Wednesday, October 4, 2017

acquiring stuff

  Is it the quest for stuff that is the driving force behind these tragedies ? I can't help but think about that possibility. Is it the anger at not getting what you want, or the perception of that. Is it both ? Just what is causing such anger ? Is it anger ? Is it frustration ? Why would a person respond in such a manner ? That is what we all want to know. That is why it is important for us to know the motive. We do want to know the why.
 I'm no physiatrist, I have no advanced degrees, I'm just an old boy from backwater USA. Isn't that what is sad about those that lack, degrees or fame ? Yes, if you are famous you're also intelligent, that's why so many listen to those folks. Strangely, if I can add a string of letters at the end of your name that will convince some, just not as readily. I do know this much, when people feel deprived, denied, or prevented from doing or getting what they want they become angry. That is when they will strike out. What is making so many angry ?
 I think we would have to begin with a simple question. How do we develop our expectations ? Are those expectations the result of society or are they internal to each individual ? Probably some of both is my answer. Everyone wants to fit in, be a member of society, In order to do that we require certain things. Things are expected of us. Sometimes those expectations require the acquisition of goods. We should have this or that and if we don't ? Well, we are either incompetent, lazy, or freeloaders. Then there are those that have too much money. The wealthy folks that seem to have it all. Just what is it they have ? That is what I'm talking about. What is, having it all ?
 We all have an inherent desire to be an individual. Heck, we can't help that, we are born that way. It is society that shapes us. It is the society in which we live that will plant the seeds of expectation within us. We are told what we should be, what we should become. If you were born a Spartan you would be expected to be a warrior ! If you are born in America what are you expected to be ? You are supposed to be successful and acquire goods. What is the American dream ? To live free, unencumbered by government, to pursue happiness ! That is what we are taught. The thing is the lesson has changed. The lesson now is you have a right to be happy. That happiness will stem from the acquisition of goods !
 That wasn't the original lesson. The original lesson was if you work hard and live a moral life success will follow. Success was having enough to provide for your family and being a benefit to the community. In the beginning there was a common understanding of just what was moral. I'd say that picture has been blurred considerably. Human behaviors haven't changed all that much just public acceptance of those behaviors. I think it is accurate to say, moral values define a society ? I say that because we mustn't forget that it is " we " the people that make the society. If " we " define success by the acquisition of goods, or by fame, many will become discontent. Discontent leads to anger. Anger leads to violence. Is this spike in violence related to this ? I do believe a correlation can be drawn.
 This last act was committed by someone who had means. He could acquire goods. He wasn't famous, is that what he wanted ? I highly doubt that having killed himself before he could even " enjoy " that fame for a moment. So what would be his motivation ? I have no answer for that. I can say he has no moral character. That would have to be absent in order to plan such an act. He had stuff, he was a success by the standards of our society today.
Could it be that stuff, isn't enough ? 

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