Friday, July 10, 2015

A full explanation

 I've had the title for a book in my head for some time. I wonder if other writers ever have that happen to them ? This title is just an idea, a concept you could call it. I believe it will take an entire book to fully explain it.  I'm thinking that is what makes a good book, a full explanation. Whether the book you're writing is fiction or not would make little difference, you would still have to fully explain the " story. " After all, it is just a matter of facts versus fiction anyhow. Often when I'm writing about the things I care about I base my thinking upon my feelings, my opinions. They are my facts but in reality fall into the fiction category. The lines can be easily blurred. That is where the full explanation part comes in. A thorough examination of my thinking is in order before I put it to print. Problem lies in " change. " I have found that I change my opinion based on other facts uncovered during the review process. Maybe that is why people like to write fiction, you can just make it up and don't have to worry about facts at all. That would certainly simplify things. It is just that that is not what I want to write about. I'm not interested in being a storyteller I really want to leave some words of substance behind. Call it vanity if you will, but I want my words to be more than an amusement. I want them to inform ! It should also be an interesting story to read. I don't want to write a text book.
 So, I've got the title and I believe it to be a good one. Now I just have to fully explain the story. It is that undertaking that is daunting, to say the least. I'm thinking I would have to start with an outline of the major influences in my life, so far. That in itself is something I am having difficulty with. Are we really aware of the things that influence us ? Or is it that we believe we think these things up ourselves ? I mean, do I like the music I listen to because of my choice or is it because that is what everyone else was listening to at the time ? Was it a " forced " relationship ? That would require a full explanation as well. Call it peer pressure or social pressure, whatever, but it could be considered a " forced " relationship. But, if we remove all of that and just do whatever we feel, wouldn't that lead to anarchy ?  Social pressure, and to a certain extent peer pressure, is what forms our character. We are born into a society  It is our journey through that society that is of interest to me. The observation of life as it were. I would like to leave a full explanation. I don't owe that explanation to anyone, I would like to offer it however as fodder for thought. One of the great gifts one can give to another is food for thought. It is what causes growth. If you can shine a light into the darkened corners discoveries will be made. Perhaps those discoveries will be of help to others taking their journey.
 I don't believe I could leave a map or travel plan for any other person to follow. Each of us have to travel in our own way. I may point out some of the highlights and pitfalls of the journey however. I can recommend a few good places to rest. I can tell you where some of the roads lead and which ones are the high ground. That is about all I can do. I am thinking that if I were to fully explain my journey it would make an interesting tale. I also think others may be prompted to take a look at their own journey. It isn't so much I want to teach anyone anything as to make them aware. It is awareness that increases knowledge. Or as Mom would say, pay attention. It's all in the details. It does no harm to read the road signs along the way. I've missed a few and took a few wrong turns. There are times when I just wanted to turn around and go back home. Well, let me explain. But that will take a book I'm afraid. 

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