Monday, June 4, 2018


 As I often say, there is little you can say that hasn't been said before. I believe that is absolutely true. The trick is to say something in a way others haven't heard it before. That, I think, is the function of a writer. When you can present an idea in that manner it does awaken others. I don't believe you have taught them anything new, just validated their own thoughts. I know that happens to me. It makes no difference if it is a famous quote, or something muttered by a fool. That's because I too have good thoughts and foolish thoughts. Just because I wrote it down that doesn't mean it can't be changed. It is something I am aware of however. Strange how it seems alright to change your mind,  but not to change what was written. I think that may be because others have proof positive, see that's what you wrote, right here! When you just change your mind, not necessarily denying that you said something different at an earlier time, that seems acceptable, virtuous even. Change the written statement and that is somehow a more severe thing. Maybe that is why all these " tweets " get so many people in trouble these days. Also the reason for the demand, put that in writing!
 Yesterday I posted this phrase, " Words are only as powerful as we allow them to be. " I wrote that in response to the latest spate of name calling and derogatory language being spewed forth by celebrities and others. The whole concept of " racial slurs " and " hate " speech being so injurious to others. Whereas I understand the intent is to provide some means of redress for the injured party by acknowledging that injury I can't help but be reminded. When I was young the old adage was, " sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. " What is that saying? Words are only as powerful as you allow them to be " is my interpretation. Something that has been said before said it in a different way. As to whether you hear it differently I can't say. The action I am advising you to take concerns personal fortitude. I shouldn't allow your words to be injurious to me, I should steal myself against that, taking refuge in my own thoughts and beliefs. That isn't to say I shouldn't seek legal redress if others believe your words and that in turn causes some injury to me in a financial way. There are provisions in the law for that. There are also means for damages to my your reputation. My statement is not concerned with either of those however. I am saying that words are only as powerful as you allow them to be when it comes to hurting you in a personal way. Should I be called a white boy, I'm not offended by that, I am a white boy. Yes, depending upon who is saying that,  the implication can be vastly different. I understand that completely but I have to allow that implication to effect me! Name calling! A tactic as old as mans' ability to speak. I can make you mad, upset you in some fashion. I can manipulate your emotions and alter your actions! I can control you if you allow that to happen. That is what I am talking about. When it hurts our feelings we seek justice! If that same person gives you praise you accept that praise as the gospel truth! Done subtly enough I can manipulate your feelings and actions! Again those words are as powerful as you allow them to be. That's human nature. Most of us don't think about it that way though. There is no penalty for excessive praise. We all say how transparent that may be, and how fake it is, but we all still like it! That too is human nature. How powerful you allow those words to be will determine all of that. For some those words can certainly pump them up, get a swelled head as we say.
 Well anyway, that was my thought about all of that. I don't know what more to say about it. I was taught to not call people names and expected consequences from that if I did. It wasn't legal challenges that caused my concern, if you catch my drift. But today we are trying to be more civilized, isn't that the goal? Like I wrote yesterday I was told to keep a civil tongue in my head as well! Now we have removed the filter of civility and demand people speak in a civil fashion. We impose civil penalties if they don't! Seems to me the old way worked better, at least it was more effective at limiting that form of speech. You had best be prepared to defend those words! True, it wasn't very civilized, but more people acted like they were. Do the ends justify the means? One did have to develop their inner fortitude. It is independence, not dependence.   

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