Tuesday, August 20, 2019

air to a fish

 Yesterday I read a review of a new Hollywood movie. The headline caught my attention as it was saying this movie was a comedy and that Hollywood hadn't made a successful comedy in a while.  I wasn't aware of that because I seldom go to the movies, very seldom. Well alright haven't been in a few years. But anyway I read this review that said the story was about three twelve year old boys. The movie had received an R rating for the language they use. That means you must be 17 or accompanied by an adult guardian. Now that struck me as odd. You have a movie featuring twelve year old boys, apparently cussing in the most vulgar way, so vulgar in fact that those same twelve year old boys couldn't even see the movie without parental supervision, and it's a comedy!
 Well, this review had been posted by the esteemed New York Times. I posted a comment expressing my disdain for this. I feel like we shouldn't be treating this stuff as funny. The title of the movie is Good Boys. I remarked that is says a lot about society when a movie about foul mouthed twelve year olds is considered funny. I went on to say it speaks to the morality of the country. Well, you would think I had said something bad about Hillary Clinton! I was answered with a barrage of comments. Apparently I should be fully supporting this as a cultural norm. I'm just an old white fuddy duddy! I should just roll over and die. I made a few additional remarks explaining why I thought the way I did before coming to my senses and realizing I was talking to liberals. The kool aid had already taken effect on this people, it's too late.
 Later on I saw a meme posted by someone I know. This meme featured a boy, maybe twelve or so, standing on the side of the road with a sign saying, Hate never made any nation great. A fair statement but not one a child is likely to dream up. The sign was obviously professionally made. This child is holding the sign in one hand and waving an American flag in the other. So what is the message? Now we all now Trumps slogan, make America great again. So it is obvious that the message is aimed in that direction. I remarked I don't think we should be indoctrinating our children along political lines. I don't see how you could not see this as a political statement. By the look at the kids face, you better not hate or he will hate you for that! Okay, maybe I'm reading more into that than was intended but I don't think it is a good thing to teach our children. Protesting, waving signs on the side of the road, is not good parenting in my opinion. The slogan, hate never made any nation great, is implying what? A simple statement of fact? No, it's a political statement, thinly veiled, and perhaps one not understood by that child.
 So first I read where it's funny to have twelve year old boys cussing. That was apparently the entire context of the film as that is all the New York Times had to say about it. No mention of a plot or theme, unless you consider cussing a theme. And that was receiving full support as evidenced by the box office! A wonderfully hilarious film. A success. Then I see a meme about a boy holding an inflammatory sign on the side on the highway. And yes, to some that sign would be inflammatory. The reference to Trump is quite obvious. I question how wise it is to put a child in such a situation. And then I remind myself, I'm just an old fuddy duddy! I guess I need to get with the program. Well, the program stinks.
 Well all I'm saying here is children will respond with the actions that have been taught. Yes, learned behaviors. If you teach your children to cuss, teach them to protest, teach them to impose their feelings on others, that is exactly what they will do! It's not difficult to understand at all. There will plenty of time when they grow up to adopt bad habits and be influenced. Parents should be providing guidance, not directing the action! When the child acts inappropriately that is when the parent should direct their actions! In my old fuddy duddy ways I call it being reprimanded. I certainly wasn't rewarded for anti- social behaviors. I also wasn't used as a tool for my parents political leanings. I didn't even know my parents had political leanings! That stuff was left to the adults and children were left to be children.
 Mass shootings, drug abuse, gangs roaming the streets, selling bullet proof backpacks to the children and having active shooter drills in the schools. All these people wondering how this came to be. They like to blame the gun, an inanimate object for violence. Drug abuse is a disease, the disease of  addiction, not your fault. How can it be that so many people act in this fashion. It's because they are poor, it's because of the color of their skin, it's a result of history from 150 years ago. It's because of income inequality, it's because they are not getting whatever they want, for free. It's not fair, the whole thing just isn't fair! So what is missing? Moral and ethical behavior is the answer! Children and those children will get older, will respond with the behaviors they have been taught. Teach them to act in any manner they wish, reinforce those behaviors by justifying them, and this is the result. It's not hard to understand. But I'm an old fuddy duddy. I did try to explain this. I failed. My fault as I am inadequate to the task. It's like trying to explain air to a fish. 

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