Friday, September 8, 2017

Patroit or politician

 You know what the problem is ? For too long the American voters have elected the candidates that promised to give them the most. The original idea of casting your ballot was to elect the person best suited for the job at hand, that is to say, the management of government. Government was to be run for the benefit of all, in an economically feasible fashion. Then slowly patriots became politicians. That is when the wheels started to fall off ! The republic started to shift to a democracy. The reason for this isn't difficult to understand. In a Republic the power is held by the people through their elected officials. When those elected officials start legislating the power to themselves, democracy emerges.
 A democracy exists when a simple majority makes the rules. The politicians have, through legislative trickery, managed to do just that. You hear it all the time, the Congress makes the rules ! That's true and the way it was designed to work. The executive branch is charged with implementing those laws and the Judicial branch with enforcing them. Three branches of government, the balance of power. Which party holds the majority in the Congress ? The party that has a majority in both the house and the senate is the simple answer. The intent being they represent the majority of the American voters and therefore the will of the people. That works until the executive branch starts issuing " executive " orders. That has been true with every president, not just the current or previous administration. It then falls upon the Judicial branch to either approve or rescind that executive order. Of course that only happens after the fact ! After the barn door is open, so to speak. Convenient isn't it ?  The wheels of Justice turn slowly. These executive orders are not law, they are not the will of the people, but a decision made by the President. Yes, there are situations when it is necessary because the Congress can not act quickly enough or refuses to do so. An emergency exists and that is what executive orders are supposed to be used for. The most recent example being this DACA order. Understand that this is not a law, only Congress can make law. Just what was the emergency ? Was it indeed a national emergency that precipitated the necessity for this order ? If so, what was it ? I can't think off anything and I'm betting you can't either.
 But I have wandered off the subject I wanted to talk about. I was thinking about the responsibility we have to elect the candidate we feel will best suit the needs of the country. I'm as guilty as everyone else. We have a tendency to listen to those of the party we affiliate ourselves with. That is a natural thing. Then we choose the candidate that best suits our needs. There, that is the problem, We are choosing candidates based on what we think they can do for us, individually, rather than what is best for the nation. That is precisely where the wheels get loose. The problem lies not with government but with the people. We the people are the government ! We the people need to take charge, put our foot down and deliver a message. That message is sent via the polls.
 Whether you like it or not a clear message was sent to Washington after the last election. Donald Trump is that message. Trump represented the will of the people. I don't want to hear any sorry excuse about he didn't win the popular vote. Bill Clinton won election and reelection without winning the popular vote. He is just one of five. In other words 12% of the time the president is elected without the majority in the popular vote. The message was the majority of Americans want change in government. The government is too big, too involved in our private lives, and spends our money like a drunken sailor. Yes many are upset with this " interloper " in Washington, in a position of power and authority. The reasons are many. First and foremost however is the fact that he isn't a " insider " he is not a member of the club. He doesn't belong ! This person is going to upset the applecart for sure. All the politicians know these and are scrambling, afraid for their positions, for their status and privilege. The party doesn't matter anymore, it's every man or woman for themselves ! And that is a problem. It is supposed to be every man or woman for the country.
 Now everyone will say how I am a Trumpeter ! I support Donald Trump. Once again I will state a fact, I didn't vote for him. He was not my choice, but he won the election. It is true that I agree with most of his decisions so far. I do believe he is acting in the best interest of the country from a business standpoint. That still doesn't mean I think he was the best choice. Bottom line, he is the President. Is his motivation patriotic or personal ego ? Most likely some of both. Why a man of his wealth would subject himself to the rigors of the presidency is a valid question. It is certainly a feather in your cap ! He isn't doing it to advance his career, that much is certain. It remains to be seen if he does anything constructive. At this point it is my feeling, and apparently a great of America agrees, a little destruction in Government is necessary. He can do that, no doubt about that.  

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