Saturday, November 21, 2015

Doctrine of convienenace ?

 I was reading all the postings about the refuges. My feeling is that we should not allow these refugees into the country without a through vetting. Everyone has been kind and not made any direct condemnation of my choice. Still, I am left with the feeling that many think it is a moral and religious obligation to aid these refugees regardless of any danger. I understand that sentiment but it does cause me to ask further questions. Does exercising what I perceive to be a moral and religious obligation justify putting others in danger ? Should my beliefs override their concerns ? Is imposing my belief upon others even a moral action ? In what way would that action be any different than imposing an immoral act upon others ?
 The overriding issue to me is one of safety and security for our nation. Our own government admits it can not perform extensive checks on these people. The checks themselves take anywhere from a year to eighteen months to complete, when they are able to be done. Yes, there are already those here that want to do us harm, I realize that. My car can wreck at fifty five that doesn't mean I should do eighty ! Allowing thousands of refugees into the country when we know that a percentage of them will be terrorists is just folly. I must set aside the faith based reasoning in favor of common sense. I really do have no right to impose that " trust " upon anyone else. It is not a valid argument. An assessment based on the facts is in order in this situation. I can see no facts to base allowing them into the country other than the humanity factor. Sadly, humanity is an emotion not a fact. We must not allow our decisions to be based on emotions.
 I know what it says on the base of the statue of liberty. I have been there and read the words myself. My grandmother entered this country through Ellis Island and stared upon that statue as well. She was sent here by her parents. She did not come here yearning to be free but as a matter of necessity. She was thoroughly examined while at Ellis Island. All her papers where in order as where the thousands of others that went through that facility. Many thousands were also sent back where they came from when they failed to meet the standards. Those that did gain entry did strive to become one thing, Americans. They tried to assimilate to their newly adopted country, a country they chose themselves. That is not the situation we face here. Can you say these refugees wish to become Americans ? Or is it that they are trying to escape a terrible situation in their native country ? Will they " Pledge Allegiance " to the United States of America ? Or will this proposed influx forever change the fabric of America ? I am not so concerned with their religion, as I am with their motives. Is their intention to assimilate into our society ? That isn't what I am hearing about in other places where these same refugees are making demands. Demands for certain diets and amenities.
 I share the same religious beliefs as many of you. Charity does begin at home. I can empathize with those that are fleeing. That same religion and belief system does not grant me the right to jeopardize others. All too often we hear about the separation of church and state. How is this situation any different ? A moral decision is a religious decision. This decision should be solely pragmatic. That is what is fair to the society. If this same society can force a Christian to bake a cake against his religious beliefs ( separation of church and state ) why should that Christian belief be used as justification for allowing potential terrorists into the country ? You can not have it both ways folks.
 Many scholars and some friends have informed me that the United States is not a Christian nation. I have argued that we were founded upon those principles and that in fact we are a Christian nation. Many of those trying to " correct " me where the liberal minded among us. These liberals that say I must bake that cake or take that picture. I must allow same sex marriages. They insist my religious beliefs should not be imposed upon them in any fashion whatsoever. My very religion is assaulted every day. And now these same liberals wish to bring in thousands of refugees because why ? It is the Christian thing to do. They may call it by a different name, that is a popular ploy on their part, but that is the only justification for this. As a Christian I can't help but feel I have no right to put you in danger for my belief. Provide me with a logical reason I should do so.
 The Christian doctrine is not a doctrine of convenience. You can not alter its' premise to suit your individual needs. Jesus taught about personal responsibility and accountability. I need only answer to God. I have no right to endanger you for my belief or the exercising of my belief. Should you agree to that danger is not the relevant factor here. As my liberal friends so readily point out, we are not a Christian nation. We are under no obligation to act in the Christian tradition. Strange now who I hear spouting just the opposite to further their agendas. Me, I'm not having it. When the government controls the people, not the people controlling the government, the republic is lost. These " refugees " will certainly be under the control of the government, much like some minority groups in this nation and for the same reasons. Shall Lady Liberty be killed with kindness ? Something to think about. These are troubling times we live in and care must be exercised. Prudence is key. Emotion is often contrary to the exercise of prudence.
 So what I'm trying to say in my bumbling fashion is that you can not have it both ways ! Either we are a Christian nation and act accordingly or we are not. If we are going to allow the influx of refugees what is the justification ? Are we united in that ? You really can't alter the doctrine to fit the situation you know. Shall we respond in the Judeo-Christian tradition or not ? If we do then we must declare it so. Now that will alter the conversation a great deal. I'm not happy with the choice I have to make but I must make it. To decide to impose my religious belief upon you when it jeopardizes your safety makes me little different than those that would harm.

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