Monday, November 30, 2015

Madness and motivation

 I believe that each of us are here for a purpose. We are not just some random occurrence. The creation of a life, any life, is a miraculous event. We all want to know why. That is a question we all ask ourselves at some point, why are we here ? Can we know the answer ? No, I don't believe that we can. We may convince ourselves that we do, but it is an illusion. We may commit ourselves to a specific course of action believing that is our destiny but that doesn't make it so. It does ease the journey however when that situation exists. Being convinced of ones " purpose " in life is akin to the belief in God. It is a very good thing ! For the believer the proof is everywhere and no outside reaffirmation of that belief is required. For them truth has been revealed. More importantly is that those folks have accepted that " revelation " as truth. That is the key to belief and to faith. The acceptance of truth without reservations. An absolute.
 Do we need to know our purpose in order to fulfill it ? That answer would have to be, no. The purpose will be fulfilled regardless of our actions or inaction for that matter. I do think it would be easier to know what that action is, but that is also not for me to decide. That action would need to be revealed to me, as truth, and accepted by myself as such. Thus far in life I have not been shown that action. That doesn't mean I am not fulfilling a purpose just that I am not aware of it. I may never be aware of it. Could be I don't have the need to know.
 Which is the greater struggle ? To know and attempt to fulfill your purpose, or not know and still fulfill that requirement ? In the first scenario that person would have been convinced and accepted as truth, that purpose. Their struggle would be to maintain that faith, that conviction. In the later it is the absence of conviction that troubles the individual. A feeling of unrest may accompany that absence of awareness.
 There is a fine line between motivation and madness. The acceptance of an absolute is often viewed as a form of madness. That occurs when others do not see that truth. When that " truth " motivates a person to act contrary to what is socially acceptable we label that person mad. It requires the person to do some physical harm to themselves or others, or be an imminent credible threat to do so before it is officially recognized. This " madness " is often used to explain the inexplicable actions of others. It is the acceptance of a false reality that is the underlying cause. The action is merely the effect. That is the danger of adopting an absolute. Doubt and uncertainty are normal human emotions.
 How can we know truth, as an absolute ? That is a matter of faith. Faith is a matter of trust. That trust must reside within yourself and depend upon no outside support. Others may reaffirm that trust and share that truth with you, but they cannot provide it. They also should not be allowed to convince you of anything, the key is acceptance. That acceptance must come from within. That acceptance must not rely upon on outside influences or physical evidence. Physical evidence does not disprove truth, only reaffirm it. It does not limit what is possible, only displays what knowledge we have gained.
 Do I believe in an absolute ? That is the question I began the day with. Why that question is on my mind I do not have an explanation for. Perhaps it has something to do with the beginning of this Christmas season. A matter of faith. Yes, there are absolutes. Do absolutes limit you ? No, they do not. Absolutes are merely the foundation of faith. Selecting the material we build with is our own responsibility. It is the confidence in that material that provides us with peace of mind. Are you certain that you have chosen wisely ? Can any of us know that answer ? Each day provides us with an opportunity to rebuild. Each day a new beginning. You just need to decide what it is you wish to build.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Believing in the magic

Why is everyone trying to take the magic out of Christmas ? That is the way I feel when I see trees and trimmings going up in November. The Thanksgiving day turkey and ham are still being eaten as leftovers and Santa is at the table ! Well call me old fashioned but I don't like it, not one bit. Black Friday sales, cyber Monday and all of that hoopla. How is a child supposed to believe in Santa when they see the adults literally fighting one another at the mall for the " bargains ? " We are killing the magic is my opinion.
 Growing up Christmas was a birthday party. Instead of a cake we put up a tree. Yes, we were taught it was the birth of Jesus that we were celebrating and what a glorious gift that was. We celebrated his birth. A connection between the birth of Jesus and Santa Claus was never established. We knew that if we were good we would get gifts from Santa. As children I don't remember ever trying to reconcile one to the other. I always figured it was a fortunate coincidence. You don't look a gift horse in the mouth ! I knew that old saying well and followed that advice. Don't ask too many questions and behave yourself. Christmas truly was a magical time. The tree and trimmings didn't appear until a few days before Christmas day. As I recall about a week ahead of time was normal. The excitement of that week could be sustained. I'm not so sure sustaining that level of excitement and anticipation can be maintained for a month ! The " illusion " begins to be exposed the longer you watch the magic.
 Now the season begins with a brawl ! Black Friday. We have all heard about what transpires on that day and it sickens me. It is not that I don't like a bargain, I certainly do, but I am not willing to fight for it. The " commercial " season has begun and it has little to do with Christ or Christmas. It is predicated upon making a profit. The focus shifts to what I can get. That is what most children think about Christmas. I was no different, I'm not trying to convince you otherwise, I wanted stuff for Christmas. It was " magical " when I got the things I had hoped for. The list went to Santa, not to Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad couldn't afford such things we knew that. Mom and Dad were just people like everyone else and their funds were limited. Santa Claus may gift you those items, at least some of them but certainly not all. That was the magical part of the whole deal. Just where did those items come from ? When I was little we didn't have credit cards and all that stuff. We had Sears and Roebuck, Montgomery Ward and J.C. Penny. I was pretty sure they were the workshops of Santa. At least he got a lot of the gifts he gave you from those places. Adults could place their " orders " and if you were good they got delivered. It was all up to you.
 As far as outside decorations they could go up a little earlier. After all they were a lot of work and effort to put up. You wanted to enjoy them for a while and they looked so nice at night. We usually just strung some lights around the outline of the house. Some folks had plywood cutouts and such too. By todays standards the decorations were very basic. Those decorations did serve to help build the excitement level. Once they appeared you knew the time was getting closer. The excitement came in waves. At first, right at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, Santa made his appearance. That was the kickoff. Then he would appear at the department stores. The stores would decorate followed by the town and then private family homes. About a week before the big day your tree went up ! The waiting began. It was magic !
 Most of the magic is gone now. Is it because I have grown older or just more pessimistic ? I suspect it is a combination of the two. The real reason for this season is becoming politically incorrect to mention. That saddens me a great deal. It hasn't bothered the merchants very much that is certain. Will Christmas survive ? Of course it will as there is money to be made. That is the pessimist in me. The truth is the magic must be added by the parents. I was very lucky to grow up in a time of magic. As children we weren't told everything and we were told to not ask too many questions ! There was no internet to dispel our myths, only older siblings and our peers at school. Although the concept of the birth of Christ and Santa Claus giving us gifts was never explained, that is how they were related, we knew one was integral to the other. I wonder what the atheists and other non believers do at Christmas ? Do they exchange gifts ? If so under what premise ?
 When was the magic killed ? Was it the internet that did the deed ? I didn't intend to go on so about this trend of decorating early. I guess I got carried away a bit. To each there own. As for me I'm trying to hold on to the magic a little longer. Illusions must be done quickly to be effective. Believing in the magic is the key ingredient for it to succeed. I still believe in Christmas and expect I always will.

