Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Quixote and Einstein

 The subjects of my musings are truly random as I have no agenda. I crusade for no one cause. At times I feel like Don Quixote titling at windmills. Reading back over my thoughts a great deal of them do concern morality, justice and acting in a chivalrous manner. If that isn't Don Quixote I need to read the story again. In that story he started out insane and wound up regaining his sanity only to die of despair. In my opinion that was the result of him coming to realize there was really nothing he could do to change the world. His quest, in his own mind, was a failure. He was subjected to ridicule, what we would call bullying today, and died knowing truth. A sad tale ? Perhaps that was his destiny, this gaining of knowledge, but it is just a story. The author was trying to teach his readers a lesson. Everyone who reads that story will come away with a different take. That is true in life as well. And just as in Don Quixote each of us assume a role. He chose Knight. Today we call then " activists. " The same concept applies. There are a number of parallels than can be drawn. I am no activist however, as I have no set agenda.
 I do prefer to cover an wide range of subjects. Life is a complex issue. When you think about all the factors that go into even an everyday decision, you get an understanding of that. Influences abound to make you stray from your course. Resisting outside influences in our decision making is a big challenge. We should absorb all the knowledge we can from others, listening to their opinions and ideas, but forming our own answers to life's problems. We should take the path in life that we choose, not being lead, nor just following. That is key to happiness. I could see myself becoming an activist but for now I am content to remain independent. For much of my life I was content to follow and observe. I dismissed the actions of others for a variety of reasons. I would state my opinions and just move on. Some I followed to my folly, others lead me to a better place. The trick is to find those that would walk beside you, for united we can advance. And isn't that the agenda ? To get all humanity united in a single cause or purpose. And just what would that be ? Now that is a subject that should spark much discussion. We all think about our purpose in being here on earth but what of the whole ? That is to say, what is the purpose of mankind ? Why were we given this intelligence and the drive to advance our species ? Was it merely by chance ? An accident ? Einstein, who incidentally gave us his formula for general relativity one hundred years ago, didn't think so.

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.

Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation, and a foundation for inner security.

~ Albert Einstein

Einstein also believed in the existence of God.
When the answer is simple, God is speaking. (Albert Einstein)
Can we ever know the answers ? I don't think so. We can only hope to find a peace with the universe. Don Quixote never found that peace, instead he found despair. We can allow that to happen experiencing life as Einstein described it ( separate from the rest ) or choosing to embrace the whole. We are all indeed a part of the universe, a creation by a higher power. Knowing that will bring peace. It must be learned one piece at a time. We write the script of our lives one page at a time by our thoughts and actions. You have to keep writing until the very end. It really is up to you how the story ends.

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