Sunday, July 16, 2023

What to do

  "Find what is unique to you and you will find fulfillment." (A.B.Reichart) Is fulfillment a singular thing or does it stem from the happiness of others? Being fulfilled is being happy and content. That is what the dictionary says anyway. But we are taught that we should never just be content, we should always strive for something more, something better. An old adage says, good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good is better and your better is best. Once you start saying you're the best however others will call you conceited. You are only allowed to be the best when others say so. That would indicate that I have to fulfill others needs and wants to be fulfilled myself. A number of philosophers will tell you just that. They will tell you that true happiness comes only through helping others, that true fulfillment comes from outside yourself. Like filling a jug with water, that water has to come from an outside source. It refreshes us. 
  Each of us are born with unique skills and abilities. I believe that wholeheartedly. Discovering just what they may be, or indeed that singular thing that is unique to you, is possibly the great challenge in life. Man has established benchmarks, goals, and expectations to measure all of that. To create a perception of success, which is perceived as fulfillment. The acceptance of perception creates reality. We view that through our own lens. At the same time, we have the world around us telling us something different. We hear what others see, what they declare as reality. Often their reality distorts our view. But it is our unique singular focus that will provide the fulfillment, the happiness we all seek. It is what we do for ourselves that provides that fulfillment. The paradox lies in the focus is on others. "Do unto others" is another way of saying that. 
 A Biblical passage or just wisdom passed down through the ages? I believe much of the Bible is just that, wisdom handed down through time, by divine inspiration. I often say there is little that can be said that hasn't been said before, and I'm certain that is the truth of the matter. I doubt Jesus was the first to say, do unto others as you would have others do unto you. There are similar passages in the Old Testament. Leviticus says, love thy neighbor as thyself. The same advice as Jesus gave. Of course, those words came from the same divine source. Like father, like son. That is the path to happiness in this world. Yes, if everyone treated you the way you wanted to be treated, if would be great. The problem lies in establishing the standard of conduct. Even when a standard is adopted, the issue then becomes what to do with those that offend. It doesn't make you happy. What punishment should be awarded? What punishment would you accept as fair and just? That's the question you should be asking. Doing unto others. 
 What is unique to you? Is it an art, a craft, an action, a love? I do believe each of us have a unique gift to give. That gift may be to the world, or to a single individual. Each gift is equally as valuable. True gifts are given without the expectation of return. They are the only thing freely given in this world. Love is a gift. To love and be loved in the greatest gift of all. Accepting that brings the fulfillment we all desire. To live a life without disappointment is nirvana. Nirvana, it is said, is the escape from the cycle of life and death. I expect that is what heaven is like. Your every wish is fulfilled, and your every wish is for others to be happy. In Christianity you become a saint. That's what saints are all about, right? Doing for others. What will you do? Find that and you will be fulfilled.  

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