Tuesday, November 24, 2015


  I was chatting with a friend and had some thoughts I would like to share. We were discussing finding a church to attend and how we like our churches to be. Now I'm a bit old school in that regard as I like a traditional church  and traditional church service. I do feel the purpose of attending church is to go to my " friends " house and to be instructed. Yes, I should enjoy the visit but it is not a place to attend a party. Church, for the most part should be a solemn occasion, well not solemn but serious business. It should be conducted in a respectful manner. Holding a rock concert, even though the words are words of praise, does not fit my idea of going to church. That is because to me, that is about praise, not about learning. These outward displays of " praise " appear to be more aimed at showing others how much I love God than learning God's word. As I put it, more show than go.
 Now I understand the churches have to stay current and attract new membership. That is all simple economics. I understand the form of praise isn't really all that relevant as long as the message is heard. I am not trying to say anyone is wrong here, just explain my thoughts. It is not my intent to question anyone's faith. I certainly hope no one takes offense. So, all that being said I will continue.
 The central focus of a church service is the sermon. The sermon is supposed to instruct us. Jesus gave sermons. Our church leaders are learned men and women in this field, the understanding of the Bible. These folks have studied that text and themselves been instructed by their elders. It should be an unbroken chain from the Apostles to ourselves. At the very least that is the perception I always had. With the very few services I have attended in this modern era that focus seems to be on the show. The show of praise. To me that is a given, if I am at church it is because I wish to praise my God and I don't need to tell you that. It's like going to a football game, it is safe to assume I like football. The focus is more on participation than listening to the words. They are distinct from one another, participating and listening. I just don' t see the need to show to you how much I love my God. God is the only one that will know,that is the inevitable truth.
 I think this modern form of worship is just a little too informal to suit my taste. Priests with no collars or vestments of any kind, in some cases not even an altar. No soothing organ or piano. All the trappings of technology create a distance between us mortals and our God. Get on your knees before your God and pray in silence for your redemption. That is what I was taught. Screaming that I love you will not secure my passage into heaven, only works will do that. We are truly like sheep and God is our Shepard. We should be following, not leading the band.
 It is just a different expression from the pious among us, this form of worship. There is certainly nothing wrong about it. The central issue is still behaving in a fashion that is pleasing to our God. The goal is the same, eternal life. The old hymns that I find so soothing are in essence no different than the " rock star " version being played today. I think it is the continuity that I am missing. The hymns I sang are the ones my mother sang and her mother before her. The church where I prayed before the altar was the same church. Stands to reason the same God would be in that church. That was my friends house. I was taught a certain manner of behaving in that house and when others violate that I am uneasy. The uneasiness is on my part. That is my issue alone. In a larger sense it is the issue of aging I suppose. As we age the more we wish to remain. The problem lies in the fact that what remains is the past. There is comfort in the past and security. The future is unsure and holds only more aging. That's the thing, you just keep getting older. It is good to be surrounded by the familiar.
 All of this is nothing more than the musings of a senior citizen. I'm pleased to see the young folks taking an interest. The message is what is of importance not the manner of delivery. Funny thing is what I'm talking about is pretty mainstream nowadays. The church services I remember are " traditional " now. Tradition is associated with nostalgia. Just a memory.

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