Thursday, July 13, 2023


  There has been a shift in sensibilities that becomes more obvious to me every day. I'm thinking that may be what is known as aging. It happens in varying degrees with each passing generation. When families stayed together, that is to say, adult children stayed in the home or simply moved next door, those sensibilities were a lot slower to change. Perhaps it was the presence of the elders that impeded that process if you view that process as a bad thing. It may have been out of respect for those elders or that they weren't exposed to many alternatives. Whatever the reason for that it has changed over the years as families become more and more fragmented. Beyond the family regional sensibilities have also changed and that leads to national changes as well. It has led us to this litigious society that we all live in today. The concern isn't centered on morality and ethics, the concern is legality. A definite shift in sensibilities.
  I thought about that after seeing a chain link fence being put up. There is a building here in Greensboro that houses at least two separate businesses. Outside the building they are various pieces of piping, some large tanks used in farming operations, and what appears to be junk. Those items have been there for quite some time. I wondered why they had decided to fence that area in after all this time. Then I imagined that children would probably be drawn to those things, to play on them or whatever. It was a long time ago, I admit that, but I was a kid once and that sure looks interesting. So, I thought, they probably had to put that fence up to protect themselves. If some child was playing on that stuff and got injured, they would be open to a lawsuit. And that is where the change in sensibilities comes into the picture. When I was a kid if I played on something, on other people's property that I had no business being on, and got hurt, it wouldn't be the fault of the business. I would have in trouble because, and here is the sensible part, I knew better than that! Yes, that is what I heard often enough, you know better than that. 
 The sensible reaction to an action. That is what we are taught as children. If someone hit me, I hit them back! Very sensible. You did learn to be discriminating however, exercise good judgement in those types of situations. If the other person was bigger and stronger it might be wise to just walk away. Live to fight another day so to speak. You learned to know better. The same went with bullying others. You soon learned that you could be out bullied! No need to involve others with any of that, you learned to deal with yourself. As far as getting hurt with objects or doing something stupid, that was on you also. We sure were warned often enough. Be careful with that BB gun or you'll put someone's eye out! We didn't need to be told a lot of things; we learned about them through experience. Yeah, I got cut with my pocketknife, my fault, not the fault of Barlow. That knife did exactly what it was designed to do, cut. 
 What reaction is being taught to the children today? Sue someone, anyone, anybody at any time for anything. It has gotten to the point where in Michigan it's a crime to use the wrong pronoun. I have to use the pronoun you choose. If you are a guy, in a dress, wearing lipstick, I'm expected to say she?  I'm expected to play along with the charade. That is being enforced as sensible. It makes no sense to me at all. Sensibility is defined as the ability to appreciate and respond to complex emotional or aesthetic influences. I can appreciate the fact that someone has a mental disorder. It doesn't mean I hate them. It also doesn't mean I have to play along. I may feel like a superstar, but that doesn't make me one. Should you have to call me one? It's illegal if you don't after I tell you. Yeah, that makes sense. 
 It sure seems to me that the narrative today is to impose your feelings and beliefs on others. This at the same time as your insistence that I do not impose my feelings or beliefs on you. You can insist, make laws that I accept your feelings or beliefs, but I shouldn't make any forcing you to do the same. Aristotle said: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." In not accepting every proposition, every idea or concept presented to us, we are exercising sound judgment. We are being sensible. Something that is sorely lacking today. 

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