Tuesday, August 27, 2019

being real

 Sometimes you get your feelings hurt. It may not be apparent right way. There are times it takes a few hours or overnight. You can't really figure out why your feelings are hurt, you just come to the realization that they are. It doesn't make you feel any better knowing that, but it does make you examine things a bit closer. Self examination is good for the soul. Being in conflict with yourself is a real struggle, their being no one to blame but yourself. Self forgiveness? I'm not sure one can do that. Acceptance of truth is not the same thing as forgiveness. Forgiveness implies that something was done wrong to warrant that. When you can't identify the wrong, how can you forgive that wrong? And that is why we look to place blame elsewhere. Can the truth be wrong, a mistake, an error? No, I don't believe it can be. So we are left to discover truth. What is the truth? 
 Can truth be in conflict with reality? Yes, I believe there are occasions when that is the just the case. Truth is what we believe it to be. The issue comes in when another's belief doesn't coincide with out own. We just label that as an opinion. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, even when that opinion is wrong. It is how we justify our truth. Reality can hurt our feelings. And what is reality? The acceptance of another's truth, or the validation of our own? Being wrong is always a difficult position to find yourself in. Do we accept our reality as the truth? It is certainly what we are living. But the question is, is the preservation of self the ultimate goal? I believe that is instinct. Yes, we will try to survive. It is when we allow our thoughts to overpower our instincts that we go wrong. 
 I have had it said to me, and I've heard it said to others, be real. What they are asking requires you to alter your reality. What you are being told is, accept my reality. You may not be ready to do that as readily as they would like. That is the root of all arguments. Arguments are defense of our reality. Each of us are as real as it gets at any given moment. To ask the person to abandon their reality for yours isn't realistic. In order for them to do that, instantly, would require them to be unreal! In short, to be false, fake, or patronizing. Our truths should be firmly rooted and as a consequence not easily changed. That isn't to say they shouldn't be changed, truth is dependent upon perception. For that reason we all need to take a look. And sometimes we get our feelings hurt. The question is, do we endure the pain or alter our reality? It's a choice isn't it? Fortitude is the word that comes to mind when thinking about all that. 

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