Friday, April 9, 2021

gone crazy

  A day without Facebook. Yes, I checked on that social media site a couple times, like looking at the neighbors when they are having an argument. The conversation is good but you can't comment. I caught my fingers hovering over the keyboard on more than one occasion. But the sun was shining, the temperature soaring into the 70's, places to go, things to do. First place was for an eye exam and a new prescription. That was a quick ninety bucks to be referred to another eye doctor. turns out I have corneal dystrophy. It's only in my right eye though so at worse I could become a pirate. Really though some form of eye drops or ointment may take care of the problem. Well once your warranty expires and you start using the warranty, (medicare) parts start to fail. Unfortunately this part isn't covered under the plan, what a surprise. After that I spent time working on the riding mower and calling it names, names that would get me further in Facebook jail should I mention them. Oh yeah, expletives were flying! But anyway, all in all it was a pleasant day without social media. 
  I haven't paid much attention to the evening news as I didn't want to ruin a good day. Not sure what is happening with the trial and the border. I'm sure I wouldn't be happy about either. I did see an article about housing illegal aliens in the hotels. Have to say not too thrilled with my taxes paying for any of that. We need to post a blinking neon sign on the border saying, no vacancies! This is quickly getting out of hand. I do think I could get apathetic fairly easily. Just stick your head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich. They really don't do that. The city of Baltimore started removing statues again, people are getting their water shut off because they can't pay the water bill, but the city can afford to remove statues. If it were my choice I just might consider using that money to help the people out, but that's just me. The statue being removed was the founder of a neighborhood or something, he was a slave holder in 1786 so that is offensive. There sure were a number of offensive people back then, not breaking any laws, just offensive. The last two mayors of Baltimore wound up in jail for criminal actions, the current city states attorney and her husband, the president of the city council are under investigation, but that offensive statue just had to go. And don't get me started on how many homicides and gun battles are taking place everyday in that city. Well, if we remove all the statues that should fix that issue. That and the governor thinks we should just legalize pot, it'll reduce crime because no one gets arrested for having pot. The easiest way to reduce crime? Turns out you just decriminalize it. What a concept. Progressive thinking at its' finest. Same logic as, just do whatever you want. We've all heard that from our Mothers or our wives. I don't care, just do whatever you like! Yeah, they care but don't want the hassle of dealing with the issue. You'll pay for that later. And there will be a toll for the legalization of another drug for recreational use. Some states have included funding for "recovery" centers in that legislation, just like Casinos provide counselors for gambling problems. Of course there are businesses devoted exclusively to "rehabilitating" you, as many times as it takes.
  There are times when I consider becoming totally apathetic. After all, I only have so much time here on earth. I can't change anything once I'm gone. Why should I concern myself with the future? The Bible says, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. My grandmother used to say that a lot. It can be found in the Sermon on the Mount. The instructions for the current day is concerned with humility more than anything else. at least that is my take on it. Humility is often viewed by others as apathy. It's kinda a catch 22 situation. Well it is easier to just say, whatever. Strangely as easy as that is, I have a hard time doing that. I guess that is just my cross to bear, to coin a biblical metaphor. It's a world gone crazy. 

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