Saturday, November 28, 2015


 The ties may become tangled but never severed. This is what I have found so far in my family tree research. Names have changed due to marriage. Divorce and death separate indiscriminately. New bonds are formed and remain wrapped up in the old. Personal relationships may end but the connection remains. Isn't that what is discovered in DNA ? What those results may show can be staggering to some and a healing to others. It is like shining a light into the darkness and you can never be certain what you will see. I haven't had my DNA analyzed but have considered it. The cost is prohibitive for something of whimsy. That is what that testing would be for me, a whimsical trip into the past. I have no great secrets to unfold and have no fear of finding something unwanted. I know of my German ancestry and Swedish too. Yes, I'm a European, Norse, English hybrid ! An improvement upon the originals right ? Isn't that why we create hybrids ? We won't talk about the failures. But, that is not important. Discovering the past is just a matter of untangling the stories. The problem lies in that most do not want to tell the tale. We tend to present an edited version of our lives to others.
 Is this editing a deception ? It certainly would seem so as you wish to misdirect the other person. The reasons for the deception may be to spare the other persons feelings, or to protect your own, but the deception remains. Is full disclosure always a necessity ? No, I do not believe it is. There are some things of so little importance that they may be disregarded. The only trouble lies in identifying what those discrepancies may be. What is of small importance to me may be crucial information to you.  Even the ephemeral actions of a reckless youth may have lasting consequences. What was just a moment to you, impacted me deeply. Meaningless to you, of utmost importance to me. How can I know which is which ? That is the problem with editing. So now the case is made for full disclosure. The reality is I want to receive full disclosure but do not want to give it. That is to say, you tell me everything, but I'll only tell you what I want you to know. Isn't that the way we normally interact with one another ? That is human nature. There are some that are blatantly honest and forthcoming with even the most intimate of details about their lives, I find those folks a bit unsettling. Then there are those on the opposite end of the spectrum. Fortunately the majority fall somewhere in-between.
 The offering of opinions and analysis is sometimes construed as gossip. Women are often accused of gossiping. Truth is, everyone does. A gossip is considered one that passes along information that is not verified as being fact. Opinions and analysis are not facts but conclusions. Our conclusions should be fact based that is true but what if the facts have been edited ? Does that then make our answers gossip ? I don't think it does. It just provides a different answer to the question. If that answer should prove to be of more use or comfort to others am I not then providing a service ? I am not gossiping. I am merely offering an opinion.
 I do think that the measure of our lives lies in the editing. How much do you feel the need to edit your story ? It is only the " bad " choices that we wish to edit. The " good " things we brag about. That too, is human nature. None of us want to own our mistakes. We would prefer not to tell about those, unless it is a convenience to us that is. If there is something to be gained from the telling we will readily admit to our " bad " choices. In fact there are some that thrive off of that action even creating " situations " to increase their stories ! That is editing too, editorial license they call that. In my opinion it is getting to be quite the common practice these days.
 My own story is quite the simple one. Nothing fantastic or extraordinary. Just the run of the mill type guy. I don't have a problem with that. Like everyone else I have had a few moments of fame. As long as you recognize them when they are presented to you they can be appreciated. I look back upon those moments whenever I feel " disadvantaged. " Now if I could rewrite the story I would make some changes. Anyone that says they wouldn't are being less than truthful, in my opinion. I would remove all the " mistakes " and everything would be rosy and bright. That doesn't mean I am not happy with where I am. I wouldn't change the whole story just alter the details a bit. That is why things do become tangled. An old saying pops to mind, " oh what a tangled web we weave ,when we first practice to deceive " That is so true in life and I may add, the telling of it.

Friday, November 27, 2015

The conventional way

 With each passing generation social conventions are modified. It is the most senior of us that notice these changes and find them unsettling. Maybe that is why we seniors sometimes get the label, grouchy. We seniors that just go with the flow or even adopt some of the newer conventions are suspect. Either others think we are becoming senile, or call us fools. Strange how that works isn't it ? If we start to do something that the young folks think is " cool " all at once we're fools. Hey you guys started it so just who is the fool here ? And I have news for most of these youngsters, they haven't invented a thing, only renamed an old one. Most times that old one was discarded because it was foolish ! Ah, the circle of life.
 I am one that believes in observing the social convention. I find that life goes along much smoother if you do so. Bucking those conventions can gain you attention but it is more often negative attention than positive. These conventions were established for a reason. They promote harmonious relations.  It is what is expected. The unexpected startles and may cause fear or anger. Few of us like surprises unless for entertainment purposes, or a gift. The convention is what is expected and it is what is conceived as being the correct behavior or response. Those that wish to buck convention are trying to impose their thoughts upon others.
 I have found myself defending certain social conventions. I have been accused of being short sighted and close minded. The most recent example of this is the subject of breastfeeding a baby in public. I maintain it is acceptable a long as you are covered. I agree that it is just a natural biological process and nothing to be ashamed of. I also believe a degree of modesty should be employed. I believe that one should exercise that modesty as a courtesy to others. There are some that become quite uncomfortable with that taking place in a public setting. Really little different than passing gas or belching, both natural biological processes, but as a courtesy we try not to do that in public either. I could go on with examples but you get the idea here. It is just a social convention that we normally do not openly breastfeed our child in a common public area. The right to do so is protected by law, that is true, but that doesn't mean you should.
 Handshaking is losing it's appeal as a social convention. I expect it is the fear of exchanging germs. Most supermarkets provide wipes for sanitizing the handles of shopping carts. I have had a few refuse a handshake, citing health reasons. They were afraid of passing something to me, as an excuse. Perhaps that was true, perhaps not. Just the act of speaking to a stranger, exchanging a casual good morning or whatever, is becoming suspect behavior. Try it and watch the reaction you get. I think you will be surprised.
 Political correctness is the predecessor to social convention. That is a troubling fact. It is even more so in today's world. Soon we will have to remain almost silent in order to avoid offense. We will need to announce our political affiliations and leanings. Our religious beliefs will also have to be announced prior to any social interaction lest we extend an inappropriate greeting. A social convention that comes to mind that has recently been changed is marriage. Now I can not assume because you are married it is to someone of the opposite sex. My grandchildren and their children will have to ask that question. You're married ? Male of female ? Maybe that is why gay people insist upon announcing their sexual orientation. They are trying to avoid confusion. It does simplify things that can't be denied. Is that a new convention ? Declaring your orientation when first meeting a person ?
 Yes I think political correctness does precede social convention. I'm am concerned for the future generations of Americans. It is the social conventions that make the society ! Seems rather obvious  doesn't it ? The recent modern alterations to our society and those same social conventions lead me to that conclusion. America as it exists today will not exist tomorrow or the next year. America as I remember it does not exist anymore. It is ever the same with each generation. We are still here so perhaps my fears are unfounded. They are still unsettling. It is only the seniors that can see and recognize these changes. That is simply because it happens over time. I've been watching for six decades. Each generation makes some changes. My own generation did so as well. My generation is the boomers. We began a cultural revolution. I'm not convinced it was a good thing. But I don't like changes much, I'm a conventional sort of guy.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Please and Thank You

 This is Thanksgiving day. The Macy's day parade will go on as scheduled and many of us have traveled over the river and through the woods ( metaphorically ) to join family and friends. It saddens me that I hear more about Black Friday than I do the real holiday. It is almost as though Thanksgiving is being observed more as Black Friday eve than anything else. It does please me when I see businesses refusing to open to allow their employees time with family. The cynic in me just says it is good business sense. Whatever the real reason,  I'm happy for that. I'm not " thankful " just happy. I do have much to be thankful for and that is what this day symbolizes. A day to share a meal with friends and family. A day to pay homage to our God and be thankful for our very existence, that we have survived ! Isn't that the tradition and the story of the Pilgrims. I know the traditional Thanksgiving story that we were taught in school wasn't that way at all. That is not so important as the sentiment. To me, the underlining sentiment was they were thankful for having survived that first year.
 I have survived for 62 years and I am thankful. It is only through Divine Providence that I have done so. I owe my thanks first and foremost to God. From there the list begins. There is much to be thankful for and the thanks shouldn't be limited to just one day. I make an effort to remind myself of that very fact every time I feel disappointed. I have found if you list those things you are thankful for the things that disappoint aren't nearly as depressing. It can make some things inconsequential entirely. I do enjoy all the traditional trappings of the day. I often speak of markers and milestones and each holiday is certainly one of those, including my birthday, which should be a national holiday but that is another topic. Thanksgiving day at my home has never been like one in those Hallmark movies on television. Oh, we will have all the traditional fare and share with family. There will be the Macy parade on television and I get to crack the mixed nuts. The actual meal will last about a half an hour.
 I do have some trepidation about the future of this holiday. Political correctness may put an end to this tradition. I hear the mumblings about us " immigrants " and the way we treated the natives. I hear all the talk of this holiday and the excesses associated with it. Will black Friday replace thanksgiving ? Nah because we would then have to have continued support for Christmas and that tradition. Christmas and Christian belief are also under heavy attack. The focus has shifted from a birthday celebration to a commercial enterprise. I am especially thankful that these holidays still exist and are practiced. Will both become ancient rituals one day ? Yes, I'm afraid they will. Won't happen in my lifetime or the lifetime of my grandchildren but it is coming.
 Today I am thankful. I am thankful for life and all that it contains. I have survived another year, made new friends, enjoyed old friends and explored new ground. Just a pilgrim in the universe. I offer my thanks to my God and pray the he is pleased. We say please and thank you. Please is a form of prayer, is it not ? Thank you acknowledges a prayer answered. That is why we say, Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Quixote and Einstein

 The subjects of my musings are truly random as I have no agenda. I crusade for no one cause. At times I feel like Don Quixote titling at windmills. Reading back over my thoughts a great deal of them do concern morality, justice and acting in a chivalrous manner. If that isn't Don Quixote I need to read the story again. In that story he started out insane and wound up regaining his sanity only to die of despair. In my opinion that was the result of him coming to realize there was really nothing he could do to change the world. His quest, in his own mind, was a failure. He was subjected to ridicule, what we would call bullying today, and died knowing truth. A sad tale ? Perhaps that was his destiny, this gaining of knowledge, but it is just a story. The author was trying to teach his readers a lesson. Everyone who reads that story will come away with a different take. That is true in life as well. And just as in Don Quixote each of us assume a role. He chose Knight. Today we call then " activists. " The same concept applies. There are a number of parallels than can be drawn. I am no activist however, as I have no set agenda.
 I do prefer to cover an wide range of subjects. Life is a complex issue. When you think about all the factors that go into even an everyday decision, you get an understanding of that. Influences abound to make you stray from your course. Resisting outside influences in our decision making is a big challenge. We should absorb all the knowledge we can from others, listening to their opinions and ideas, but forming our own answers to life's problems. We should take the path in life that we choose, not being lead, nor just following. That is key to happiness. I could see myself becoming an activist but for now I am content to remain independent. For much of my life I was content to follow and observe. I dismissed the actions of others for a variety of reasons. I would state my opinions and just move on. Some I followed to my folly, others lead me to a better place. The trick is to find those that would walk beside you, for united we can advance. And isn't that the agenda ? To get all humanity united in a single cause or purpose. And just what would that be ? Now that is a subject that should spark much discussion. We all think about our purpose in being here on earth but what of the whole ? That is to say, what is the purpose of mankind ? Why were we given this intelligence and the drive to advance our species ? Was it merely by chance ? An accident ? Einstein, who incidentally gave us his formula for general relativity one hundred years ago, didn't think so.

