Thursday, April 1, 2021

pay attention

  It would be fair to say I have been more of an observer than a contributor. I realize that isn't the ideal, what we are taught to strive for, but I believe in destiny and it would appear that is mine. It is something I was aware of at any early age. As a child, the youngest of four, I was subjected to the bullying that comes along with that. Never intimidated by that I contented myself with observing the end result. Karma has a way of finding those that do wrong. All one has to do is be patient. Be patient and observe closely. And now perhaps it is the time to share my observations. Perhaps that is the true motivation behind all my writings. Karma at work once again. I have been writing down little bullet statements these past few years. Quotes you could say, although it is only a quote if repeated by others. I would be flattered if others did quote me. That falls under the category of imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Still quotes come from the famous don't they? I certainly don't fall into that category. I'm just another starving philosopher. I am glad that I don't have a mountain of debt obtaining a degree in philosophy, I am self taught. I do think it would be a great job to have, philosopher. Just sit around and think about stuff. Philosophers are teachers. Thing is they get to make up the curriculum as they go. But I'm getting off topic here. 
 I had in mind to share another of my observations. It appears to me that many are making demands upon providence. That is to say assuming they are deserving of special consideration or treatment. They feel entitled to the benefit of providence. It's almost as though God has no choice! Maybe God is the wrong word to use in this instance, maybe I should say karma instead. Fate, destiny, or whatever you wish to call it being determined by your self assessed eligibility. That is what I'm seeing. It is the attitude of the pious man. Piety, not of a religious nature, but of a societal one. It is summed up by the word, deserving. It's what I hear all the time, I'm deserving of these benefits! Are you really? Really it is the demand of reward without the risk. It's something for nothing. Reward at the expense of others. It is an expectation rather than a hope.
 That is my observation anyway. I see many expecting reward, insisting they deserve the reward, and demanding that they receive that reward. Isn't that what keeps the lawyers in business, and the insurance companies? I hear, don't judge, all the time. We are being conditioned to not judge the actions of others, to not pay attention, not observe. If nothing is called out as wrong, there can be no wrong. Often the Biblical passage is quoted as proof positive that we shouldn't judge others. But if that were the true meaning it would have to be anti-ethical. What is ethics? Customs and practices that are approved within a society is one definition. Since you can't be approved without judging, you can see the problem with that can't you? Standards are established by judging the actions of others and observing the results. Unfavorable results are judged to be wrong. That's how that works. And that is how eligibility is determined. Whether that reward is of this earth or not, that is how it works. 
 I guess what I'm trying to say is I see a change in attitude. Used to be we hoped. Today we expect. That is the reason for the spread of discontent. Our expectations aren't being met! The lesson being taught today is to expect, no, to demand, the reward! It is what you deserve! And who is telling you that? Really, think about that, who is insisting you deserve whatever? Most of the time it is someone attempting to get something from you. Consider those insurance company ads as a prime example. You deserve these benefits! All you have to do is pay for them is the unspoken portion of those ads. Some even insist you can get those benefits, at no cost to you! Yes, but they are costing someone else, you can bet on that. Still the insistence is that you deserve those benefits by your very existence. The difference in attitude? I was taught to expect nothing and you won't be disappointed. Do what is right and hope for the best. Pay attention! Far too many aren't paying attention these days. Problem being, they aren't contributing either.   

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