Friday, July 17, 2015

the last bad thing

 I see in the news that the president is commuting the sentences of 42 felons. They are non-violent criminals, just some drug dealers, and therefore should not be incarcerated. They are really only there because, you know, they are black and the system is against them. The other problem is the cost of confining them. We can save some money by just letting them go. Well, at least the money for the prison , the assistance and other benefits these commuted felons may receive is not being discussed. I'm quite certain the taxpayers will be providing something ! Perhaps an educational opportunity or training program of some type.
 Well I can see that because ,after all, it was only a little criminal. Now that we have decided that there are different degrees of right and wrong. Yes, you can only be a little criminal or a full on crook. It all depends upon the circumstances. If you are poor and not well educated selling drugs is not so bad, if you are affluent and have a degree that's a crime ! The media likes to  report things that way and it is all a part of the social agenda. If you can rationalize your actions well enough they are accepted as " understandable " and may even be embraced. Oh, the poor criminal, he is just being singled out. Singled out because he committed a criminal act ! That's not fair.
 The bottom line in all of this is, not surprisingly, money. That is the excuse used to legalize marijuana in some areas. It is cheaper to not enforce the law so we rationalize that and remove the criminal element. Money problem solved. We will become concerned with the social aspects later on, after it is too late. Then we can spend more money on " rehabilitation " and " recovery " programs. But we don't need to do that just yet. Our prisons are full of convicted criminals. It is costing too much. Well, some of them are not so much criminals as just mischievous folks. They are not violent, turn em loose. It is cheaper to do that. On the outside they will have to pay for some things. Of course they may also take advantage of social programs to receive funds and continue their mischievous ways. They have just been sent the message that what they did wasn't that bad ! As long as you're not violent, it's okay.
 I just find it troubling when we, as a society, reach a point where we cannot even say what is right and wrong. We have become so obsessed with being " open minded " and having " tolerance " that we no longer will just say, that is wrong ! Unless it is violent that is, that is wrong. Violence is always wrong. Everything else we choose to do can be justified. We can find a reason, even if it just because that is what I choose to identify as. Never mind reality, let's just ignore that aspect. If it causes undue expense or interferes with my personal life choices, do not enforce the law. It is better to rewrite human history and traditional morality ! It's cheaper and makes me feel validated. There is no wrong, except violence, Violence is always wrong. When violence is committed against us we must not respond with violence. Let's just talk about it and make some concessions. To do anything else is just warmongering !
 The really troubling part in all of this is that we will reach the point of violence. Eventually violence will become justified, it always does. It will be the government that begins this violence against the citizens. It will begin with those citizens resisting the social agenda. The truth is it has already begun. It may not appear as violent, this inhibiting of our freedom, but it is. Forceful compliance is a form of violence. Don't believe that ? Ask those currently being affected. It has begun with the imposition of fines and penalties for speaking out against government interference in our personal and religious lives. I don't want to sound like a chicken George but it is becoming clearer every day. This country began with a revolution, violence was justified. It is the last " bad " thing. Given time and circumstance it will be justified once more.

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