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.

Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation, and a foundation for inner security.

~ Albert Einstein

Einstein also believed in the existence of God.
When the answer is simple, God is speaking. (Albert Einstein)
Can we ever know the answers ? I don't think so. We can only hope to find a peace with the universe. Don Quixote never found that peace, instead he found despair. We can allow that to happen experiencing life as Einstein described it ( separate from the rest ) or choosing to embrace the whole. We are all indeed a part of the universe, a creation by a higher power. Knowing that will bring peace. It must be learned one piece at a time. We write the script of our lives one page at a time by our thoughts and actions. You have to keep writing until the very end. It really is up to you how the story ends.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


  I was chatting with a friend and had some thoughts I would like to share. We were discussing finding a church to attend and how we like our churches to be. Now I'm a bit old school in that regard as I like a traditional church  and traditional church service. I do feel the purpose of attending church is to go to my " friends " house and to be instructed. Yes, I should enjoy the visit but it is not a place to attend a party. Church, for the most part should be a solemn occasion, well not solemn but serious business. It should be conducted in a respectful manner. Holding a rock concert, even though the words are words of praise, does not fit my idea of going to church. That is because to me, that is about praise, not about learning. These outward displays of " praise " appear to be more aimed at showing others how much I love God than learning God's word. As I put it, more show than go.
 Now I understand the churches have to stay current and attract new membership. That is all simple economics. I understand the form of praise isn't really all that relevant as long as the message is heard. I am not trying to say anyone is wrong here, just explain my thoughts. It is not my intent to question anyone's faith. I certainly hope no one takes offense. So, all that being said I will continue.
 The central focus of a church service is the sermon. The sermon is supposed to instruct us. Jesus gave sermons. Our church leaders are learned men and women in this field, the understanding of the Bible. These folks have studied that text and themselves been instructed by their elders. It should be an unbroken chain from the Apostles to ourselves. At the very least that is the perception I always had. With the very few services I have attended in this modern era that focus seems to be on the show. The show of praise. To me that is a given, if I am at church it is because I wish to praise my God and I don't need to tell you that. It's like going to a football game, it is safe to assume I like football. The focus is more on participation than listening to the words. They are distinct from one another, participating and listening. I just don' t see the need to show to you how much I love my God. God is the only one that will know,that is the inevitable truth.
 I think this modern form of worship is just a little too informal to suit my taste. Priests with no collars or vestments of any kind, in some cases not even an altar. No soothing organ or piano. All the trappings of technology create a distance between us mortals and our God. Get on your knees before your God and pray in silence for your redemption. That is what I was taught. Screaming that I love you will not secure my passage into heaven, only works will do that. We are truly like sheep and God is our Shepard. We should be following, not leading the band.
 It is just a different expression from the pious among us, this form of worship. There is certainly nothing wrong about it. The central issue is still behaving in a fashion that is pleasing to our God. The goal is the same, eternal life. The old hymns that I find so soothing are in essence no different than the " rock star " version being played today. I think it is the continuity that I am missing. The hymns I sang are the ones my mother sang and her mother before her. The church where I prayed before the altar was the same church. Stands to reason the same God would be in that church. That was my friends house. I was taught a certain manner of behaving in that house and when others violate that I am uneasy. The uneasiness is on my part. That is my issue alone. In a larger sense it is the issue of aging I suppose. As we age the more we wish to remain. The problem lies in the fact that what remains is the past. There is comfort in the past and security. The future is unsure and holds only more aging. That's the thing, you just keep getting older. It is good to be surrounded by the familiar.
 All of this is nothing more than the musings of a senior citizen. I'm pleased to see the young folks taking an interest. The message is what is of importance not the manner of delivery. Funny thing is what I'm talking about is pretty mainstream nowadays. The church services I remember are " traditional " now. Tradition is associated with nostalgia. Just a memory.

Monday, November 23, 2015


 Thoughts come in fragments. It is the assembly of these thoughts that define our intelligence. There are also times when we need to rebuild. Rethinking the situation can put the pieces in a different order and thereby change the structure. The results may be on opposite ends of the  spectrum. Good intentions turned bad. I don't believe any thinking man ever reaches an absolute, rather they reach conclusions. A conclusion is just a judgement based on reason. Changing circumstances may change the judgement. These circumstances may force a reordering of our thoughts and hence the structure. The " taking into account " of various factors is what I am talking about. That is why I say, thoughts come in fragments. We don't always have all the pieces necessary to make a reasoned choice. And that is where emotion enters the picture. Basing decisions on emotions instead of facts often leads to problems. That's never more evident than when we try to legislate emotion. No one can tell you how to feel ! Laws are meant to delineate actions acceptable within the society. Good law instructs it does not punish.
A persons religion is supposed to be their ultimate and final law, is it not ? The laws of man do not apply to the eternal. It is in this thinking or thought process that the actions of men are justified. It has always been so and so will remain. There is somewhat of a movement away from the divine aspect. As man learns more of the physical nature of life he feels he can apply that to the spiritual. Man begins to think that he can explain the inexplicable. When men decide they can control their own " eternal " destiny the world will succumb to anarchy. Good law instructs whether it is written by a divine figure or a common man. Bad laws merely punish the offender for non compliance. Then we justify that action by providing " rehabilitation " for the offender. Our latest trend is labeling the offense as a illness and treating the illness. In that way we remove blame from the offender. But I'm wandering off subject here. My point being that the ultimate punishment is our eternal fate, that is to say, what happens to us after death. That is what concerns most people the deepest. That is the basis for belief. No one wants to believe that they just live and die to no purpose. It is the manner of gaining entry to the next world that separates societies. It is also true that one can not concede their beliefs to assimilate into a foreign society.
 If mankind where to abandon all thought of a life after death would all men co-exist peacefully ? No, of course not because what the fight is all about is power and money. The fight isn't really about religion. Religion is only the tool employed to motivate the combatants. Sometimes disguised as patriotism but religion nonetheless. We need to examine the " laws " by which we live our lives. What do those laws teach us about co-existing with our fellow man ? Depends upon which set of laws you're reading doesn't it ? I have studied my set of laws and learn from them constantly. Do others do the same with theirs ? I can not know the mind of others only examine their motivations and the laws that provide that motivation.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Letting the dog sleep

 There is an old saying ,often used but seldom followed, let sleeping dogs lie. It is just a piece of old time wisdom also known as common sense. Once an impasse has been reached further discussion will only serve to anger. It is recognizing that impasse that is the real problem. There are other words that can be applied. tenacity is one of them. When we hold an opinion or idea so firmly that we just won't let it go. Usually that is considered to be an admiral trait but there are times when we just need to let it go. That is especially true when there are no direct actions that we can take to significantly influence the situation. Letting the " dog " get his sleep will make for a more favorable outcome we he awakens.
 I am a person that is often guilty of just such a thing. I'll wake up the dog every time. Then there is another word that is applied, opinionated. Conceit plays a role in that and I am aware of that. I try to guard against that. It is an action that takes years to change. Conceit can easily be confused with confidence. Conceit is bad, confidence is encouraged. That is something that adds to the confusion. There are times when you just feel so confident in your opinion that you want to " wake " people up. That's why we say, " wake up ! " When the other person is already wide awake that statement does nothing but infuriate. Time to let that sleeping dog lie. And the kids today think that using the term " dog " to refer to a person is something new. I don't know how many generations have used that old saying " let sleeping dogs lie " but they weren't talking about the dog. It's the old double entendre. It was used before we even knew what a double entendre was. I think it is a French word.
 I have been learning to just let things go. I think perhaps that is a product of age. I won't go as far as to say it is wisdom but it is certainly easier. I grow weary of the battle more quickly these days. I am more inclined to just move on. I have never felt it wise to rush forward and normally proceed with caution. Nothing ventured ,nothing gained is an argument for swift action. I am more concerned about the loss than the gain. I think that maybe it is just a part of my personality. I can be happy with the things I already have. It is that sense of loss that makes me want to wake that dog up ! I hate to lose at anything, even a discussion. The thing I need to learn is that opinions are not contests. They are not a test with right and wrong answers. Confidence should not be confused with correctness. Conceit is when you believe you are correct to the exclusion of all other opinions. And with that being said, I'll just let the dog sleep.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Doctrine of convienenace ?

