certainly have loved many people that I have never wanted to engage in any sexual activity with. That isn't loving them! This community that defines themselves as the LGBTQA+. What are they saying? I'm a lesbian. I'm gay, I'm bi-sexual, I'm trans, I'm questioning, I'm Ally, and a plus sign if I engage in sexual relations with anything or anyone else. Does any of that have a thing to do with love? No, it doesn't. It concerns personal gratification of a desire. That's what sex is all about. It isn't about love. If that where the case all the hookers in the world would be out of business! The oldest profession fulfills a desire, not a necessity. For those of us that hold that opinion it all comes down to a simple statement of fact, just because you can, doesn't mean you should. And in my opinion, you shouldn't be doing that. It's not about hate, it's not about love, it's about what is right and wrong. 

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