Thursday, July 23, 2015

Marking the days

Another year has passed. Yes, I know it is July the 23 but being born on July the twentieth that is when my year begins and ends. Pope Gregory the X111 started the calendar we all use today but God himself started my year. So, I think the Pope was superseded. I know a number of peers that were born right around this same time. I don't know what was happening in October of '52 but the locals were " gettin' busy " as the kids say today.
 How long do you save your birthday cards ?  I usually keep them around for a week or so then they are put away or trashed. I do have some that have survived for years but not because of a conscious effort. I suppose it is a sign of age but I find the price of cards outrageous. I think that is why Hallmark started that slogan " when you care enough to send the very best ", to discourage us from buying the discounted variety. It is a form of shaming ! Do you look to see if it is a Hallmark ? Be honest now. I do not but will sneak a peek at the price just because I like to be outraged at the price. Isn't that a strange quirk ? It is the same reason we look in the handkerchief after we blow our nose. Curiosity. It killed the cat but then again, the cat has nine lives and we just gotta know.
 Now my calendar isn't really centered around my birthday. I have had to come in line with the rest of the world. I don't think it's right but it is what it is. There is no big build up to my birthday like there is to Christmas. That makes sense because of whose birthday it is. So, I can understand that reasoning. Still, I think there should be more excitement generated than there is. The word needs to get out there ! I admit I was quite flattered and impressed with all the birthday wishes I received on Facebook this year. I do believe it is the most I have ever received ! It felt great ! My special day.
It was a day that qualified me for social security. A milestone reached. That program was only eighteen years old when I was born. I have paid into it for forty six years. Thank you Mr. Roosevelt and as much as I hate to say it, the democrats. They passed it. I won't get into politics here today.
 I do not want to get morbid here but I find this interesting. In years past when someone died the number of years, months and days were often recorded on their headstone. I think that was because each day was important to them. What I mean to say is, they were very much aware of that, more so than we are today. Now all we see is the day and date inscribed. The math is left up to us. Is that a result of a change in awareness or just a cost thing ? I want a marker and I want it to say exactly how long I was here. Well, the hours don't have to be recorded but it wouldn't hurt anything. It just seems like a little more thought went into their lives and less a reporting of a fact. I don't know just strikes me as more personal. So I am 62 years, two days old. And I have learned that 62 years, three days isn't guaranteed. I will say I'm pretty confident though. Still making plans.
 Next year is a leap year so I have to wait an extra day to reach 63. That makes it a bonus year. So, I will have been born in '53 and turn 63. The year will be '16. Of course it would have to be pointed out that it is a different millennium ! We can pretty much just write '16 now and most will know it is 2000 and sixteen. You don't hear that much though, that concotation. I remember Grandpa saying stuff like, back in '08  and you knew it was 1908. Now I'm saying I remember back in '69 and I graduated in '71. '71 doesn't seem that long ago to me but to the grandkids, you mean 1971 ? Wow. Yeah well, time moves ever forward and I'm marking the days. 

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