Friday, November 20, 2015

fighting faith ?

[ˌīdēˈäləjē, ˌidēˈäləjē]


  1. a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy:
    "the ideology of republicanism"
    synonyms: beliefs · ideas · ideals · principles · ethics · morals ·
    doctrine · creed · credo · faith · teaching · theory · philosophy · tenets · canon(s) · conviction(s) · persuasion · ism
    • the ideas and manner of thinking characteristic of a group, social class, or individual:
      "a critique of bourgeois ideology"
    • archaic
      visionary speculation, especially of an unrealistic or idealistic nature.
  2. archaic
    the science of ideas; the study of their origin and nature.
  This is what we are fighting right now with ISIS. There are other names being applied to this group following this ideology but names aren't important here. There is much discussion about Muslims and the Muslim faith. What is really being discussed in an ideology. Is the ideology of ISIS really the ideology of the Muslim faith ? I can no more answer that than fly an airplane. I have never read their Koran or studied any of their religious texts. I also have no intention of doing so. I do not believe you can understand the ideology of a person by reading a book. They are labeled as " radical " and the label applies. That label can be applied to Christians and Jews just as readily. Both of those faiths contain " radicals. "
 Not being a scholar of the world and how other nations conduct their internal affairs I can only surmise certain things. Those fleeing Syria do to this ISIS ideology is surely a more recent thing. That would indicate to me that this ideology is also fairly new, or at the very least, newly practiced. If that is not the case why would those peoples not have fled earlier ? The time frame I reference is the last twenty years or so. I don't mean last week or last month. This indicates to me that this ISIS is more about power and money than it is about the ideology of a religion. It is difficult to separate the two, I get that, but they are separate. I read and hear many references to the past and the Christian interaction with the Muslims. I only know the Christian side of that story. That both religions claim the same area as " sacred " adds to the conflict.
 How to defeat an ideology. That is the  issue being faced. The only way to do that is to change the ideology itself. Change the belief. How can that be accomplished ? You can not do it through military strength. That method can contain the spread of that ideology but not eradicate the ideology itself. It will resurface. I believe that is what we are seeing now, a reemergence of an ideology. Does it require the complete abandonment of that ideology ? Yes, I believe it does. There are ancient ideologies that are no longer practiced in the world. There are others that are isolated to a certain area. The Christian ideology of the 13th century in Spain was just a bit radical. Did all Christians agree with that ? Of course not. The ancient Jews stoned people and committed other barbaric acts in the name of an ideology. Neither of those ideologies have been abandoned but have been altered over time. I think the Muslim faith has more than likely done the same, for the most part, but is being used as a tool by ISIS. In the Christian tradition Jesus, the prince of peace, altered our ideology to exclude all those acts condoned in the old testament. No more stoning and such ! I will not attempt to speak to the Jewish tradition or Muslims.
 An ideology may apply to an individual as readily as an entire society. In this case it applies to a group. This group appears to be gaining in size at this time. The reasons for that I leave to the experts to figure out. I can only say it is about power and money. That is my firm belief. I base that on history. One only needs to read history to understand that. I have no doubt there are many who genuinely believe in this ideology. That is how you get those people to blow themselves up and commit these terrible acts of violence. History also shows us that power corrupts. This ideology is not sustainable. Those in power will ultimately be "corrupted" and deviate from this ideology. The issue is, we can not stand idly by while it runs its' course. I also think it can only be defeated from within. That is to say when other Muslims, those that share the ideology, decide to alter that same ideology. In very general and broad terms isn't that what happened in Christianity ?  That's how we became Christians. The Jews quit stoning people somewhere along the line but I'll leave that explanation to a scholar far more informed than myself. When will the Muslims quit doing what they are doing ? And I refer only to those Muslims following this radical ideology. We Christians had a " Messiah " that altered our ideology. What changed the Jews ? I can't answer that. What will change the Muslims ? No answer there either. How to fight an ideology ? Fighting faith ? Is faith ever wrong ? Faith is only wrong when the practice of that faith harms others.  Faith is a display of love. How can love be destructive ? That is not part of my ideology.

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