Wednesday, September 6, 2017

steady as she goes

 My mind is occupied this morning with so many thoughts. My sister lives in Florida, on the east coast. My Mom lives in Florida, on the west coast. Sure looks like that hurricane is going to get one of them. Fortunately my brother that lives in Georgia is going to get Mom and bring her to safety. Unfortunately my sister is in the hospital with a case of pneumonia ! She can't evacuate but has been assured the hospital is hurricane safe. Naturally my thoughts are with all of that.
 President Trump made an announcement on the DACA program and set people into a frenzy. Nothing is going to happen for at least six months, but they are already protesting in the streets. I saw where 7000 students walked out of high schools in Denver in protest ! Have we lost control of everything ? People were surrounding Trump tower in New York in protest. All at once they are no longer illegal aliens, they are undocumented immigrants, and now they are " dreamers. " I want to know just what is the dream ? If it is to be an American, then you need to first become a citizen ! In order to become a citizen you must enter my country legally ! It isn't that hard to understand. Laws are written to establish order. Laws can not be circumvented to satisfy feelings. Marching in the streets carrying protest signs written in Spanish proclaiming you will not leave is just crazy. At least write those signs in ENGLISH, the predominant language spoken in the host country you are trying to become a citizen of ! Quit dreaming and start doing !
 Houston and the surrounding areas are still underwater and in dire need. That news is being set aside in light of the looming storm called Irma. To say the country is unsettled is a bit of an understatement. Storms and social unrest are threatening to divide us all. I'm thinking I have to turn off the news for a while, stay off of social media and collect myself. I'm heading for the coffee pot. I pray everyone is safe and sound. To coin an old nautical phrase, " steady as she goes. " That means don't panic, get a firm grip on the wheel. I think it is going to be quite the tempest over the next few days.

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