Friday, July 28, 2023

it takes money

  It takes money to make money. It's an old adage and one that holds a great deal of truth. It doesn't mean you should simply take money from the wealthy to give to others so they can create wealth of their own. And that philosophy is the cornerstone of Bidenomics. This idea that the economy will be built from the middle out and the bottom up. Yes, it sounds good, makes for good press and some will believe it. Those on the bottom love the idea of that. It sounds like a guarantee of success. The successful people, those that have accumulated wealth and prosperity will by legislation ensure that. They have to pay, and you don't! Well not until you make a great deal of wealth then the policy would apply to you. But not to worry, you will never be that successful is the underlining message. It's the same message Obama proclaimed. " You didn't build that." Someone else helped you and you only succeeded because of that. You can't do it on your own. That is always followed by a long list of reasons and past injustices that prevent your success. Everything from education to culture is preventing you from succeeding. You can't do it on your own! You don't need the rich folks though; you just need their money! That is the heart of Bidenomics. Dependence upon legislation is a small price to pay for success. As the legislator I'll give you whatever I feel you need and should have, but you can't have more than that, that belongs to me.
 I read a quick guide to Bidenomics. I'm not well versed in economics and understand little of high finance. I'm just the guy in the middle. But I do understand common sense and know that you can't have it both ways. You may not like the boss, but he signs your paycheck. I know that counting the coins in my neighbor's bank isn't putting any in mine. If I want his money, I have to get him to spend it. I do that by creating a demand for whatever product/service I'm selling. I know you can't spend your way out of debt. I know that charity begins at home. I also know that I can't do any of that by legislation. I can't simply make demands and expect them to be fulfilled. I have to earn that. The purpose of government is to govern the actions of people. Government is not to rule! The founding fathers established our republic on that premise. Remember taxation without representation? That applies even when your elected officials, your representative, decides to fund charities, give your money away to other nations, or otherwise spend your tax money on anything that does not benefit the American people. Bidenomics does exactly the opposite of what our founding documents propose. 
 Here is the article I read and based a good deal of this essay upon. You may want to read that for yourself. 

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