Wednesday, November 4, 2015

An end and a begining

Yesterday I wrote of recording history. Today I must record that my son lost his bid for Mayor by eleven votes. The electorate came out and the decision was made. Once again the American process has been confirmed. The system works. Sure the choice made was not the one I had hoped for, but that is not the point, the people have spoken. I congratulate the winner and offer my support to the administration in its' goal to move the town forward. We are still a community and must work together for the common good. The best way to deal with disappointment is to plan for success. It was an exciting campaign and awareness was raised just a bit. We all hope that more citizens will get involved in the process and gain a better understanding.  An informed electorate is a voting electorate. History was written last evening. We must not forget however that history is written every day and yesterday is not the end of the story. It was merely the end of a chapter. the saga continues.
 The girls, Maria and Morgan , are off to Disney. A stressful but exciting week lies before them. Morgan belongs to the dance company named, " To the Point " out of Ridgely, Maryland. The studio has been fundraising for this adventure for quite a long time. The dancers are all attending workshops with the Disney choreographers. The culmination of this will be a performance in Downtown Disney, on the big stage. It will surely be a memory to last a lifetime. It is an unfortunate coincidence that this was scheduled the day after the election. Now the disappointment of the loss shed a little darkness on an otherwise shining time. It will be a long week for my son and his wife. He will have to get used to the idea of not being in public office and she has to deal with that and being in Disney, for a week, with a gaggle of young girls ! Oh my, stress and disappointment, what a combination. I'm confident they will both work through it and be just fine.
 As for myself, I couldn't be prouder on all fronts. My son would have been the best choice for Mayor, no doubt about that. One can do no more than try. The very fact that he was willing to accept that responsibility speaks deeply to his character. That desire to lead stems from his love of the town he calls home. In this election that dream was not to be fulfilled. There will be other elections, other opportunities. There was some piece missing, some little detail overlooked, that prevented the result he/we had all hoped for. Eleven votes decided the winner, eleven votes. Every vote does indeed count ! I am equally as certain Maria will make it through the week and Morgan will shine on that stage.  Dreams really do come true. There are times when you have to just " keep on dreaming. " We also must not forget that dreams are built, and that requires work. Dreams are not wishes but the fruits of our labors. Dream large and work harder. It is often said history repeats itself, it must be remembered that history is written anew every day as well. Yesterday the campaign ended and the result isn't what we wanted. Today, we begin again.

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