 I was reading all the postings about the refuges. My feeling is that we should not allow these refugees into the country without a through vetting. Everyone has been kind and not made any direct condemnation of my choice. Still, I am left with the feeling that many think it is a moral and religious obligation to aid these refugees regardless of any danger. I understand that sentiment but it does cause me to ask further questions. Does exercising what I perceive to be a moral and religious obligation justify putting others in danger ? Should my beliefs override their concerns ? Is imposing my belief upon others even a moral action ? In what way would that action be any different than imposing an immoral act upon others ?
 The overriding issue to me is one of safety and security for our nation. Our own government admits it can not perform extensive checks on these people. The checks themselves take anywhere from a year to eighteen months to complete, when they are able to be done. Yes, there are already those here that want to do us harm, I realize that. My car can wreck at fifty five that doesn't mean I should do eighty ! Allowing thousands of refugees into the country when we know that a percentage of them will be terrorists is just folly. I must set aside the faith based reasoning in favor of common sense. I really do have no right to impose that " trust " upon anyone else. It is not a valid argument. An assessment based on the facts is in order in this situation. I can see no facts to base allowing them into the country other than the humanity factor. Sadly, humanity is an emotion not a fact. We must not allow our decisions to be based on emotions.
 I know what it says on the base of the statue of liberty. I have been there and read the words myself. My grandmother entered this country through Ellis Island and stared upon that statue as well. She was sent here by her parents. She did not come here yearning to be free but as a matter of necessity. She was thoroughly examined while at Ellis Island. All her papers where in order as where the thousands of others that went through that facility. Many thousands were also sent back where they came from when they failed to meet the standards. Those that did gain entry did strive to become one thing, Americans. They tried to assimilate to their newly adopted country, a country they chose themselves. That is not the situation we face here. Can you say these refugees wish to become Americans ? Or is it that they are trying to escape a terrible situation in their native country ? Will they " Pledge Allegiance " to the United States of America ? Or will this proposed influx forever change the fabric of America ? I am not so concerned with their religion, as I am with their motives. Is their intention to assimilate into our society ? That isn't what I am hearing about in other places where these same refugees are making demands. Demands for certain diets and amenities.
 I share the same religious beliefs as many of you. Charity does begin at home. I can empathize with those that are fleeing. That same religion and belief system does not grant me the right to jeopardize others. All too often we hear about the separation of church and state. How is this situation any different ? A moral decision is a religious decision. This decision should be solely pragmatic. That is what is fair to the society. If this same society can force a Christian to bake a cake against his religious beliefs ( separation of church and state ) why should that Christian belief be used as justification for allowing potential terrorists into the country ? You can not have it both ways folks.
 Many scholars and some friends have informed me that the United States is not a Christian nation. I have argued that we were founded upon those principles and that in fact we are a Christian nation. Many of those trying to " correct " me where the liberal minded among us. These liberals that say I must bake that cake or take that picture. I must allow same sex marriages. They insist my religious beliefs should not be imposed upon them in any fashion whatsoever. My very religion is assaulted every day. And now these same liberals wish to bring in thousands of refugees because why ? It is the Christian thing to do. They may call it by a different name, that is a popular ploy on their part, but that is the only justification for this. As a Christian I can't help but feel I have no right to put you in danger for my belief. Provide me with a logical reason I should do so.
 The Christian doctrine is not a doctrine of convenience. You can not alter its' premise to suit your individual needs. Jesus taught about personal responsibility and accountability. I need only answer to God. I have no right to endanger you for my belief or the exercising of my belief. Should you agree to that danger is not the relevant factor here. As my liberal friends so readily point out, we are not a Christian nation. We are under no obligation to act in the Christian tradition. Strange now who I hear spouting just the opposite to further their agendas. Me, I'm not having it. When the government controls the people, not the people controlling the government, the republic is lost. These " refugees " will certainly be under the control of the government, much like some minority groups in this nation and for the same reasons. Shall Lady Liberty be killed with kindness ? Something to think about. These are troubling times we live in and care must be exercised. Prudence is key. Emotion is often contrary to the exercise of prudence.
 So what I'm trying to say in my bumbling fashion is that you can not have it both ways ! Either we are a Christian nation and act accordingly or we are not. If we are going to allow the influx of refugees what is the justification ? Are we united in that ? You really can't alter the doctrine to fit the situation you know. Shall we respond in the Judeo-Christian tradition or not ? If we do then we must declare it so. Now that will alter the conversation a great deal. I'm not happy with the choice I have to make but I must make it. To decide to impose my religious belief upon you when it jeopardizes your safety makes me little different than those that would harm.

Friday, November 20, 2015

fighting faith ?

[ˌīdēˈäləjē, ˌidēˈäləjē]


  1. a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy:
    "the ideology of republicanism"
    synonyms: beliefs · ideas · ideals · principles · ethics · morals ·
    doctrine · creed · credo · faith · teaching · theory · philosophy · tenets · canon(s) · conviction(s) · persuasion · ism
    • the ideas and manner of thinking characteristic of a group, social class, or individual:
      "a critique of bourgeois ideology"
    • archaic
      visionary speculation, especially of an unrealistic or idealistic nature.
  2. archaic
    the science of ideas; the study of their origin and nature.
  This is what we are fighting right now with ISIS. There are other names being applied to this group following this ideology but names aren't important here. There is much discussion about Muslims and the Muslim faith. What is really being discussed in an ideology. Is the ideology of ISIS really the ideology of the Muslim faith ? I can no more answer that than fly an airplane. I have never read their Koran or studied any of their religious texts. I also have no intention of doing so. I do not believe you can understand the ideology of a person by reading a book. They are labeled as " radical " and the label applies. That label can be applied to Christians and Jews just as readily. Both of those faiths contain " radicals. "
 Not being a scholar of the world and how other nations conduct their internal affairs I can only surmise certain things. Those fleeing Syria do to this ISIS ideology is surely a more recent thing. That would indicate to me that this ideology is also fairly new, or at the very least, newly practiced. If that is not the case why would those peoples not have fled earlier ? The time frame I reference is the last twenty years or so. I don't mean last week or last month. This indicates to me that this ISIS is more about power and money than it is about the ideology of a religion. It is difficult to separate the two, I get that, but they are separate. I read and hear many references to the past and the Christian interaction with the Muslims. I only know the Christian side of that story. That both religions claim the same area as " sacred " adds to the conflict.
 How to defeat an ideology. That is the  issue being faced. The only way to do that is to change the ideology itself. Change the belief. How can that be accomplished ? You can not do it through military strength. That method can contain the spread of that ideology but not eradicate the ideology itself. It will resurface. I believe that is what we are seeing now, a reemergence of an ideology. Does it require the complete abandonment of that ideology ? Yes, I believe it does. There are ancient ideologies that are no longer practiced in the world. There are others that are isolated to a certain area. The Christian ideology of the 13th century in Spain was just a bit radical. Did all Christians agree with that ? Of course not. The ancient Jews stoned people and committed other barbaric acts in the name of an ideology. Neither of those ideologies have been abandoned but have been altered over time. I think the Muslim faith has more than likely done the same, for the most part, but is being used as a tool by ISIS. In the Christian tradition Jesus, the prince of peace, altered our ideology to exclude all those acts condoned in the old testament. No more stoning and such ! I will not attempt to speak to the Jewish tradition or Muslims.
 An ideology may apply to an individual as readily as an entire society. In this case it applies to a group. This group appears to be gaining in size at this time. The reasons for that I leave to the experts to figure out. I can only say it is about power and money. That is my firm belief. I base that on history. One only needs to read history to understand that. I have no doubt there are many who genuinely believe in this ideology. That is how you get those people to blow themselves up and commit these terrible acts of violence. History also shows us that power corrupts. This ideology is not sustainable. Those in power will ultimately be "corrupted" and deviate from this ideology. The issue is, we can not stand idly by while it runs its' course. I also think it can only be defeated from within. That is to say when other Muslims, those that share the ideology, decide to alter that same ideology. In very general and broad terms isn't that what happened in Christianity ?  That's how we became Christians. The Jews quit stoning people somewhere along the line but I'll leave that explanation to a scholar far more informed than myself. When will the Muslims quit doing what they are doing ? And I refer only to those Muslims following this radical ideology. We Christians had a " Messiah " that altered our ideology. What changed the Jews ? I can't answer that. What will change the Muslims ? No answer there either. How to fight an ideology ? Fighting faith ? Is faith ever wrong ? Faith is only wrong when the practice of that faith harms others.  Faith is a display of love. How can love be destructive ? That is not part of my ideology.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


