Sunday, October 8, 2017

appeasement ?

 I keep hearing about how terrible Columbus was. The city of Baltimore is home to the oldest statue of Columbus in America. The base of that statue was recently vandalized, well it is offensive you know. I'm not certain who vandalized it, or who was offended. From what I have been reading it should be an indigenous person. The narrative is that would be a native American person. But wait a minute here, those native American people arrived here via a land bridge from Alaska. How can they be indigenous ?  Indigenous means " naturally occurring or native. "  That must be the confusion. Those folks have been called natives for so long we all became confused. So, if we are going to talk about history, stick strictly to the facts as it were, they are not indigenous to America !
 I agree that Columbus is no role model for anyone to emulate but he did arrive in the Americas. Isn't that why they are called the Americas ? The navigator Amerigo Vespucci is credited with that. That he brutalized the peoples that were inhabiting this land is beyond question. Of course if we study history, all history, we can find many examples of peoples that did similar. I can't say whether any of those folks have holidays named after them, but that isn't the point here. Well, okay I guess that is the point, but I am left questioning.
 I was taught in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. That's a historical fact, he did that. Was he the first to " discover " the Americas ? The historians all say no. Okay, I agree with that. So just who was the first ? Well it had to be those folks that walked across the land bridge from where ? Oh, the European continent ! So, the native people were Europeans ? No, that can't be right. I have read that everyone, all people came up out of Africa. Are we all Africans ? Science certainly says we are. History can be inconvenient at times. That's why people have always had selective history. We tend to remember what we want to and gloss over what we don't. That is until the story changes and we wish to recall other " facts " that further the current agenda. Did you know Columbus Day was really started as a sort anti-discrimination thing ? Yup, the Italians coming to America were being discriminated against big time. In fact, nine Italians were hung in New Orleans when they were acquitted of a crime. What's worse, two of those nine were just in the jail and not even accused in that crime. No matter the were hung anyway. The thinking became if we make a holiday to honor this Italian guy that " discovered " America maybe the other folks will leave them alone. You know what ? It worked. Now being of Italian ancestry was celebrated. Amazing isn't it ?
 What is the present agenda ? Why is Columbus so offensive today ? The story is because of all the atrocities he committed against the Native Americans. That is just the cover however. The agenda is, all white Europeans should be held accountable for anything that has happened on the north American continent. It is the white folks, mostly from Europe that screwed everything up. It started with that Italian fella Columbus and just got worse from there. If you are white and of European descent you should feel a sense of responsibility. In fact, you should pay reparations !
 Okay, if it makes you feel better take down the statue. Those statues , of almost every kind, have become offensive. They are nothing more than reminders of history. We know history, we don't need to be reminded of it. Should we celebrate Columbus day ? I really don't care one way or the other. The question is, why do we celebrate Columbus day ? Is it really about good old Chris ? The historically correct answer is, No. It wasn't about him, it was about discrimination. It was about throwing a bone to an ethnic group that was being unfairly targeted. Read up on it sometime. It is quite interesting. Not much changes in the world. Now it's time for the white guys to pay the piper. What we need to ask ourselves is, who are we trying to appease ? 

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