Friday, April 16, 2021


  Thomas Aquinas said: " unintelligent objects cannot be ordered unless they are done so by an intelligent being to move objects to their end." He was, of course, talking about the universe and how that relationship to God would be a necessity. When I read that quote again I couldn't help but think, now I know why the government is so messed up! There is no intelligent being moving objects in an ordered fashion. What we are seeing is an emotional response, from the majority party, to pragmatic situations. One member of that party wishes to end policing altogether and throw open the jails. She believing that is a great idea because we can't reform the police. The Police are arresting people for committing crimes! That needs to change. Okay that is just one wack a doodle pandering to a certain demographic. What's really troubling is the commander in chief. His thinking is open borders. He has created a crisis at the border and appears baffled by it. His second in command states she is studying the root cause of all that. She isn't going to the border herself, no plan to do that, but will instead study the root cause. Again Thomas Aquinas comes to mind in regard to intelligence. Send a message to people that they can cross our border unimpeded and the result is "free" stuff and "preferential treatment" and guess what? They will come. Amnesty for all! Doesn't take much studying to figure that out. And the only solution I have heard proposed by that same, second in command, is funding all the nations those folks come from so they will want to stay home. Basically the thinking being, we will send our tax dollars to them so they can stay home, it will be much more convenient for everyone involved. No need to walk hundreds of miles carrying those cell phones and backpacks, we will bring America to you! She is certain those other governments won't mind, they'll be happy to spread the wealth to their citizens. Yeah, I can see that happening alright. Using that logic I could just send e-mail to bank and they would send me money, no need to actually go to the bank and rob it in person, would be safer too, no one gets hurt. 
  Intelligence does require thinking things through to a logical conclusion. As much as we would all like to believe otherwise, it is very difficult to change human nature. I'm certain Thomas Aquinas was well aware of that as well. If you believe in a higher power, a superior intelligence that ordered the universe you would have to acknowledge that. Man has labeled that, freedom of choice. That higher power has given us the freedom to choose. Isn't that what belief is all about? The belief that if you do the right thing you will be rewarded for those choices. It is however in the nature of man to look for an easier way to do something. We have labeled that, progress. Still if you think about it with all our time saving, labor saving, easier methods of accomplishing a task what is the most admired? That would be hand crafted. You can't beat good old fashioned craftmanship! That occurs as the result of making the correct choice. not necessarily the easy way out. America became America through the hard decisions, the well thought out plan to a logical conclusion. It is interesting to note that the founding fathers realized the logical conclusion could mean their death. But they choose to do what was necessary, to make the best possible decision for moving forward. They even wrote that down in the Declaration and the Constitution. The Bill of Rights was added to further clarify the intent. That intent being a government of the people, by the people and for the people. A government for Americans! 
  Today we have those in office that do not believe in that. It is obvious by the decisions they are making. You can't really have a sovereign nation without a defining border to that nation. In ancient times walls were built around cities for the same reason, to protect the citizens of that city from those on the outside. That was the border. Nations require borders! Those borders should be protected, guarded, and monitored. You don't leave your front door open when you aren't home do you? No, you close and lock the door. Why? So people from the outside don't come into your house and take what is yours that's why. Using the logic presented by this administration you should just be sending your stuff to their homes, save them the work of coming to get it! And in so doing you would no longer have to close and lock your door, problem solved. 
  Lincoln is often quoted as having said, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedom it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within." Well the fact is, Lincoln never actually said those words, they are paraphrased from a speech he gave. He did believe in that sentiment however. I include this small portion of his speech as evidence of that. " At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its' author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." Those are his words. I hear this administrating attempting to place blame for our own elections being questioned. There are allegations of foreign powers attempting to influence us. Karl Marx said, accuse others of what you yourself are doing, in that way you can create confusion. Not a direct quote, I paraphrased his words but that is the jest of it. I have to say that method works quite well until evidence to the contrary can be produced. It is also true that many time by the time the evidence is discovered, it's too late.
  Well that's my pontification for this morning. I offer it for your judgement. We all have to decide for ourselves, just be certain that is what you really want. I'll include a link to Snopes regarding the Lincoln quote should you want to read Lincolns full speech. It's quite interesting. Ah, intelligent men once led the nation, let's bring that back.

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