Saturday, August 31, 2019

it's a choice

 It's a frustration to me and I'm sure it must be to others as well. There are certain subjects you can't even mention without being met with a barrage of negative comments. You don't even have to actually mention the subject, just hint at it. I recently posted a comment that said, " it has nothing to do with genes, it has to do with morality. " Now admittedly that comment was in response to an article concerning a study about why some folks are gay. Truth is less than 5% of the population identify as gay. Also interesting to note is the majority of Gay people are between the age of 18 and 29 and live in urban areas. That probably explains the torrent of comments my remark drew. This was a New York Times article after all.
 What was frustrating was the fact that I didn't give an opinion on homosexuality. The only opinion issued was that I felt it was a morality issue. It was quickly obvious that those supporting the gay population, or perhaps they are gay themselves I don't know, took that to mean I hate gay people and condemn them. Why did they jump to that conclusion? Because I said it was a morality issue and my morality didn't match theirs. Now when I pointed out that morality is an individual determination of right and wrong that feel upon deaf ears. Why was that? That statement is accurate and condemns no one. As I said, I didn't issue my opinion on homosexuality or morality for that matter. I was immediately labeled as a Bible thumping, old white guy, that doesn't know what he is talking about. The message was clear, you are not supposed to talk about that unless you are in full support of that! That's the only time you should say anything. Well, can't have much of a conversation under those rules now can you?
 The comments and ' discussion " went on for some time. I admit to not reading every response, every comment as many were just the same old thing. That's also something I noted, very few original thoughts, questions or comments. The majority were just concerned with calling me names or deriding me in some fashion. Again, you can't have much discussion that way. And the thing was I was commenting on was a scientific study attempting to explain why some people are gay. But, as it turns out you can't talk about that, you just have to accept that they are gay without question. At one point I mentioned that I believe it is a choice, like many other choices we make regarding our morals. So, yes, I believe it is a moral issue. I do have to preface that with this statement, just because the Bible doesn't specifically say something is wrong that doesn't makes it right, or vice-versa. That's why morals and morality are a personal thing. Yes, I was raised in the Christian tradition and believe the Bible is a moral road map. It is also true I don't always follow the map! I'm still hoping to reach the destination however. But that's another discussion altogether.
 In the end I was asked and did respond. As far as homosexuality goes I find it morally repugnant. That's the truth of it. I don't believe it is something people should be doing. But that doesn't mean I hate those that do. I don't hate people that like lima beans, although I don't think they are fit for human consumption. All it is my moral judgement. Am I judging the other person? No, I'm not, I'm judging the action they are taking. I feel that action is wrong, same as jumping out of a perfectly fine airplane for sport. I don't think it is something people should do. As long as you don't insist I do that we will get along just fine. As long as you don't insist on attempting to convert me, I will remain silent on the subject. It's really the same as having a Jehovah's witness knocking at your door. I don't want to hear it. I'd just as soon not know at all to be perfectly honest about it. That's because as far as that is concerned that's between you and your God, if you have one.
 Why are some people gay? How does it happen that about 5% of the population choose that path? I don't know. I just believe it is a choice. Is it inherent? I don't think so. That's what I was saying in regard to that scientific study. No, I don't think you are born that way. I do think you make a choice. That choice, in my opinion, is contrary to my moral tradition. That's what I'm saying. What does my Bible say about that? It depends upon who you ask as the Bible is open for interpretation. In recent years many say the Bible doesn't say anything about that at all. Some say if it doesn't say you shouldn't in the Bible that means you should. Some quote passages and insist that loving your brother includes the physical act of love. Well because love is love right? Well love isn't sex to me, they are different actions altogether but that;'s my opinion.
 Well. it's all just my opinion. And I will give my opinion when asked. Sometimes I give my opinion when I'm not asked. I usually do that to begin a conversation. You know like, nice weather we're having isn't it? I stated my opinion on that article, even though I wasn't asked. Turns out, you are only supposed to have one opinion on that. Being gay is alright. But the thing was that wasn't what the topic was. The topic was what causes people to be gay. The attempt to find a cause implies what? Usually we are only concerned with the cause, when we want to find the cure. Hey, I'm not saying anything about that. It's an aberration no doubt. Does that make it bad? Well you have to decide that for yourself, it's a choice. 

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