Friday, November 13, 2015

learn and repeat

 Have you ever noticed the older you get the more you tend to repeat ? You would think that the longer you have been around the more material you would have to draw from. That doesn't seem to be the case however. It is harder to recognize this trait in yourself but is readily observable in others. It is a curious thing. I guess it is just a matter of having worn the ruts so deep it is hard to escape them. Everyone notices when you do. Sometimes they call you an old fool for doing so, and at others applaud your spunk. Look at the old guy, you go Grandpa. Certain actions are expected from us " seniors " and certain actions are not. Perhaps we seniors should be " offended " that is a growing trend. We are victims of age.
 I believe a lot of this repeating is just a matter of convenience. We already know what others agree with us on and the stories they enjoy. So, we repeat these things with the knowledge of the conversation and probable outcome. In other words, not rocking the boat. That is especially true when speaking to the younger crowd. Teenagers and young adults tend to know it all so there is little to be gained by offering an opinion different from theirs. Once they progress past that stage in life they just become compliant and often condescending to us seniors. They listen politely while dismissing what you are saying as the babbling of an old fool. Their thinking is, times change, move on old timer you don't understand the modern world. They realize they don't know it all but are certain they know more than you do.
 Now once we reach a certain age, and this differs for everyone, we quit with the repeating stuff and just start telling our truths. It is a phase in life I hope to reach one day. I have mentioned this philosophy before, being old enough to say whatever it is you want without suffering any repercussions. That is a concept called " respecting your elders " and I'm afraid I may have already lived past that point. You hear a great deal about seniors being attacked these days. Seniors don't seem to get much of a pass anymore. At least not the way I remember it. My own Great Grandfather had a way of expressing himself that would be considered offensive today. The men around him would always just smile and say " yes sir " or something else non confrontational. It was a matter of respect. The things they said about him when he wasn't present were not very respectful though ! That is not the point however.
 I'm quite certain I tend to repeat myself, it is human nature after all. I do make an effort to remain current and talk about the relevant issues of the day. I admit that it is sometimes difficult to comprehend the reasoning of these younger people. I have to remind myself that they do lack one thing I have a lot of, experience. Experience can only be gained over time. Experience is the filter. Perhaps that is another reason we tend to repeat ourselves, to run it through the filter several times. What is left is our " truths "that we wish to pass on. What lessons have we learned ? The bigger question being, what answers are worth repeating ?

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