Saturday, July 11, 2015

An experiment

 I see people come and go from the pages of Facebook. Some explain their reasons and others just disappear. I can fully understand why they choose to do so. Facebook can be a negative place if you allow to become so. It is best to enter with blinders on some days. It is almost cyclic in nature. That makes sense since we all operate on cycles. Yes, we know about women's' " cycles " but men have'm too ! Like the rising and falling of the tides or the cycles of the planets, it happens. To the ones I call my friends, I'll miss their presence. Even the ones I don't often interact with but read their postings I'll miss. Facebook is a social network and I try to be social. That is where the wheels sometimes fall off though, in this social experiment we call Facebook. It has only been around about eleven years. When you are 62 eleven years is an experiment ! So far it is doing alright, my big complaint being the advertising. I can ignore the ignorant comments and drama for the most part. As in any endeavor there are pitfalls. I know, I have wandered into a few of them myself. Well, like I said , this is just an experiment.
 I do find it interesting if you follow the comments of others that are, shall we say, less than consistent. For me, it's like watching a train wreck, it's tragic but you just have to watch. I wonder if these individuals read or even understand their own postings ! I see more flopping around on topics than a fish on a hook. Often it causes my finger to flutter above the keyboard but I have learned some restraint. I can tolerate just about any opinion from anyone if they are consistent in its' offering. If they are not I judge them to be insincere. Sometimes I feel like they are just " stirring the pot " as the old saying goes. That is one of the pitfalls I mentioned earlier, I have to resist a response.
 Another interesting thing I see happening is the airing of the dirty laundry. At least that is 3hat my mother would have called it. Exactly why you would place your " unmentionables " in the public eye is beyond me. Whatever personal issues I have with another person should be left that way, personal. In the same vein I fail to understand why I would wish to tell everyone about my own shortcomings. Is it the eliciting of sympathy that is the motivator ? Could be I guess but I take little comfort in the " I'm sorry " from the person I elicited the response from. Wouldn't it be easier to just ask ? Ah, I don't know.
 As a rule I don't normally block anyone. I have done so but the fault lies with myself, not the other. I have since learned just don't " visit " with those that annoy you. You can still be neighbors but you don't have to socialize. I find it best to just ignore them altogether. I will continue to point out my observations and make my sometimes snide remarks, but I do attempt to temper that behavior with good judgement. Not saying I always succeed. For the most part I enjoy posting my pictures and exchanging pleasantries with others. I'm no different than anyone else I enjoy positive feedback. I like to share. Sharing implies an exchange, and when I share something I am expecting something in return. Sounds selfish when put that way but it is the reality. I'm hoping for the positive, others apparently are trying to gain the opposite. The important part in all of this interaction to to remain true to who you are. It is all too easy to " transform " yourself in this cyber world of today. Another temptation. It is another element to this "experiment " we call Facebook. 

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