Monday, April 26, 2021

a little bird told me

  Seems like a lot of people are getting in trouble with that twitter stuff. I opened a twitter account a long time back but don't recall ever making a tweet. The last I heard was that LeBron James was in trouble for his tweet. Post and delete and still in trouble. I guess, at least with those celebrity types, people really are hanging on every word they say, or should I say hanging on the branches, you know, because its' a tweet and birds tweet. Well maybe that isn't working. Well whatever the case is, I'm guess I should be happy I don't use twitter. I'm no celebrity so my stuff would be there for a while before anyone got upset, but someone would get upset sooner or later. Would I delete it? Nope, if I posted it I leave it there. Never have been much on taking it back. My advice to those folks is to think before you tweet. I do find it a bit amusing though. I wonder how you can be famous and not realize that whatever you say will be scrutinized. You would think they would be smart enough to just say nothing at all but some just can't seem to be quiet. Hey, with me, I don't believe anything I say will make much of a difference, no great impact on society, but those folks do have a responsibility. Like it or not that comes with fame and fortune. It's a funny thing really but if I became a multi-millionaire I'm certain my blogs would be more widely read, quoted even. Yes they would, if others felt there was something to gain from that. They do it with celebrities all the time. Talent, money and fame doesn't make anyone any smarter! 
  After Trump and the incident of January the 6th the main story in the news was about all of that. Supposedly there are groups of white conservatives attempting to overthrow the government. They stormed the capital and were just barely stopped. Almost had to let Nancy Pelosi lose on them! But that has died down somewhat and I was wondering what was next. Well it's become obvious now, reforming the policing in America is the next thing on the agenda. Now we all realize that you need to have a police department, no one believes otherwise despite the rhetoric. Thing is if we can bring the police departments under a central power, a centralized control, their actions and more importantly reactions can be controlled. Political control of the Police, yeah that sounds great doesn't it? It does as long as you hold the power. The best way to hold power to to control the people you want power over. That can be accomplished in several ways. First and foremost is dependence, make the people dependent upon you for survival. Control the food, housing, medical care and their ability to rise up the ranks in society.  When they begin to rebel against that, even just a bit, control the reaction to that. You can do that by providing "protected" status. After all, it's not their fault is it? No, it will never be the fault of those people, not the ones keeping you in the seat of power. Concessions will be made disguised as entitlements. The justification for those entitlements are easy enough to make, to have the people believe. It's really as simple as asking. Should you get a raise? Do you deserve that? How many would say, no, I really shouldn't get a raise, that's my point. It's great to be the victim isn't it? Sure is, as long as you are rewarded for that. 
  Are there any conservative voices on twitter? Now I admit I don't know anything about twitter or its participants. All I hear is a lot of celebrities saying stupid stuff and getting themselves in trouble. Trump was on twitter a lot, that much I know. I didn't think that was very smart of him either but he must be infected with the same thinking as other rich and famous people. Just couldn't keep his mouth shut either. Of course, to be fair I'm neither rich or famous and have trouble with that too. Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with fame or money, just a thought. Does twitter ban anyone? Can you be put in a cage? Another bird reference there. I guess so because seems like I heard they locked Trumps account and a few others. Censorship? You could call it that or you could call it control, same thing. 
  Well if nothing else it is a source of some pretty funny memes on Facebook. What we used to call political satire is now social commentary. Society has changed and so too the conversation. I don't think todays' conversationalist are nearly as skilled as in the old days. Conversation was an art. Subtleties would go unnoticed, sometimes for days, before the listener understood what had been said. Today people just hit each other over the head with their opinions. Some read to respond. That's the only reason they are on twitter or Facebook. Some are looking for conversation, and others for a fight. Where did you hear that? A little bird told me. I used to hear that every now and again when a juicy bit of gossip was told. Twitter, tweets and gossip. Difference is today we identify the species, location, and name of the "little" bird that does that telling. 

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