Monday, July 20, 2015


 So today I am sixty two. Time to get serious about this thing called life. No more fooling around, going to work and making big plans. No sir, I can collect my social security check now and just enjoy being socially secure. It is what I have been told to work toward my whole life, this goal of retirement, and I have accomplished it. It has taken sixty two years ,that is true, and I could defer it for many more but I'm done taking risks. Give me the money ! A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, isn't that correct ? Everyday is a gift, that is why they call it the present. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed. So I'm gonna do what I want to do, right after work today.
 I will say this much. I have found as long as you have what you need, life is good. Don't let anyone tell you what you need. You are the only one that can define that. There are many people out there that will try to influence that, they do it your entire life, but don't let'em. Just be polite and thank them. Following that go about your business, getting what you need. You do have to earn whatever it is you require. Examine closely your desires and needs. Material needs are easily defined, it is the spiritual that is of most concern. It is your spirit that will carry you the rest of the journey. That is always true regardless of age. We may become infirm, unable to provide for our own material needs, but it is our spirit that will carry us. You must nourish the spirit. A healthy spirit is one with the whole. There is more to this life than you and your needs.
 That is the whole maturity thing, understanding that last statement. And I mean really understanding it and all its' implications. We think of working to make a living. True, we work to earn a living, but we build a life. Building takes tools and materials. There are those that have many materials  but no tools and vice versa. The ones that may appear to have the most often times possess the least. There is a delicate balance to be achieved. It takes a true craftsman to build an enduring house that is both comforting and practical. A home where everyone lives in harmony. A home should be a spiritual sanctuary. Isn't that why we call a church the house of God ? It certainly makes no difference if it is an old country church or the grandest cathedral, it is home. It is the same within ourselves. It is not what it looks like that is most important but rather what " it " contains.
 So today I am sixty two. My house is built. I need to inventory the contents of that house. Time to clean out the unnecessary stuff and sort through the clutter. As with all things of quality, it takes time. That is what retirement is for, giving you a bit more time. I hope I have a lot more time because it looks like it is going to be a big job ! I had best get at it. Time to share my left over materials and loan my tools to the next generation. Retirement is the time for instruction. A time to teach. A time to reflect and make corrections. A time to bolster the spirit. Retirement isn't really about you, it is about life. 

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