Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Thinking in generations

 Yesterday I got to spend the day with my grandchildren. Now that, is a gift. Shyann lives in Oneonta, New York so she is my out of town granddaughter. I can see the family resemblance in her features. What a joy to see her interacting with her cousins. They seem a little old to just say they were playing together. It was more than play, it was an interacting of personalities. Fortunately there were no conflicts ! That can happen quickly enough in families and with friends. Shyann had brought a friend of hers along. So, in a way I had another " adopted " grandchild for a day or two, a bonus gift you might say. Shyann returns to her home today and I will see her again in a few months, most likely. At the rate she is growing she'll be an adult by then ! It is an amazing thing just how quickly they do grow and mature. When they are absent from your presence for a few months the change can be stark. I don't think it as evident with us " old " folks. I looked old last year and still look old this year. I see the changes in the mirror but I don't think the " kids " notice as much. One day they will, just like I did with my grandparents and parents. It is rather surprising to discover that your mother is now " old. " It is a strange thing indeed.
 When I was growing up I had a lot of family in town. My Mom came from a family of ten children so there were cousins galore. The funny thing is, I didn't know most of them. I went to school with them, heard their names, even shared classes with some but didn't know them. The reason for that is a simple one, Mom didn't interact with her brothers and sisters that had children. Now, I can't say why that was but that is the impression I got. I knew two aunts quite well, both married, and neither had children. I met some of my cousins but didn't interact with them. I'm thinking that I missed out. It would have been nice to hear their stories. Could they have been the harbinger of family secrets ? If so, I was denied the message. Childhood stories and memories are always the best. They are often told unencumbered by pride or vanity and childhood memories are treasured as truth.
 As most of you reading this post would know yesterday was my birthday. I turned the odometer to 62. I couldn't help but think about the generations before and after me. I personally knew my Great Grandfather. I remember him quite well as a matter of fact. I was fourteen when he passed. I knew one Grandmother. That's two generations right there. There is Mom and Dad, myself, my kids and the grandchildren, that's another three ! A total of five generations, so far. Something, isn't it when you look at it that way ? I hope I see generation six ! It is also amazing how few of those people, directly related by blood, I did actually know. The number I could have known and met is quite a bit larger, I'm sure. Thanks to social media that is changing a little bit. I have connected with some of the " tribe. " I am always pleased to do so. I have noticed that not everyone shares this sense of family as closely as I do. I understand that, strangers in the family. Even though we are related by blood and marriage I am a stranger to many. Many are strangers to me. It is the same in a town or city or the world for that matter. We are all strangers until we meet. I think meeting your family is a good place to start..
 It was a wonderful birthday and one I will remember. There are other family times ahead. The holidays will be upon us in no time flat. The grandchildren are growing up and I am pleased that they " know " each other. I am sure they will remain in contact with each other throughout their lives. Maybe they will one day tell stories of Grandpa and Grandma to their grandchildren or even great grandchildren. But that is several generations from now. Yup, I'm that old I think in generations now.

Morgan,Mark,Shyann and friend Jessica 

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