Thursday, November 12, 2015

Safe Spaces

 Safe Spaces. It is something I just started hearing about. Apparently it is all the trend at our colleges and universities. I did a quick, very brief, google search to find out just what they are talking about. College kids, gotta love them. I was just thinking about all these " educated " people in the world today and how ridiculous so many of them act. These " safe " spaces certainly appear to be another example of that foolishness. A space where you can go and not be offended ! Yeah, that is the real world alright. A place to teach diversity while excluding anyone that would disagree. You can learn a lot by segregation and censorship. Must not hurt delicate feelings. I saw an example of a " safe space " on the news. They were protesting at that College and the professor was calling for " muscle " to remove the reporter from the " safe space. " Guess it wasn't too safe for the reporter though.
 The short article I read concerning these spaces stated they began back in the 90's as Gay bars and clubs of that nature. I guess you could say that but I always knew birds of a feather flock together. That has always been so, nothing new about that. In the political correctness of today we don't talk about such things. Yes we do, we just call it by different names. Now, apparently it is a safe space. When I was young they were Gay bars or whatever. If you were straight you didn't go there, not because it a " safe space " but there was nothing there of interest to you. You didn't fit in. Was that homophobic ? Nope, just wasn't what I was interested in, same reason I didn't collect dolls or Betty Crocker cookware. I hung out with like minded individuals. Those entering that " safe space " had best be prepared to hear my opinions. You were certainly free to come and go as you pleased though.
 I have always felt that our colleges and other institutions of higher learning were suppose to prepare their students for the real world. This trend seems to be doing just the opposite. In creating a " safe space " were they can go isn't that avoiding the issue ? What happens after graduation ? I get that high paying job, because, you know I have a degree, but the boss offends me. I sue him, after all I was in my " safe space. " Yeah, that's how the world works alright. Is this the educated way to avoid " bullies ? " Just what are we teaching this generation ? We need to " embrace diversity " and " respect each others views and opinions " but we need our " safe space. " Outside of that are uneducated crude people that offend !
 I only have one thing to say about all of this nonsense. Know your role ! I know it is something you aren't supposed to say anymore, everyone is a star. We all have unlimited potential and that whole narrative. The reality is closer to this : know who you are and where you belong. Be a genuine person, not a facsimile of some pop star or scholar you admire. We are not all born into the same set of circumstances, get over it. The world is not a " safe " place and never will be. People are sometimes mean. I know, sometimes it isn't fair. I should have been six foot four and a professional athlete, but I'm not. Bill Gates has billions of dollars and he isn't sharing with me. That's not fair. Get over it and go make your own billions if that is what you truly want. Or go run and hide in your " safe space " and talk ( making sure you always agree ) about what needs to be done. Don't offend by offering a differing opinion or view.
 I have always known what places were " safe " for me to go into and what ones were not. I didn't really need to go to college to figure that out. I also didn't need a college education to figure what to say or not say to certain groups or individuals. Now it seems like so much of that " knowledge " is a mystery to many. It is pretty basic though, don't talk bad about my momma, my country or my God ! It is not " safe " to do so. If you think about it, just a little bit, you can add to the list. Choose your words and actions carefully. the world isn't a very safe place at all. Is it fair ? Maybe not, but it is what it is. Safe spaces exist by mutual consent, you can't legislate that, that is called censorship. It is sorta against the law and the Constitution but then I'm not a law student. The only real "safety" is in the actions you choose. Know your place and you fit right in. But like a piece in a puzzle if you don't know, try it. Might not fit in though so just try a different spot. Don't try to " force " the issue you might get bent outta shape ! Just sayin'
safe space
A place where college students can go if they have been subjected to ideas that differ from the progressive narrative. These safe spaces have pillows, soothing music and an understanding, sympathetic staff. Presumably, this allows them to recover from the trauma; free from any lasting damage resulting from exposure to ideas that conflict with their leftist professors.

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