Saturday, July 1, 2023

keeping on

  Today the use of recreational marijuana, edibles or whatever will not prosecuted in the state of Maryland. The news outlets all proclaim it is legal. That is not the case however as it remains a federal crime, an inconvenient truth that many will debate endlessly. It is true that you will not be arrested by local, county or state authorities. No matter how you feel about it that is the current state of affairs. The only thing left to debate now is where and when you can use that substance. You can't smoke in public, at least that's the thinking but hasn't been tested in a court of law, I'm certain that will be challenged at some point. With all the edibles, gummy bears I hear are quite popular, there is no practical way of controlling that. You could simply pop them into your mouth and no one the wiser. A lot easier to conceal than smoking a cigarette or drinking some booze, although both have been managed. I have voiced my opposition to this policy of permissiveness and cast my ballot as well. I lost. It is what it is.
 I've heard all the arguments and debate on the topic. People are going to do it anyway being the most popular reason. That is closely followed by, it's no worse than drinking. An argument I counter with it certainly isn't any better either. Whether or not it is a gateway drug I really can't say. My thinking it is no more a gateway than having a glass of wine will make you a raging alcoholic. I think all of that is dependent upon the person and their unique personalities. I do think that peer pressure is one of the greatest influencers going. And today especially we hear about influencers, mostly in a bad light. And yes, I think it is a bad thing to influence young people to use marijuana. Yeah, I know they are going to try it anyway just like I tried sneaking a beer. The big difference was that I was well aware that it was wrong to do that. That's why I was sneaking around. I would be in trouble, the person selling it to me would be in trouble, my parents would be in trouble and all of that meant I was in BIG trouble. There was no argument that I should be able to do that. The attitude was to obey the law.
 There is no evidence that supports saying there is an increase in crime after legalization of marijuana. There is evidence that it increases homelessness, however. Ask the state of Colorado about that. It also creates problems for law enforcement agencies in adjacent states where it remains a crime. Smoking pot does cause problems with memory and your attention span. Yeah, you zone out man. Now the effect doesn't last forever, usually just a few days after you smoke, but there is evidence to suggest permanent damage can occur. It doesn't matter if you eat it or smoke it the effect will be the same. If you choose to smoke it, you can add lung disease to the list of reasons it isn't such a good idea. So, it begs the question, why use it? 
 The answer is to escape. It's why we drink alcohol, why we do most anything that makes us happy. It's only the things we get addicted to that define our lives. It involves making the best choices possible, in all conditions, at all times and in all circumstances. Are we choosing things that helpful or harmful? In whatever can only be considered ironic it appears the things that harm us also provide the most pleasure. Some Christians will tell you that is the punishment from God for eating of the forbidden fruit. That is to say, seeking immediate gratification instead of obeying the law. 
 Drinking alcohol to excess is included in the list of mental health disorders. It's called AUD, alcohol use disorder. If you drink more than four drinks a day or fourteen in a week, you may have AUD. There are no thresholds for pot heads though. It's all good brother. The state of Colorado earmarked a portion of the tax revenue they receive from marijuana sales to drug treatment programs. Do we really want to make available substances known to cause addiction? I know, not everyone will become addicted so that doesn't matter. Strange that same thinking didn't seem to apply when I was being ordered to wear a mask in public. I never got a vaccine or covid, and hey, people were going to get it anyway, but that didn't seem to matter. The narrative then was, if I only save one, it's worth it. Guess that doesn't count with pot, so what if a few become addicted, have mental health issues, develop ling disease or become homeless, no big deal, I can smoke what I want. That's what the disclaimers are for. 
 Well, it is what it is, and the state is anticipating a great increase in tax revenues. Other states have certainly seen a tremendous increase in tax revenue along with money from tourism and folks relocating to the "cool" state. And, in my opinion, that is what is driving this whole legalization effort. It's about money once again. Two things always increase revenues, war and vice. There is always money for both of those activities. Hunter Biden is using the "I was drunk" and "I was an addict" defense and managed to get a slap on the wrist because of that. That avenue will now be opened to the rest of us soon enough. Not my fault, I was high! And yeah, people will do it anyway. They are going to do other drugs too, why stop at pot, just throw the floodgates open and let it be. Heck, cocaine isn't any worse than pot which isn't any worse than alcohol. Just a few different side effects is all, it's all good. 
 It is what it is, and it ain't good. It is just another indicator of the degradation of society in general. A lowering of expectations. Was a day when it was expected of people to remain sober, work hard, be faithful and true. Today those expectations have certainly changed. It's party all the time and do your own thing! Traditional marriage is outdated, working hard is outdated, morals are outdated, and ethics are outdated. We need to rewrite them all. Then after it has all been written, the story ends. It isn't going to end well is my thought. But it is what it is. The natural course of every society is to decline. History has shown us that. It almost like we haven't learned a thing. We just keep on, keeping on and justifying every step. 

Remember him? Guess he is still truckin' on 

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