Monday, April 5, 2021

law or the mob?

  So there is the Georgia voting law issue. After taking the time to actually read through the law and figure out just what it says I have formed an opinion. The way I see it is this, it all boils down to accommodation and enabling. The big complaint being, inconvenience. Now the counter to a great deal of the complaints would be met with cries of racism. The premise being these voting laws are designed to suppress the black vote. And why is that? Well, every reason listed is inherently racist although they choose to ignore that altogether. Consider this one, black people only vote after church on Sunday. If they can't vote then, they can't vote. Or, the black people don't have ID's. So I'm supposed to believe that every black person driving a car doesn't have a license? I also wonder why none of that would affect white people. Isn't it racist to assume that all the white people have Id's, and can vote whenever and wherever they want? But these new laws are only aimed at the black vote! Jim Crowe? Really, these laws only apply to black people? I didn't see that in the law anywhere. 
 Now it's a historical fact that the Democratic party favored the Jim Crowe laws. That party instituted them and supported them. The Republican party was established to abolish slavery. The Democrats vehemently opposed that, as we all know, and in fact began the civil war over that. That party also voted against the 13th and 15th amendments, staging the longest filibuster in history. If there were anyone attempting to prevent the black vote it was the Democrats. The Democrats, the party of dependence, has managed to secure a great deal of the black vote historically speaking. They have done so by appeasement after their efforts to thwart failed. An example is, it was a democrat, President Johnson that took the forty acres of land promised to every freed male slave that was the head of a family and gave it back to the original landowners, those white democrats known as Master. Then their response was to create the sharecropped system. In that way retaining their cheap labor and in fact making those people dependent upon them. I mean, realistically what other choice did those folks have? The Democrats exploited that as long as possible with, you got it Jim Crowe laws. Today they are playing the same game! The Democrats are basically saying this, we fully support the black communities right to vote, as long as the black community votes for us! In fact, they are saying the only way the black community can vote is with the help of the democrats. They can't do that on their own! They can't get there by themselves, they can't afford a car, or a means to get to the polls, they can't wait in line without being provided food and drink, by Democratic supporters. Limiting absentee and mail in ballots is aimed directly at the black community! Yes the Democrats are basically saying the black community just can't do this on their own, they aren't capable. 
 It's the same old game. Appeasement. They are bowing to pressure, rule by the mob. Aristotle described what is happening best when he stated, "Republics decline into Democracies" and that is exactly what the Democrats are attempting to do. Republics are governed by the rule of law, Democracies are basically mob rule. The size of the mob isn't as important, just that the nob rules. The mob may even accuse the majority of being racists! That happen when the rule of law is abandoned in favor of the mob. Now the Democrats are attempting to get the mob to vote out the very laws that protect them from suppression. The old bait and switch routine. How so many can be so easily fooled is beyond me. I just don't get it. If I belonged to a party that had just won the election, and I genuinely believed we won fair and square, but others keep insisting I cheated in some fashion, I would do everything in my power to prove them wrong. I'd start by securing the election process with even tighter laws, I would provide a more iron clad system, for the next election. I would announce all of that as a means to show that my party can win and did win without any cheating. But, that isn't what I'm seeing at all and it makes me wonder why. Perhaps they know something I don't? What I'm seeing is an insistence on less accountability, less transparency, and open ballots handed out like candy. Why did these Georgia election laws ignite such a firestorm? It's almost like the Republicans are against slavery all over again. Only this time the democrats want to end the filibuster, they have a majority, and just pass laws of their own. Laws of appeasement, laws to enable. The easiest method of control is to enable those you wish to control. Give'em what they want, create a dependence if at all possible. That's how it works. 
 Are we going to use the rule of law or just go with the mob? A Republic vs a Democracy. I know which it will be if we enable the mob to vote on that. Same as asking, do you deserve a raise? Same as asking, are you smart? Same as asking, would you like to work less and have more?  

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