Thursday, July 9, 2015

A good time

 It is a mistake to believe that happiness comes from within you. Happiness is a gift, freely given and expecting no return. Focusing only on the things that make you happy will ultimately lead to disappointment and sadness. You can not validate your own ticket to paradise ! There would be no need for morals or rules of law, if that were the case. Just do your own thing ! That is what is destroying our society today, this internalization of happiness. We are part of a larger thing and participation in it is not optional. Our happiness depends upon living in harmony with that greater good. The native americans  knew that, as did many other cultures. Why then do modern day " thinkers " wish to alter this ?
 It is the good we do for others that brings us lasting happiness. The things we do to please ourselves seldom last very long. That is why " addictions " are so harmful. Doesn't really matter what you get addicted too, it will eventually lead to sorrow and despair. It may end your life. When we get into the habit of only thinking about ourselves, that is an addiction. Addictions can be overcome but how is that done ? The most prevalent way is turn yourself over to a " higher " power. Read any ten step program and you'll see it written right there. Others, including myself, have quit an addiction simply by force of will. Once the addiction became real to me and I received a motivator to just quit, I did so. The motivation came from outside of myself. In my case it was the cost, which just got ridiculous. That doesn't matter though, the important point being it came from outside of myself.
 We should do the little things to make ourselves happy, I'm not saying deny yourself all pleasure. What I am saying is, lasting happiness comes from others and their interaction with you. It is that elusive feeling of being loved and respected that brings true happiness to our lives. Meaning is contained within that love, and respect, meaning for our lives. The more happiness you bring to others, and by happiness I mean "good " the more you will receive in return. The only secret being, don't get greedy. It is that greed that can destroy and strip all happiness from your life. Unfulfilled expectations are a disease. To prevent disease have no expectations.
 You can fool yourself into thinking I'm having a good time for only so long. Society may play a role in that as well. Others may find you amusing or entertaining and prompt you to continue in your ways. The road you walked is behind you, that is true, but the places you visited remain in your memory. They can be haunting places, or pleasant ones, the choice is yours to make. It all comes down to what you understand to be a good time. Time well spent. Time is best spent in helping others, is it not ? Time is the most precious commodity we have. Our time is limited and we don't know by how much. We shouldn't waste time. We should spend our time doing good. In that way we can enjoy the happiness we all seek. It requires many "validation stamps" to reach our destination.  You can't just do it yourself !

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