Friday, August 16, 2019

to say nothing

 Not much I want to write about this morning. The news is pretty much the same, people are getting shot by criminals and the call is to restrict guns to the non-criminals. I can only guess that is because those wishing to make these laws know criminals don't obey laws. But we can make laws that law abiding citizens will comply with and make ourselves feel like we are doing something. No matter it will have little to no effect on criminals, we did something! There's that and the narrative that the country is going to collapse and it's all Trumps fault. Like I said, a normal news day.
 It's mid August and that means school will be starting soon. Already has in some places. But my grandson is off to college this year and the granddaughter will be a junior. It seems like the end of an era to me. Yes, it is the beginning of another, but feels more like an end. I guess that's what happens when you get to be 66 years old. Not that I think I'm going anywhere soon, but will I ever be excited about the school year starting again? Probably not. Mark is excited to begin his college years and Morgan is just, it's time to go back to school. Is she excited for that? I don't think so. The next holiday is Labor day, a non event for me. There will be no parades, no celebration here in Greensboro. Labor day doesn't see much change around these parts. The beach people will still be passing through on the weekends until late September. 
 I woke up today feeling a bit pensive. That happens to me every now and again. August has become a month of events for me. It began in August of 1971. On the 9th of August in 1971 I raised my hand and took the oath of enlistment for the United States Navy. Ever since it seems like a good number of life events have taken place in August over the years. There have been beginnings and endings. It's difficult to explain. Has August held any more significance than other months? In my mind it has but reality may be different. I've never made a chart or graph of that. That would be something Sheldon Cooper of Big Bang fame might do. I'm not that eccentric. Eccentric being a nicer word that, crazy. Do you have a month like that? 
 Well I guess for not having much to write about I've written about that. Some would say I just like to hear myself talk. There is some truth in that, won't deny that. At least in that way I know someone is listening. All one can do is offer, acceptance is dependent on the other person. I won't just offer what I think others want to hear, and that is a problem for some people. I'm not writing for popularity, I'm writing what I think.  To say nothing is saying something. You must denounce things you are against or one might believe that you support things you really do not.” 
― Germany Kent

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