Monday, August 19, 2019

a beginning

 Today is the day. We are taking my grandson off to college. It's an exciting time for him and a bittersweet one for his Mom. It's another beginning. Now Grandma and I will be going along to help get him settled in just a bit. At least we can help carry some of his stuff into the dorm. For us a river of memories are going by. Not only do we remember taking him to pre-school, and every school following that, we remember taking his father! Yes, taking the kids to school has been a tradition. There is still Morgan, a junior in high school. We will be there to say, have a good day, on her first day of school. She won't let us take her to school, she wants to drive herself; teenagers.
 Today Mark begins a new chapter. He's ready. I have no worries about him. He is a sensible young man and not easily influenced. He never was much of a follower. I wouldn't call him a leader either, just a man that walks his own path. Seems strange to say that, a man, but that's what he has become. Dang, that happens to young boys doesn't it? Before you know it, they become men. Mark has been away from home on more than one occasion. He's been to camp every year since grade school, he's been away at seminars, conferences and such. For that reason I don't believe he will get homesick. He does have a car and could drive home any day he feels like it anyway. I expect he'll be home over the labor day weekend, unless he has work. He is a professional soccer referee. I say professional because he does get paid for it and does have to be certified. He is expecting to get some work close to the campus. He has officiated some tournaments were he had to travel a good distance and stay overnight so if it comes to that, he'll do it. He has shown me a few paychecks and I must say, it's a lucrative profession! Well at least it beats mowing the grass like I did when I was a kid. He makes more in one game than I earned all summer! Well if adjusted for inflation that twenty five dollars I made would be quite a bit today. How much is a 1965 dollar worth today?
 I need to get up and get going. We are leaving early and going to IHOP for breakfast. It's a big day. It's a day that is going to be full of emotion. A beginning and an end. You know he's not Mommy's little boy anymore. It's hard for Grandma too. Well you know I still call my children the kids, and they are forty four. Of course they don't mind because they are forty four, they had a different opinion when they were eighteen. Mark hasn't asserted himself just yet, it's coming. It's all a part of the process. It's a part of the chapter yet to be written. Today we will begin. Stevenson University, here he comes!    

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