Thursday, August 15, 2019

funding the future

 Headline news in Maryland. Casinos have generated millions of dollars being placed in the education fund. In a strategy to cover abuses in the past Governor Hogan created a lock box. This lock box contains the funds earmarked for education and can not be used for any other purpose. Well because when casino gambling was first introduced the line was, it's for the children. The revenue generated will be used for the children, and maybe old dogs and babies. You know the standard pitch used by every state to justify legalized vice. Well, at least it was vice until the state decided it wasn't. The federal government places significant restrictions on gambling, although it is legal. I'm predicting a national lottery or some such thing in the future. All that is required is a way to regulate and control the revenue it produces. Maybe it'll be a " free " college education for all campaign. The politicians will figure it out sooner or later.
  They aren't selling pot yet here in Maryland, but it's coming. The casinos have earmarked monies for gambling addicts to get counseling. You don't get your money back, it is just explained to you what a poor investment gambling really is. I heard Colorado included drug rehabilitation funds in their legalization of pot. Now that's progress! The liquor manufacturers just say you are on your own. If you turn into a drunk, that's your fault. And you can sue the tobacco companies.
 Later in the day, after having read the Casino money triumph, I read another story. The teachers union is requesting funding for fans, or people to donate fans, because the classrooms have no functional air conditioning. I could only surmise the money is locked up. The previous story did say they had millions. Then, reading a little further it was reported that even if they had fans, the electrical system in the schools couldn't handle that load. Now an average pedestal fan requires about 100 watts of power on high speed. So, you're telling me the schools electrical system can't handle adding a one hundred watt light bulb? Yes, one hundred watts is one hundred watts no matter the appliance using it. Well then obviously the casino monies aren't enough, they better hurry and legalize pot, you know, for the children. The teachers are also asking for donations to buy classroom supplies, there isn't money in the budget for that stuff either.
 Look I just question the  whole plan of funding the future on vice. And that is exactly what they are doing. The reliance of funds from people gambling, all the while funding programs to help people stop gambling! Yeah, that makes a lot of sense doesn't it? Now the push is on to legalize pot. We can tax that vice as heavily as we do cigarettes and booze. Well, because we know the people will pay. Yes, they will pay even if the state has to give them the money to do so! A good portion of that casino money comes from the state or federal government as well. The government having placed a tax on most everything else is constantly searching for new revenue streams. For that reason we are seeing this relaxing of morality. Because isn't it our sense of morality that determines what is acceptable in the society and what is not? Hey gambling isn't a bad thing, go ahead. Smoking pot isn't a bad thing, it's no worse than drinking. And if something is no worse than, how could it be wrong? Never mind that we shouldn't be doing the first thing, that's fine, as long as the second thing isn't any worse than. We owe it to the children, they need that revenue to fund the future. And besides, people are going to do it anyway, might as well profit from that. It's like abortions, people are going to do that anyway, might as well make it legal, earn a few bucks off that. Even the experts can't give a definitive answer to how much abortions cost, just that it is most likely in the billion annually. Yes, taxes are imposed on medical procedures. It's a good revenue stream and people are going to do it anyway.
 I just don't think we should fund the future on vice. There was this empire , long ago, that tried doing that. It collapsed when the government could no longer support the populations vices. That empire was a Republic just like us. They even had a Senate. They taxed the people and taxed the people until the breaking point. Then the government couldn't even afford to entertain the populace. No longer could they distract the people. The whole thing just came tumbling down. Yes they were many factors that contributed to that fall. In 1993 the Gracie family from Brazil brought MMA fighting to the United States. Two men, fighting in a cage! You can kick, punch, throw, choke, and use any number of holds to force your opponent to submit! It quickly became big business. In 2016, just three years ago, New York became the last state to allow this form of entertainment. It isn't a fight to the death, but it's close. Are you entertained? It took twenty three years for every state to agree to that. Decline is a gradual thing. The Romans lasted about five hundred years, we are half way there. But we have learned from them haven't we? Yup, we can do it faster. 

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