Friday, October 6, 2017

media facts

 I posed the question to Facebook a few days ago. Just when did Modern American history begin ? I did a google search and found very little about that. I only began hearing this term after the Las Vegas shooting. All at once the narrative became , this is the worst mass shooting in modern American history ? So, I began to think about that. This was perpetrated by one man, that's what the FBI says. He had semi-automatic rifles equipped with " bump stocks " to effectively make them fully automatic.  He was shooting from a distance of 400 yards from 32 stories up. A story is generally considered to be ten feet so say he was 320  high. That's quite a tree stand ! Somehow he managed to kill 59 and wound hundreds. The worst in modern American history.
 Okay the facts are the facts and that is what we are being told. Just when was " Old " American history ? If it isn't modern it has to be old, right ? Just when was there a worse mass shooting in old American  history ? The real question in that scenario is who did it ? In order to be an equal comparison it would have to be one shooter. What gun did he use ? It is was old it must be a single shot, like a musket or something. Did this person shoot one and then assault the rest with an empty rifle ? Okay, that's just silly. We must be talking about the gangsters in the roaring twenties. They were using Tommy guns ! But wait, we outlawed them and all  the criminals stopped using them. You know, come to think of it they had pistol grips on those things ! That must be what the problem is. If we outlaw any rifle with a pistol grip the problem will be solved ! The addition of a pistol grip obviously makes it a weapon used to ASSAULT people. Well, better outlaw stocks too, you could add a bump stock.
 Back to my first question. Just when did modern American history begin. Must have been when CNN first started reporting the news. They started calling all these weapons assault rifles. It sounds a lot scarier than saying a rifle. They have even managed to convince some people that guns are violent ! Those things will assault you ! I even heard a politician start calling these rifles, weapons of mass destruction ! Don't worry about North Korea manufacturing intercontinental ballistic missiles, it's the assault rifles we need to be concerned with ! If only Russia hadn't rigged the election. If Hillary had won we could just sell some more weapons grade nuclear material to North Korea so they would be our friend. Hey, worked with Russian right ? And Hillary only got seven American killed, not the worst mass shooting in modern American history. But she probably had nothing to do with any of that anyway. It was those darn statues that got everyone upset. That's probably the motive behind this shooting. Give the FBI time folks they'll tie it all together.

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