Sunday, August 11, 2019

Politics in America

 We went from mass shootings and gun control to Epstein commits suicide! Amazing how that works isn't it? Are these things just " random acts " or perhaps manufactured and manipulated by powerful forces? I really try to avoid conspiracy theories, I really do but there are times. Now take this Epstein situation. He hangs himself in his cell. Then it's reported he wasn't on suicide watch despite being a high risk. Nah, only one of the most high profile people currently in jail and no one is watching. Something just don't sound right about that. As I said I'm not really a conspiracy theorist but something just isn't right here. Could it be we will shift focus from Epstein to finding someone to blame. If we can just focus on that, divert attention from Epstein, after all he is dead. we can just move on. Well, we aren't even sure where he gets all his money. The main thing will be, who gets that money.
 I hear the pundits on television screaming this is an emergency. We need to do something, right now! We need to act! Well Congress is on vacation, it'll have to wait. Vacay is far more important. You know those congressmen are so overworked. Their unwillingness to return to the capital speaks volumes to me. Just how concerned are they about the people they represent? I mean , seriously, how much do they care? Have they forgotten they are elected representatives? They are supposed to act when " we the people " want them to act, in response to us, not at their leisure. If I am on vacation and my boss calls and says, I need you back here, I'm going. I won't like it but I'm going. I'm certainly not going to say, nope, I'm on vacation! Well, I'm boss and I won't forget, you're fired! That's what the response from the people should be!
  Could all of this be a part of the plan? I'm trying not to be a conspiracy person but is all this just coincidence? For two years the Democrats have done little but blame Trump for anything and everything. Having lost the election the plan has obviously been, disrupt the workings of government as much as possible. Disrupt and distract. That's the game plan. And as far as candidates for the next election, let's throw them all out there and see who sticks! Well, because the party will back whoever does the best in the polls. No need to worry if that candidate is in line with a party platform, the party isn't concerned with policy, the party is only concerned with winning. That's the whole strategy! The who, what , where, when, or why isn't important! " Dude has got to go! " Kamala Harris opening statement at the Iowa state fair. That's correct. A presidential candidate speaking to a crowd in an attempt to gain support and her opening statement is, " dude has got to go. " Summed up the entire Democratic platform in five words. The only question left is, how many are down with that?
 Now I understand that each party wants to win the election. That's kinda the point in running isn't it? Well, it's the end result hoped for anyway. There is a lot of money to be made in just running however so there is a consolation prize involved. That's the reason so many are running on the Democratic ticket at the moment. You have the high profile bunch, Sanders, Harris, Biden and Beto that believe they have a chance. Then you have the rest, they know they are just filler but it will line their pockets, give them a measure of recognition, so it's all good. And when the polls are tabulated you just never know, maybe they will get nominated by their party. The nomination rest solely on who has the best chance at beating Trump. It doesn't matter if the candidate has any experience, any leadership skills, any anything! They will be told what to do anyway. The only qualification necessary is good poll numbers! If Trump isn't proof of that I don't know what is. Regardless if you like Trump or hate Trump that is the case. Trump won because his poll numbers showed that he could win!
 Remember the Republicans offered 17 candidates in 2016. That was the record until the Democrats topped that number this time around. Five republican candidate withdrew before the primaries. That left, Cruz, Kaiesch, Rubio, Carson, Bush, Paul, Christie, Huchabee, Fiorina, Gilmore, Santorum and Trump. When all the caucuses were over Trump won the nomination. Does anyone think the Republican party was really happy about that? I'd suggest that list of politicians running against Trump weren't happy. I'd suggest the movers and shakers in the party weren't real happy about that, but he won. The numbers showed that Donald Trump had the best chance at winning the Presidency! So the Republicans ran Donald Trump. That's the real reason. And it has nothing whatsoever to do with his performance since that! Love him or hate, he won. 
 I got off track a bit there but felt like I should explain my thinking. Yes I'm a Republican. In general I support the Republican platform, the ideology of the Republicans. And for the most part the party remains true to their core values. Don't confuse candidates with that. People are individuals after all. They have their own ideas. Would I like Trump to quit his tweeting and his verbose ways? Yes, it would be better if he did. He won't. I would also like it if the Democrats at least made a pretense of having a sensible plan of action. They don't. Instead I hear the new green deal and regulating cow flatulence. I hear free college for everyone. I hear forgiving 1.3 trillion dollars of student debt! Yes, we will just forget about that. 1.3 trillion dollars! And of course, medicare for all. Legal, illegal, all 32 genders, young, old, makes no difference, it's all free! And gun control means, confiscate every gun in America! Well because guns are killing people! Of course killing babies in the womb, that's a choice, it's healthcare!
 To be honest I'm not listening all that close until the primaries. Then I will start listening a bit more closely. Right now they are in the money making mode. The object now is to gather support. Support means money! That's what it really means because the one with the most money usually wins. And if you don't, some of those campaign funds will definitely find their way into the pockets of the candidates. That is a universal thing, goes across all party lines. That's politics in America. But there I go again being cynical. Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide because of remorse for his actions. That's all there is to that.

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