Thursday, August 22, 2019

a repeat

 In 1933 a youth organization was formed in Germany. It was to replace the highly popular boy scouts. It was called the Hitler youth. To say membership was optional is an understatement. You would become a member or else. It was an organization of indoctrination. Hitler and his co-conspirators were well aware that the only way to get loyal followers was to start with the children. They were taught about racial superiority. They were taught that the Jews were to blame for the economy and for their loss in WW1. The National Socialist German Workers Party was the only political party tolerated. There was to be no opposition. It was this indoctrination of children that enabled the German army. 
 Now you wonder why I mention this. I say take a good look at what is happening with the youth of today. They are being indoctrinated to believe they are entitled ( superior ) and government should direct everything. ( socilaism) Look at the behaviors that are becoming the social norm? To say morality has loosened is an understatement. Pregnancy is dealt with how? Kill the baby. Something as simple as the language used in everyday life has certainly become more crass. Few people are shocked by that anymore, although many shake their heads about it. Abuse of a product is the fault of the product, not the abuser. The general population should be disarmed! Only the government should wield that power. Well, at least the government should have the far superior firepower. You can keep your muskets. But all this is an indoctrination, an excuse for the oldest trick in the book, the bait and switch. Promises made but never fulfilled. And when those promises are not fulfilled it will be your fault, not the governments. You are just the tool, you can be replaced anytime. 
 The Hitler youth performed another important function. It could be argued their most important function. Report those that are not following the party line! Friends, neighbors, siblings, Parents or Grandparents makes no difference, you must report them to the authorities. It is the only way you can be a good citizen, a loyal citizen, it is your civic duty! You can either report them or be taken into custody yourself! It was really rather like reporting a witch in Salem. It was for the good of the community. Saving not just lives, but souls! If you heard anything, saw anything or even suspect anything, report it! 
 Now I hear about these Red Flag laws that are implemented in some cities already. What are they really? Suspicions, is the answer. We can not reliably predict what a person will or will not do. Regardless of the education level, what a person will do is just a guess. Currently the red flag laws I am aware of appear reasonable enough. I certainly don't want mentally ill people carrying firearms. The laws I have read about do require something to have happened before your second amendment right are infringed upon. That I agree with, no different than any other right we enjoy in America. Those rights are not infringed upon until we break the law, then after due process, our rights may be infringed upon. I am raising the Red Flag however by any expansion of these laws that include your right being infringed upon on mere suspicion. And that is what is being proposed by some at this time. We are going from don't ask, don't tell, to don't ask but tell anyway!  Report anyone and everyone to the authorities that you think, feel, suspect or otherwise just don't agree with to the authorities. That is what I am concerned with. It's a very slippery slope indeed. We can look at history and see the results of that. 
 It wasn't that long ago that we had state sponsored, state ordered, mental health institutions. You could be placed into one of those facilities for a wide variety of reasons. All that was required was the opinion of a professional. Yes, an opinion. That professional could choose from a laundry list of mental disorders! Remember homosexuality was one of those disorders. Drunkenness was another. Well in fact just about any social problem you may have, or cause, was grounds for that! In the beginning the intentions were the best. As time went on the institutions began to fill up. At the end lobotomies were performed! You had no say, you had no voice, nor did your family. No, if it was decided, by the opinion of a professional, that you had a mental illness, that was it! And now some would institute the same program for gun control. The state will decide, by the opinion of a professional, who can and can not own a firearm. And that is a direct conflict with the second amendment. The second amendment doesn't give us the right to own firearms, the second amendment prevents the government from taking them away! Can we trust government? I hardly think that is a wise decision. Don't forget that the professionals also recommended electric shock therapy! Yes, that was their considered opinion. 
 What is the underlining cause of this " gun violence " , a term I abhor. The guns aren't violent, the people are. Is it a mental health problem? No, I don't believe that. I believe it is a lack of morality problem. When you indoctrinate the children that whatever they choose is fine, that whatever they do should be accepted , and that they are not responsible for their actions, I don't think you can expect anything else. Isn't that what we are teaching the children? Look at our sports heroes. We have several that kneel during the national anthem, that disrespect the memory of those that died protecting their freedoms and what do we teach the children about that? It's fine, it's a fight for social justice. We teach them to respond with extreme reactions. Protests, marches, sit-ins, walking out of school. So what's the message there? Only the way you feel is important, your feelings take precedence! If anyone says anything counter to that, report them. We have even made laws about that stuff! We call it hate speech. Hate speech is defined as; speech that is intended to insult, offend, or intimidate a person because of a trait, ie: race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability. Can they have a different opinion than you be far from being added to that list? But what is that saying really? Don't say mean things to other people! I was taught that since infancy. When I violated that, it was met with violence! That's right, I got my behind swatted, or later on I risked getting a fat lip! Didn't need to notify the authorities and have a swat team take me into custody. 
 I'm just saying all this stuff starts with the children. Hitler knew that. Children will respond to what they are being taught. Those children will grow up and continue in that same vein. The idea that people somehow just change their minds, change the thinking they have been taught just isn't realistic. I've even heard the term " woke " tossed around. I've become woke! It's the same thing as saying I have had an Epiphany. Yeah, it happens, but not very often. It doesn't happen every other day depending upon your current wants or needs. Teach the children to respond with anger and indignation whenever they don't get their way and that's what you will get from them as adults. Adults with guns. It isn't the guns fault. You know it wasn't an accident that Hitler called Germany the Fatherland! It was a well designed bit of propaganda. A bit of psychology. Your nation ( government ) is your father and that's all you need. Sounds familiar doesn't it? I know a certain political party that preaches the same thing today. The government will take care of you, just listen to the government. 

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