Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Making choices

 Too many choices makes it difficult to choose. Now isn't that a dilemma to be faced with. Like the proverbial kid in the candy store it can be overwhelming. Maybe we should limit our choices ! I'm just sayin' it would make everything a lot easier. But then again, I tend to see things in black and white, guess that is a carryover from my television watching days as a kid. That is all it was back then and truth be told the moral lessons we were taught were the same way. There was right and wrong. It isn't that way so much anymore, things have become a little foggy. There is right, wrong, and then there is this area where, well, I'm not sure what you call it. You can't say it is wrong without being labeled and you can't say it is right without the same label being applied, so just what is it ? And that is the choice we are faced with.
 When I was younger we called that second guessing but now it is called open minded. I think second guessing is the more accurate term of describing that choice. The reason is a simple one, if you don't know, you're guessing. Of course there is always the problem of, how will you know you don't like   it if you don't try it ? That is where the open mind part comes in. Thing is we are talking about right and wrong here not a piece of candy. Choosing wrong is never the right thing to do. We can know what is wrong by the actions of others and the results of those actions. History is rich with those lessons. Einstein himself said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I would say doing different things and expecting the same result is just as crazy ! That is why the defining of right and wrong. You don't need to try everything in the candy store to know that you will get sick. The lessons of the past clearly show us the way.
 It seems to me that we have entered a period where we want to try " new " things and " new " ways. Just why we think these " new " ways are correct I can't explain. The reality is there is really nothing new under the sun. All of these things have been tried and practiced before. There is a reason they fade away and resurface. They fade away because they do not work, they're wrong actions, and then another generation has to try it as a " new " discovery. It is easier to allow than to discipline. That is true whether we are taking about a crowd or ourselves. Living a decent and moral life requires discipline. It is also required in society.
 All of this can be seen in the rise and fall of empires. Throughout history it has been repeated with the same result. It is the fate of man. We keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Maybe Einstein was onto something there. It is discipline that gets the results, not rewards. And that, in my opinion, is where we are going wrong today. And with that statement I jump from the soapbox to the ground !

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