Sunday, October 29, 2017

progress by surrender ?

 We often speak of progress. We are making progress, always going some where. It is what we are told we should be doing, all the time. Well, I don't see what is wrong with knowing where you are and liking that. It isn't a matter of knowing it all, it is a matter of having made a decision. I believe you do have to decide and accept that. Changing your mind every time something new is offered is not going to make you settled ! No, then all that happens is you continue to wander, aimlessly searching for something. Well the truth is you are not searching for anything at all, you are waiting for someone else to show you. Then having been shown you " buy " that for a little while. Having something new is better than the old, right ? Isn't that what we are being told all the time ? Yes, and the ones telling us, are the ones that are selling. It makes little difference if it is a product, service or idea. The point is to get folks to " buy " it. Truth is, there is just a lot of junk being sold out there in the name of progress. Just how far are we supposed to go ? That is the question to be answered.
 I don't see all of this as necessarily going anywhere, more like running away at times is my thinking. When the conversation becomes uncomfortable, the yelling starts. When we just surrender to avoid that confrontation is that progress ? That is what I see being sold today. Rather than standing by the truths we have learned we discard them in favor of convenience. Sure is easier and a whole lot more popular to just go with the crowd. Popularity and principle seldom make for good bedfellows. Mark Twain summed that up nicely when he wrote, " whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect. " A few examples of this may be, buying a pet rock, reading fifty shades of grey and thinking that Jackson Pollock was really painting pictures. There sure where a lot of people convinced of those things, spent tons of money of them. Many still remain convinced of those Pollock paintings. I will tell you they are just paint drippings and he ain't the only one that cashed in on that nonsense. I don't blame him, I blame popular opinion, in the vein of the emperors new clothes.
 Another old adage I am fond of, and refer to often says, a fool and his money soon part company. If you base your principles upon popular opinion you will never be settled. How can you be ? Seems pretty obvious to me but a lot of folks seemed confused by that. That is why all this reinterpretation of truths. Thing is, the truth is always the truth. Truth doesn't change over time. I believe I have learned some truths over time. I will not surrender them based on popular opinion. Yup, sometimes that makes me unpopular. Well, my goal is not to be the most popular person on the planet. I just try to be as good a friend to everyone as I can manage. I admit it is easier with some than others. I don't believe you can buy or tithe your way to happiness. Isn't that what we all seek, happiness ? We just want to be happy and content in our lives. You are not going to get there by following the crowd. It's true you might find a party but sooner or later the party ends. After the party is over, what are you left with ? Popularity depends upon the crowd.
 Progress isn't getting the next new thing, it isn't discarding the old. Want to make progress ? Make a decision, make a choice, and then stand by that. That's progress. Progress isn't surrendering to popularity, fad and fashion. Yes it is cliché, but the truth is happiness comes from within. The world around us can become a distraction. The " barkers " are out there, tempting us daily. Buy this, buy that, it's much better, it's progress, don't be old fashioned, loosen up. Well there is nothing wrong with just saying, no thanks.
 Your happiness shouldn't be dependent upon another persons approval. That is the hardest lesson of all. We all seek approval, validation for our existence. It sure feels good when others commend us and bolster our confidence. I like that as much as anyone. Thing is, you get addicted. You become dependent. At that point you make any and all excuses for your behavior. Any challenges to that will be met with resistance. In the end you just run away. The only way progress can be made is by standing your ground ! 

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