 Today is my wedding anniversary. I have been married to the same wonderful women for thirty one years now. I'm sixty two so I have been married to her half of my life. Two thirds of that life is my adult life, although she may disagree, and with good cause. We have come a long way together and have a long way to go. Whatever trials and tribulations we have endured have prepared us to continue the journey. Those things have not weakened our bond, but strengthened them. Yes there were times we faltered, but we never failed. The will to endure is enforced by love. Love is a mysterious force that works for good. In her, I have found love.
 People will say " I can't imagine life without you " and other sentiments of that nature. I have never tried. I have had to face the possibility of being without her, due to my own faults, and that was most unpleasant. My only thoughts then where how to make amends. Last year at this time we were both faced with a medical issue that also brought that possibility to the forefront of our thinking. We both refuse to accept that. My wife persevered and through rehabilitation and sheer force of will has made a remarkable recovery. It was a lesson in life, how fragile it really is and how quickly circumstance can change. A lesson in appreciation.
 We really don't celebrate the day in the traditional sense of celebrations. No party, no cake, no big hoopla. It is an observance only. When the intent is forever, a year seems like a short time to make a big deal over. Some say that marriage is work, I would have to disagree. If you have to work at it, you're doing something wrong. The only thing you should have to work on is your own mistakes. That is because if you truly love the other person, forgiveness is easy. A false love makes a poor bond. It is not a matter of surrender, but of cooperation. It takes two to make a marriage. I am very fortunate to have found my partner in this journey called life. We have walked the same path for thirty one years now, no one carrying the other, but matching each other step for step. I am grateful.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


 Conscience and conscious. Often it is not a conscious decision on our part to follow our conscience. Ironic, isn't it ? But every once and a while something happens that should alter our conscience. Sometimes we are not aware of that in a conscious way. The events in Paris is one of those times. Our good conscience tells us we should help those seeking refuge from the terror, but we are forced to be conscious of the dangers of doing so. A careful and critical examination must be conducted. It is a process called vetting. The issue is how to preform such a process on thousands on people and where to hold them while such a process is conducted. It is my opinion that we must not allow our conscience to set aside that necessity. Truly it is a moral dilemma.
 It is the powers that be that ultimately make these decisions. It is true that protests and unrest may follow an unwelcome decision on their part but the decision will have been made. My concern lies only in that fact that I do not feel I have the right to make a decision that may jeopardize the lives of others. Regardless of any firmly held belief or act of conscience on my part, I can not gamble with the safety of others. Yes, risks always exist, but I should attempt to minimize them, not add to them. That is what my conscience tells me in this particular situation. I must be aware, conscious, of this danger. The decision must be a conscious one, not one of conscience. It is not a decision made out of fear but of reason. It is only what is prudent at this time.
 I am not advocating for the abandonment of these people altogether. We do hold a moral obligation to help our fellow man. I am saying we should not bring the wolves into the flock ! Until such time as we can reasonably determine who is whom it is the only sensible action. Those of a different opinion will display graphic photos of children and women to appeal to our conscience. It is heartbreaking to see these images, no doubt, but we should not be distracted from making a conscious decision. We must remain aware. Like luring children with the promise of candy, they show us these images. Are the images real ? Yes, tragically they are all too real, but we should not be lured in.
 I have no answer to this problem. I do feel that we must protect our own to the best of our ability. The numbers are overwhelming. There is no reasonable way to determine who is the threat and who is not. I would rather have erred and protected life than have erred to say I'm sorry. It is not fear but prudence that motivates me. I do not feel responsibility for the actions of those causing this situation. I do feel compassion for those affected. I also feel the necessity to protect my own. If others choose to judge me as immoral for that action, so be it. I, like everyone else, must answer only to my own conscience and my God.
 I have not heard but wonder where the atheists, agnostics and others professing no faith in a deity of any kind weigh in on this. Which side of the coin do they choose ? If they truly are what they profess would not their decision be based solely on logic and reason ? This decision is not one of religious values but one of prudence. Amazingly, they seem to be silent. We all live according to our own set of moral laws. Jurisprudence, the theory or philosophy of law is being invoked here. In this case it is a matter of philosophy.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Knowing the players

 It was a normal day at the store, although a bit slower than most times. I happened to be at the front while an elderly lady was speaking to a co-worker. After she finished her conversation with my co-worker she looks directly at me and says, " did you know that Scotty had a heart attack ? " I had to admit that I did not. I offered my sympathy and she left the store. What was amusing is that I have no idea who Scotty is. I wonder why she thought I would know. Was it because I was close to her age group and the age of my co-worker ? Did she assume that I grew up in Greensboro and therefore would know Scotty. I do wish Scotty a speedy recovery. I asked my co-worker about Scotty and got the low down. Scotty as it turns out is half brother to a prominent business owner here in Greensboro. The relationship was explained, complete with the small town gossip. That is when it came to me, I don't know all the players. That was the only explanation I could offer for this ignorance.
 I thought some more about that as the day passed. Greensboro is a small town much like the one I was raised in. Everyone knows everyone else and thinks they know their business. Gossip is taken as fact. You know it is true because you  heard it from your first cousins' brother in law on your mothers' side. Well he was until they got divorced. But, you knew it was completely reliable information. When you reach senior citizen status and have lived in that small town all your life you know all the players. That is what I'm talking about. For some reason this lady thought I was one of the players. Ha, only time in my life that has happened to me.
 Now I have lived in Greensboro for over twenty years and so have become somewhat acquainted with the primary players, those that play the lead role so to speak. Their surnames run throughout the town in social and political circles. Old families with old money and ties. Many are related either by marriage or heritage. Their " stories " are always the juiciest and fodder for the gossips. We delight, we of the lower classes, in watching their tribulations. Makes us feel somehow just a bit superior to them. It is a measure of justice in an offhand sort of way. They are people too ! Their social strata is no barrier to misfortune. I am beginning to gain an understanding of the secondary players, the cast if you will. The cast does contain some that have fallen from their lofty perch and others that aspire to that perch. I am starting to place them in their respective roles. One does have to learn the back story before the real enjoyment of that story can be appreciated. Oh the irony that can be observed to one that is attentive. I have the advantage of being unbiased in my observations, not having any connections to the players. It is much like watching a play unfold before you. I'm just an extra in this play. My son, until his recent loss in his bid to become Mayor, was a commissioner here. My role was simply, his father. I was active in the historical society a while back but that participation has waned. No particular reason for that.
 I believe it is this knowing of the players, and keeping the scorecard that makes a place home. The more closely informed you are, the more intimate the place becomes. This would hold true in small towns as well as the big cities. The only difference being in large cities it is neighborhoods. Being very familiar with the " set " is another factor. Knowing all the little places, the secluded areas as well as the main stage. In all of this I am just an understudy. I really do not have a desire to enter the main stage. I am content. I am prepared should I be called, that is my duty, but have no desire to take the lead. That Shakespeare fella was onto something when he said, " all the worlds' a stage. " All you need to know is what " playhouse " you are in. Oh, and a playbill is helpful.
 Isn't it something how our minds work ? One little statement and I was sent off. I feel like I should have known who Scotty is. Why should I feel that way ? And my immediate excuse is, I wasn't born and raised here. I have been here for twenty plus years. Perhaps I have remained more reclusive that I think. I have been known to complain that the natives are not very welcoming, is that warranted ? Maybe it is just a failure on my part. Instead of complaining perhaps I should " take the stage. " Instead of waiting for my character to be written into the plot, I should inject it. Then the story changes. You can't expect a " curtain call " if you're not in the play.

