Wednesday, August 7, 2019


 There is much talk of gun control once again. Perhaps there will be legislation passed, perhaps not. It seems that will be dependent on the news. Should some natural disaster take place, or a celebrity get themselves in trouble, or any number of other situations occur focus will shift. The American people are fickle. I believe the main stream media is well of aware of that and manipulate the masses. I know, I know, it's a conspiracy theory. When advertisers do that same thing it is called marketing. You know, like the Russians manipulating the vote. But, this has always been so. It's just with the internet, social media, instant communication society, the effect is almost immediate. So is the changing of the narrative.
 This time I'm hearing more about passing red flag laws, relying on mental health professionals to determine who is worthy and who is not. You must be qualified to exercise your rights! Now, just think about that for a minute. The second amendment to the constitution gives you, as an American citizen, the right to keep and bear arms. Restrictions have been placed on that right over the years. In 1936 the National Firearms Act was passed basically making it illegal for a citizen to own a fully automatic rifle, ie: a Tommy Gun. That came about when the police were outgunned by the criminals. Did that stop the criminals from using those weapons? Well just look at what our law enforcement officers have to have for protection today. They are basically walking the streets in body armor! That's because the criminals are still using guns! I know, that wasn't supposed to happen, we made a law.
 Now we are talking about red flag laws. The intent of these laws is to keep firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill. Well those deemed possibly, could be, might, or different. A fine idea, one that seems reasonable enough, a common sense approach. Keep the guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. The only issue is, how do we determine that? What standard is being applied and by whom? Oh, you say, we have mental health professionals. Yes, yes we do. These same mental health professionals that change their opinion whenever social pressure becomes too great. Just five years ago Gender Dysphoria was a mental illness. Before that Homosexuality was a mental illness. Now we have parades of people dressed in leather suits, on a leash, being lead down main street, being celebrated as a life choice! But it's not a mental health issue? Not according to these professionals it isn't. And you want them to decide whether I should have a gun or not? I have a bit of an issue with that.
 The only way it makes sense is the person has to actually have done something before we can act. How can anyone even pretend to know the mind of another? Remember we can't use profiles, we mustn't judge, and we must allow these people to act! I don't care how many degrees you have, you can't know what I am going to do or not do. That is the problem though, by the time the persons acts, it's too late. I agree that we shouldn't allow mentally disturbed people to buy guns. Not that they wouldn't just buy them illegally but we can't do much about that. Hey it's already against the law. So if we determine that we will pass legislation how are we going to define those " disqualifications. " More importantly perhaps, who is going to write that list. Will it be based on actions, perceived actions, or what I might be thinking? Don't judge, no profiling!
 Yes we need to do something. I don't know what that something is. I don't believe giving certain " professionals " greater power than the Constitution is the answer. And that is what is being proposed at the moment. By my word, my signature on a document I can revoke your constitutional rights! Oh sure I can fight it n the courts, if I have millions of dollars to hire a team of attorneys. But we all know the average citizen isn't going to be able to do that. Just look what they have already done to Jack the Baker! Remember that whole case hinges on what others perceive that Jack thinks. They think he hates Gay people! He says he doesn't. Didn't matter much in the end did it? And that is the issue I have with this red flag business. It would have to be limited to, I have actually done something, taken some action. It can not be based upon what I may or may not mean with the words I use or the ideology I support. Innocent until proven guilty! What is the standard for sanity? Ask one of those professionals to define that. They can't, they won't and they will mumble something unintelligible. If you ask them how they know, they will tell you, I went to College! By virtue of that I can judge you! Of course we are left with another question. Who determines the mental health of the mental health professional? 

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