Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Act your age

 How many times I heard that phrase, act your age. Well the truth of the matter is we do " act our age " most of the time. The fact is our age has very little to do with years. It is only those observing from the outside that impart that advice upon you. It is agility and mental acuity that define our age. How mobile we are and just how sharp we are. When we retain those things into our " mature " years others are often concerned when we don't " act our age. " But it is a two edged sword, this aging, because those of us becoming aged are not always aware of it. It is a mental thing of sorts, I know I can't run as fast as I did when I was twenty, but I can still run ! Same thing right ? I may not be quite as steady on the ladder but I'm not falling off either. You get the point here, don't you ? Oh, and don't have too much fun, act your age, or others will accuse you of being senile, or worse, demented !
 Seriously though this whole age thing is a sham. When we were children we were constantly told to " grow up. " We were cajoled constantly about responsibility and accountability. You need to " grow up " and become productive members of society. Get a career, raise a family and contribute. Then ,having done that and reaching retirement age, a time when you should be able to just relax and enjoy yourself what are you told, " act your age " you're too old for that ! What are you talking about, I'm just fine. But you are a " senior. " And just what does that imply ? A senior is in their last year and getting ready to graduate. That was always a goal throughout our lives. First grade school, high school and college. We graduated. Then we graduated in our careers eventually becoming the senior members, the one with all the experience. Then we graduate ? No, we retire and what does retire mean ? To quit, that what it means. As in, I retire from the game. Well, I'm not ready to retire from the game, I just want to change positions on the team. I want to be the Captain now, I'm in charge here.
 I began thinking about this after a talk with my sister. The talk was about Mom , of course. Mom is eighty five now, but she doesn't know that. It isn't because she has dementia or is senile though, it is because she doesn't feel eighty five. That is when I thought, what does it feel like to be eighty five ? I know what it feels like to be sixty one and it doesn't feel much different from fifty or forty for that matter. I have had people. younger than myself, offer to do certain things for me because, you know, of my advanced age ! Their intentions are good but I'm not that old ! I can walk " that far " and yes I can pick up more than five pounds. Really, this isn't my first rodeo and I will be alright. Just because I don't have an I phone six or whatever doesn't mean I'm ancient. So, I am left with wondering, just how am I supposed to act ? Act your age ? What does that mean ? The implication is I should act according to your standard of conduct. I should conform to your idea of what a " senior " should be ? How would you know ? Are you a senior ? Look I'm just sayin', this whole age thing is a sham. a farce. Never grow up, just keep growin' and goin' on. I'm not retiring, I'm taking charge ! 

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