Monday, November 16, 2015

answers and explanations

 Many thousands of words will be written about the terror attacks. Many thousands of words will be spoken. Ideology will be questioned, religions persecuted. The scriptures will be quoted. All the pundits will speak. Learned scholars will explain the motivations of men. Answers will be offered. Responses will follow. Some will defend , others will attack. It has always been so and will continue.
As for me, I offer no answers, no explanations, only my thoughts. For me it comes down to one realization. Until every person on this earth assimilates to the community of man these things will happen. That is what it is all about, assimilation. Before that can happen we need a common culture. Is that even possible ? I'm not convinced that it is. Isn't that the intended purpose of NATO ? Even that is only an Organization to prevent us from killing each other. Ideally we would form a common society and share those common beliefs but that is not the case. That concept is depicted in science fiction movies. The federation of Planets comes to mind. Well the truth is their are many " planets " right here on this earth.
 All of this is man attempting to explain his very existence. Our collective inner sense tells us there is more to this life than this earth. The problem arises when we attempt to define the passage to get to that other world. This is often expressed in extremes. Extremes are used as justification for belief. That justification is solely for the individual. Really an expression of self doubt. It is nothing more than an attempt to appease. An attempt to prove their " faith " and " obedience. " Why anyone would feel their " God " demands the death of others is beyond me, but then I'm not an extremist.
 I am no different than millions of others in this world. I just want to live in peace and prosper. The means to that prosperity is the issue. That is what this is all about. And by this, I mean the method employed to obtain that prosperity. Terror is just one method, there are many others.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Full disclosure

  There are times when I feel the necessity to censor myself. I shouldn't share every feeling or thought that comes to mind. I have come to understand that it not only applies when the things you say may hurt others, but when it also may be injurious to yourself, not in a physical way, although that should  be considered, but in an emotional way. Everyone tells you not to bottle things up but there are things that should remain in the bottle. Exposing certain thoughts and beliefs will change the dynamic and may prove to be an unsettling experience. For those reasons I believe there are things best left unspoken and unrecorded.
 It is a very difficult thing to explain. When you wish to explain your sentiment just for informational purposes, it often comes off as looking for sympathy or compassion. That is the usual way people react to these types of things. Sometimes you just want to talk, not necessarily have anyone listen, but talk. That is something you can do with your best friend. Your best friend understands. Those that do not understand offer a response. There are no responses for some things. Respectful silence can be therapeutic.
 This blogging began as a means of recording my thoughts and memories. It has changed over the years somewhat but the intent is still the same. I am finding however I do need to " censor " what I write to a degree. It only concerns me when I find myself " censoring " because I fear my popularity may be affected. Not that I feel like I have a huge following or anything but I do value the " readership " I do have. To say anything else would be less than truthful. Yes, I contain a degree of vanity. The last few sentences are an example of what I am talking about. Those sentences could be construed as a means to gain favor. The truth is, they are informational. I am far more comfortable with self deprecation that I am with boasting. That doesn't mean I don't have pride however, I was just taught not to be boastful.
 I wonder though if one should speak posthumous. That is to say to write those thoughts and memories down that you censored in life for consumption after your passing. A sort of " tell all " type thing. As a general rule I find those tell all books " interesting " but always feel a tinge of guilt reading them. That is because they are usually written by a living person and it feels like gossip. Should we read a person's diary after their passing ? Had they wanted me to read that wouldn't they have shared it in life ? It is something to consider. If I " speak " posthumously it may still hurt the reader. It certainly has the potential to alter their perception of me. It could work in my favor or crush whatever image the person holds. That's a risk. Do I even have that right ? Is " leaving things " out the same as being untruthful ? Should we live our lives with full disclosure ?
 Some of you may remember Paul Harvey. He was most noted for his " the rest of the story " pieces. Those pieces often explained things and shed light on motivations. I think that is the type of things I am thinking about, explaining the motivation. Why did I do or say certain things. They were always good things in Paul Harvey pieces. Stories of silent heroes. Their actions in life, although unknown at the time, created those heroes. Now, I'm no hero nor am I famous. Most of his stories involved one of those traits because they were of general interest. When it comes to the average Joe that interest would only effect a few. The bottom line is that I would want that story to be a positive one, just like Paul Harvey's stories. The things I do not share must be questionable. Why should that change after my death ?
 I do believe you are not dead as long as your name is spoken. As long as someone remembers you. I would want them to remember me as I was, not as I should have been. I wouldn't want to disappoint. That is the fear. Full disclosure in death is just as risky as full disclosure in life. The only difference being you don't have to deal with the results after you are gone. Self censorship is a good thing. Censorship by others, including government, is not. The question is, should the record be sealed ? Should your death be the end ? Or should you tell the " rest of the story ? " You're the only one that knows it.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Evaluating the results

 Are you meeting expectations ? That is a big question. Are we obligated to make the choices and gain the acclaim that others feel we should have ? How many times did our teachers in school tells us we were not working to our full potential ? That we should " buckle down. " When we compare ourselves to others , how do we measure up ? Do we measure success with the accumulation of wealth and fame ? Yes, unfortunately we do. There was an AD campaign some years back that said, " a mind is a terrible thing to waste. " The ad was promoting gaining a higher education. That was to be accomplished by attending a college or university. The implication being that was the only path to achieve that " higher education. " In order to obtain that degree one must satisfy the expectations of the curriculum. But is that fulfilling your potential ? How can we know ?
 It is all well and good to say I am not affected by what others say or do. The truth in that statement is that we are effected. No man is an island unto himself is another popular saying and it carries truth. We all seek validation, I believe we all need it. Therein lies the problem. In order to be validated we have to meet the expectations of others. We must meet or exceed their standard. The standards of those we care little for are of little consequence. Conversely the opinion of those we love and cherish mean a great deal. So just where do we draw that line ? Living within the society and adhering to that standard of conduct would appear to be the minimum standard. Is the minimum standard enough ? The very word minimum says it is. Anything beyond that is exceeding the minimum. Do expectations beyond that minimum redefine that minimum ? You would have to say they do. That is if expectations are the same thing as standards. The fact is they are not. Should we aspire to the expectations of others ? That is the real question in all of this. Is that the path to true happiness ? The acquisition of wealth and fame is no guarantee of happiness. That has been shown to be true many times over. I will admit wealth and fame does go a long way towards masking the face of unhappiness though. Sure beats being poor and unhappy.
 Just what is your potential ? It is true that it is unlimited. Anything is possible. The most difficult part in this is coming to understand your own expectations. When we satisfy our own expectations we are happiest. Those expectations can be difficult to understand when others are defining them for you. Isn't that what your teachers were really saying ? They were trying to instill a desire to exceed the minimum standard. The minimum is not enough ! Isn't that the message ? Is that same message setting us up for disappointment ? What is the answer ? Raising the minimum standard would be the obvious choice. By doing so however there are those that will not be able to reach that standard. Is that through a fault of their own making, or some other circumstance. How do we then define that ? Is it possible to measure potential ?
 I think as long as my happiness does not cause unhappiness for others I'm good to go. I also should not impose my expectations upon you. I have heard it said, expect nothing and will not be disappointed. There is a certain wisdom in that, although it is unrealistic. We all have expectations and standards of conduct. When others fail to meet those we are disappointed. Our expectations have not been met. Is that a failure on their part or ours ?

Friday, November 13, 2015

learn and repeat

 Have you ever noticed the older you get the more you tend to repeat ? You would think that the longer you have been around the more material you would have to draw from. That doesn't seem to be the case however. It is harder to recognize this trait in yourself but is readily observable in others. It is a curious thing. I guess it is just a matter of having worn the ruts so deep it is hard to escape them. Everyone notices when you do. Sometimes they call you an old fool for doing so, and at others applaud your spunk. Look at the old guy, you go Grandpa. Certain actions are expected from us " seniors " and certain actions are not. Perhaps we seniors should be " offended " that is a growing trend. We are victims of age.
 I believe a lot of this repeating is just a matter of convenience. We already know what others agree with us on and the stories they enjoy. So, we repeat these things with the knowledge of the conversation and probable outcome. In other words, not rocking the boat. That is especially true when speaking to the younger crowd. Teenagers and young adults tend to know it all so there is little to be gained by offering an opinion different from theirs. Once they progress past that stage in life they just become compliant and often condescending to us seniors. They listen politely while dismissing what you are saying as the babbling of an old fool. Their thinking is, times change, move on old timer you don't understand the modern world. They realize they don't know it all but are certain they know more than you do.
 Now once we reach a certain age, and this differs for everyone, we quit with the repeating stuff and just start telling our truths. It is a phase in life I hope to reach one day. I have mentioned this philosophy before, being old enough to say whatever it is you want without suffering any repercussions. That is a concept called " respecting your elders " and I'm afraid I may have already lived past that point. You hear a great deal about seniors being attacked these days. Seniors don't seem to get much of a pass anymore. At least not the way I remember it. My own Great Grandfather had a way of expressing himself that would be considered offensive today. The men around him would always just smile and say " yes sir " or something else non confrontational. It was a matter of respect. The things they said about him when he wasn't present were not very respectful though ! That is not the point however.
 I'm quite certain I tend to repeat myself, it is human nature after all. I do make an effort to remain current and talk about the relevant issues of the day. I admit that it is sometimes difficult to comprehend the reasoning of these younger people. I have to remind myself that they do lack one thing I have a lot of, experience. Experience can only be gained over time. Experience is the filter. Perhaps that is another reason we tend to repeat ourselves, to run it through the filter several times. What is left is our " truths "that we wish to pass on. What lessons have we learned ? The bigger question being, what answers are worth repeating ?

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Safe Spaces

 Safe Spaces. It is something I just started hearing about. Apparently it is all the trend at our colleges and universities. I did a quick, very brief, google search to find out just what they are talking about. College kids, gotta love them. I was just thinking about all these " educated " people in the world today and how ridiculous so many of them act. These " safe " spaces certainly appear to be another example of that foolishness. A space where you can go and not be offended ! Yeah, that is the real world alright. A place to teach diversity while excluding anyone that would disagree. You can learn a lot by segregation and censorship. Must not hurt delicate feelings. I saw an example of a " safe space " on the news. They were protesting at that College and the professor was calling for " muscle " to remove the reporter from the " safe space. " Guess it wasn't too safe for the reporter though.
 The short article I read concerning these spaces stated they began back in the 90's as Gay bars and clubs of that nature. I guess you could say that but I always knew birds of a feather flock together. That has always been so, nothing new about that. In the political correctness of today we don't talk about such things. Yes we do, we just call it by different names. Now, apparently it is a safe space. When I was young they were Gay bars or whatever. If you were straight you didn't go there, not because it a " safe space " but there was nothing there of interest to you. You didn't fit in. Was that homophobic ? Nope, just wasn't what I was interested in, same reason I didn't collect dolls or Betty Crocker cookware. I hung out with like minded individuals. Those entering that " safe space " had best be prepared to hear my opinions. You were certainly free to come and go as you pleased though.
 I have always felt that our colleges and other institutions of higher learning were suppose to prepare their students for the real world. This trend seems to be doing just the opposite. In creating a " safe space " were they can go isn't that avoiding the issue ? What happens after graduation ? I get that high paying job, because, you know I have a degree, but the boss offends me. I sue him, after all I was in my " safe space. " Yeah, that's how the world works alright. Is this the educated way to avoid " bullies ? " Just what are we teaching this generation ? We need to " embrace diversity " and " respect each others views and opinions " but we need our " safe space. " Outside of that are uneducated crude people that offend !
 I only have one thing to say about all of this nonsense. Know your role ! I know it is something you aren't supposed to say anymore, everyone is a star. We all have unlimited potential and that whole narrative. The reality is closer to this : know who you are and where you belong. Be a genuine person, not a facsimile of some pop star or scholar you admire. We are not all born into the same set of circumstances, get over it. The world is not a " safe " place and never will be. People are sometimes mean. I know, sometimes it isn't fair. I should have been six foot four and a professional athlete, but I'm not. Bill Gates has billions of dollars and he isn't sharing with me. That's not fair. Get over it and go make your own billions if that is what you truly want. Or go run and hide in your " safe space " and talk ( making sure you always agree ) about what needs to be done. Don't offend by offering a differing opinion or view.
 I have always known what places were " safe " for me to go into and what ones were not. I didn't really need to go to college to figure that out. I also didn't need a college education to figure what to say or not say to certain groups or individuals. Now it seems like so much of that " knowledge " is a mystery to many. It is pretty basic though, don't talk bad about my momma, my country or my God ! It is not " safe " to do so. If you think about it, just a little bit, you can add to the list. Choose your words and actions carefully. the world isn't a very safe place at all. Is it fair ? Maybe not, but it is what it is. Safe spaces exist by mutual consent, you can't legislate that, that is called censorship. It is sorta against the law and the Constitution but then I'm not a law student. The only real "safety" is in the actions you choose. Know your place and you fit right in. But like a piece in a puzzle if you don't know, try it. Might not fit in though so just try a different spot. Don't try to " force " the issue you might get bent outta shape ! Just sayin'
safe space
A place where college students can go if they have been subjected to ideas that differ from the progressive narrative. These safe spaces have pillows, soothing music and an understanding, sympathetic staff. Presumably, this allows them to recover from the trauma; free from any lasting damage resulting from exposure to ideas that conflict with their leftist professors.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

of utmost importance

 I was reminded yesterday, by a  cousin, of the importance of context. It is within the context of our lives and personal experiences that we form our opinions and beliefs. As we age we tend to lose , no not lose, but forget, our contextual references. It is good to be reminded every once in a while and conduct a review. We also need to remember that not all reference is correct. Sometimes the things we reference were contextually wrong when we learned them. Stereotyping and prejudicial thinking are two examples of that. It they were present in the society in which we were raised, we will adopt those actions as well. If we then leave that same society we will carry that with us. In the " new " society these things are not tolerated. The context has changed. Now we are wrong and we may have a hard time understanding why.
 Context is the circumstance that forms the setting for an event  and in terms that we can understand. In the old society these actions were acceptable, now they are not. Has the world changed ? Yes, the circumstances have changed. In fact several set of circumstances may exist at the same time. Just talk to a younger or older sibling about a specific event. You will quickly discover that their context is different than yours. You were both present at the time but experienced different circumstances based upon personal context. Knowledge may change that context. It often does. Circumstances may or may not explain an action. Incorrect actions are never justified by circumstance. One must change the action to change the circumstance.
 The biggest obstacle to progress that I see is the failure to understand context. You can not change what once was. You can only hope to gain an understanding of the action and place it in proper context. Using past mistakes as justification for present day actions is just folly. It is this thinking and reasoning that is creating this " victim " mentality that we see so much of today. The circumstances of our ancestors are not ours ! We may feel empathy for the circumstances of their lives but that is all. We should not adopt that as our own. Understanding something is not enough. We must act upon that knowledge to gain progress. It is only through action that circumstance can change.
 There are times when we feel our " core values " are being attacked. These values are the things that we learned and adopted over the years as truths. When these truths are called into question our immediate response will be one of defense. That is just human nature. What we should do is place these values in context. Are these " truths " valid in the society today ? Truth and morality are different objects. We should question truth while adhering to our moral standards. Does morality define truth ? That isn't always the case. That would only hold true where there a universal standard of morality. That standard does exist but is often taken out of context to suit the desires of man. At least that standard exists in my mind. Thomas Jefferson attempted to delineate those standards in the Declaration of Independence. Those unalienable rights endowed upon us by the creator. He and I hold those truths to be self evident. Context, it is of utmost importance.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


 Every once in a while I find myself feeling disgusted. I wonder what is happening in the world. I feel like my Dad used to say he felt. I guess that is another indication of aging, when we start to realize that our " common " logic and reason is being redefined. I would say that social networks raise the awareness a bit. At the very least you hear these new philosophies sooner than you would have in the past. The " information " age. From my view the big problem is the propagation of misinformation. This redefining  of " common " logic, I find upsetting. Yesterday I made an attempt at clarification of a common misconception. I tried to define something. What I wrote was, " consequence is the result of your own actions, circumstance is not. " I had to post that as a result of reading a variety of postings about those complaining of their circumstances. The thing was, they were only in those circumstances as a result of their own actions ! You made your bed, now sleep in it ! That is common logic.
 It seems to me we have shifted our focus on prevention. Instead of allowing the consequences of our actions to result in unfavorable circumstances we attempt to change the consequences of those same actions. That is to say to make the circumstances more palatable. Prison reform has always been at the top of the list. To make our prisons more pleasurable ? It is a " penal " system and so by definition punishment is forthcoming. That was the common sense lesson I was taught. I was held to account for my misdeeds, rewards were not provided, nor excuses easily accepted. Circumstance did not drive consequence ! Because I made bad choices, as a result of my circumstance, the consequences were not modified. That, in my opinion is the key to understanding.
 That lesson needs to be taught and reinforced in our children. It begins when they are infants. If the consequences of incorrect choices and actions are not punished the result is evident. It is what we see happening today. Fear is a motivational tool. Fear is an emotion. Yes, children should be should a little bit afraid of their parents and other authority figures. That fear should stem from the knowledge that they will be held accountable for their choices. The fear is the result of consequence, not circumstance. As we grow, and hopefully mature in our thinking and reasoning, the fear of consequence moves to the forefront in our deliberations. What is fear really ? Unwanted consequence or is it unwanted circumstance ? Consequence is the result of an action. Circumstance is related to consequence as it results from that action. Fear is the avoidance of actions that will result in unfavorable circumstances. Some call it wisdom but the result is the same.
 Consider the fear of God ! Will our actions here on this earth result in a favorable circumstance in the next ?  Are we afraid of God ? No, what we fear are the consequences of our actions. That is the fear I am writing about. It is a wise man that has fear. Fear tempers our emotions and emotions often lack logic. Isn't that what Spock of Star Trek fame represents ? Logic dictates that consequences are the result of action, circumstance is not. Then there are regrets. Regrets stem from consequences too. They may be the circumstance you find yourself in. To obtain a different set of circumstances you must change your actions, not the consequences.

Monday, November 9, 2015

My annual rant !

 Veterans day is just a few days away. There will be no parade in Greensboro, no official observation of the day. It is something I have rallied and railed about for years. We did have a parade once. The following year we held a small observation. This year, silence. Gaining participation is the issue. People are just too busy to join in. Well, it is what it is. Everyone and anyone you ask will tell you of their love and respect for our veterans, but they are too busy to do much more.
 I have taken to wearing a ball cap that says U.S.Navy retired on it. My wife purchased it for me. Every once in a while someone will notice it and say, " thank you for your service. " That is the correct social statement to make these days. The social convention as it is. I appreciate the sentiment but am only left not knowing how to respond. I usually just say, you're welcome or no problem. I'm not saying their sentiment isn't genuine but how much of that sentiment is reflexive ? That is to say, " climbing on the bandwagon. " I think about that as I watch the removal of prayer and in some cases the removal of the Pledge from our schoolhouses. I see professional athletes being criticized and punished for displaying their faith. I hear those attempting to justify making fifteen an hour for flipping burgers. I hear the cries for " universal health care " and how it should be free. Our veterans don't receive care and I hear the astonishment and incredulity from the general public. What I don't see is any action to correct the situation. That requires participation. And that is the problem. It also costs money, another issue.
  I am a veteran. It is something I did as a career choice. I was paid for my service. I will not try to convince you I did it for any deep patriotic reason. It was a job, a service that is required. I was qualified and equipped to do that job. I did that willingly. It is something I wanted to do ! I do appreciate it when people acknowledge that service, that job. Everyone likes to hear that they have contributed something of value to the society. I have written about this in the past, I am no hero and do not wish to be considered as one. Let us put things in perspective. I was just one of thousands, hundreds of thousands really. Yes, each person is important and each is a piece of the whole.
 Just as I did last year I will purchase a few flags for those veterans in the cemetery. I do this for Memorial day and Veterans day. That will be my celebration. It is not enough. Veterans day should serve as a reminder and a lesson. Freedom is not free, nothing in this world is free. There is a price to be paid. Whether the cost is your life or just a few minutes of your time there is a price. To ignore that debt is to do an injustice. I just wish the American Flag and our veterans could get the support that was shown for a Confederate Battle Flag ! Our sentiment should be just as strong for Old Glory. We need to remember that Old Glory is not just a name for a flag but the expression of a sentiment. That Glory was won on the battlefield ! It was bought and paid for with the lives of our veterans. It was bought and paid for with permanent disabilities. It was bought and paid for by years of separation and service. Old Glory lives because of new service, year after year. That service deserves recognition.
 That is my annual rant about no Veterans day celebration here in Greensboro. I feel better for having expressed my feelings. To all that would say thank you, I say you're very welcome. If it ever becomes necessary I would gladly do it again.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


 My granddaughter and her dance company went to Disney. It took two years of fundraising and countless hours of planning but they got it done. The highlight of the trip was they got to work with the Disney choreographers and dance on the big stage. Surely an exciting event for all these young ladies. It is one of those times they will talk about the rest of their lives. They will tell there children and grandchildren. For some, it may even be the highest point in their lives, their greatest accomplishment. One can never tell about these things. I once got to sing, with the choir at Radio City Music Hall in New York City ! There were many other voices and choirs there, but that's not how I remember it. I just remember I sang there. It was the highlight of my singing career. That is what I'm talking about.
 I have been getting reports and updates from my daughter in law. The reports and updates haven't been as frequent as I would have liked but she does have a bit of a job on her hands. She has been chaperoning other girls as well. I'm quite certain she must be nearing exhaustion by now ! I did get a report Thursday that Morgan had twisted her ankle and it was being iced.  The preliminary reports didn't sound good. For those of you that do not know Morgan was born with OI. OI is a bone disorder where the bones are fragile and break quite easily. She has had many breaks over the years. The fear exists with any injury to her of broken bones. Friday we heard she was in a wheelchair and the prognosis was grim. The next we heard was her ankle was taped, with that special tape they use nowadays, I can't recall what they call it, and she was going to try. My Morgan is a trooper and will not quit easily. A couple of ibuprofen's and off she went. I heard later in the day she was practicing and the show would go on.
 This morning when I got up I turned on my computer, as I always do. Checking Facebook I see a picture of my Morgan, center stage, flying through the air !  She did it. She has performed on that stage at Disney and her dream fulfilled. I couldn't be prouder of her. Despite the pain and discomfort she did not resign. That's my girl. I can't wait to speak to her and congratulate her. I'm so happy for her.
 I have tried to add a photo to this posting but it won't allow it. I don't know why that is but I'll investigate later. Anyway the greatest thing is to wake up and she that she is doing well. The big event went off and she got to participate. She and her Mom will be staying in Disney for a few days of rest and relaxation. What a wonderful experience for her. We are all anxious to see them again and we couldn't be prouder ! Morgan you done good ! As for Maria, we all miss you too ! We love you guys. Waiting to hear all the stories and tales of adventure. A milestone has been passed and the journey continues !

Finally got it ! That's her center stage flying high

Saturday, November 7, 2015


 I joined AARP some time back but have yet to use any of the benefits. I receive a lot of correspondence from them however and I'm thinking it will come in handy one day. They send all kinds of offers for vacation resorts and such at " amazing " bargains. Hey AARP, I'm retired not a millionaire, you can't travel too far on social security ! I do find some of the ads a bit condescending. It is almost like they are arranging " play dates " and explaining things to us seniors like we are children. Everyone in the pictures are wearing sweaters and orthopedic shoes too ! News flash, I wear sweatshirts and sneakers most of the time. And my sneakers have laces in them, not Velcro closures.
 Another thing I receive in the mail all the time now are offers for life insurance. No medical exams necessary, guaranteed coverage. You can buy it in units ! Well I may be old but I ain't stupid. You can by all the insurance you want, but guess what ? You're still gonna die ! As far as guaranteed coverage, yup they will put the dirt over me. A medical examiner will determine if I am dead or not. So there is a medical exam after all. Now there is a job that takes a lot of training, I believe I could tell if you are dead or not and I don't even have a first aid badge from boy scouts ! I don't know it just annoys me to think I have to pay to die. I think that should be a freebie.
 We all have to think about these things I suppose, it is a part of the aging process. They call it gaining maturity. Someone always has to pay. That is a simple fact of life, nothing is free. It just bugs me that I have to take out a mortgage on my final resting spot. I have determined I am not buying a box but a can. The can is cheaper and won't rot. If it was allowed my ashes would be placed in an old Folgers coffee can. I may not be able to drink it, but I can smell it. And then you have to buy a rock or a bronze plague. There is one more expense as well, perpetual care. It's a racket I tell ya. What care ? Mowing the grass ? I've had to do that most of my life, it is time for someone else to do it anyway and now you want me to pay for that ?
 I have seen advertisements for a new burial plan. Your ashes are contained in a soil mixture that grows a tree. They literally plant you. The tree grows and is a lasting tribute. I'm not crazy about that idea though. First is the issue of dogs, they don't just pee on fire hydrants you know. Secondly, somebody might chop you down. And last, but not least, I would be exposed to the weather, year round. Sure in the spring and summer it might be alright but come winter I get stripped bare and left in the cold ! No thanks.
 Life insurance, what a racket. You are insuring something you know you are gonna lose. No matter how much I buy it will not replace my life. As for relieving the stress and worries of your loved ones, hey, I'm the one that is dead ! That's pretty serious so what are you stressing about ?  I have paid the mortgage most of my life and when I get to collect, I'm dead ! Now that is stress. AARP just keeps sending me all these offers. Guess they figure they better hurry up, I might not be around much longer. Well what they don't know is that I don't even own a cardigan and I don't need diapers. I have done all the traveling I care to do and I don't plan on dying. Yes, I'll die one day I don't need insurance to do that, that 's why things come with a lifetime guarantee, doesn't matter much after you're dead does it ! I'll stop working then too. Funny thing about all this is I paid to join. The wife and I both did. Nothing is free. You take out insurance, just in case, isn't that the reason ? Except for life insurance that is, that's a certainty. But when it is time to collect somebody else does the collecting. On the bright side it is the only " sure bet " in life, only thing is , you have to die.