Monday, June 11, 2018

Bona Fide

 I was watching the price is right the other day and they got to the part where they ask an audience member for an item. On this day they said I'll give you a hundred dollars if you have a checkbook. The lady didn't have one. That got me to thinking, how many people carry a checkbook anymore? I mean, you are going to a game show, out and about the town and all, surely that is a big deal. But, you don't need a checkbook, you have your debit card. I wonder if anyone had a pen and a piece of paper, you know, in case you needed to leave someone a note. My guess is that few would be prepared for that. I'm also thinking that everyone had a phone with them! Now that is something they could have asked for not that many years ago that few would have had. Times sure have changed. The show hasn't changed all that much though. My wife's Uncle George was on that show when Bill Cullen was the host. That was a while back but he won a car, a mink coat, patio furniture and some other stuff. Pretty much the stuff they are giving away now except for the animal skins, wouldn't want to offend anyone. Well, when Uncle George was on the show when they had cigarette advertising too.
 Yes I have a checking account and I have checks. I rarely, if ever, write a check. My wife doesn't carry a checkbook in her purse either. To be honest I can't remember the last time I needed to write a check. I was always told your signature was on file at the bank where you opened your account. Sign your check carefully, the way you did initially. In that way a forgery could be detected. Now we sign those little screens and you couldn't tell what it says! The reality is that is just a formality as you can scribble anything on there and it will accept your " signature. " Honestly I don't understand why we even bother at all. There is talk of retina verification or maybe fingerprint confirmation that it is you, the cardholder, and that sounds like a good idea. We just need the cost to align with the technology. There is even talk of implanting a device in your finger that would serve that purpose. I shudder at the thought! Way too sci-fi for me. I will never be chipped! There aren't many times I would make so bold a statement. But when it comes to that, I refuse. No! Just no. Will the government make such a requirement for all new born children? They suggest you get a social security number for your child at birth  but it is not a requirement. I'm thinking the politicians are too wise to propose such a thing, I don't believe it would be met with favor, although from what I read more choose to get the number than refuse. The primary reason being a financial one. There are tax considerations and such.
 Yes as time goes on we do become more and more concerned with identifying just who we are. In the old days they would just ask for your " bona fides. " Bona Fides is a Latin term for honesty and sincerity of your intentions. Was a day when they took your word for that. Then the time came when we needed to have some sort of physical proof, documents signed and verified by someone most people would accept as genuine. Today, in a lot of cases it is only our PIN number that is our Bona Fides. Well, either that or some national data bases like the credit bureaus. There are three major ones that everyone accepts. Failing that, you can go to the " dark web " and acquire an acceptable identity. I hear you can purchase a PIN there as well. That Personal Identity Number can be changed frequently and it is recommended that you do so. Hmm, you can't change your social security number. That number is your Bona Fide. When asked to provide it what method is used to verify that number is assigned to you? It isn't, that number is your Bona Fide, meaning it is your Honesty and Sincerity. In short, the other person has to take your word for it! Sure it is subject to verification later on but that verification itself could prove false. That happens more often than any of us like to think.
 Thousands of years of progress. We are still trying to legislate, or at the very least, regulate basic human actions. The most important one of all, honesty, being on the top of the list. You could call it trust. Can I trust you? Trust is involved whenever their is risk involved, namely personal risk. I don't want to be injured. Just how are we going to keep folks honest? On the price is right you are asked to produce a specific item, that is the proof. In life you are asked to do what? Self regulate, impose that restriction on yourself, maintain integrity, honesty and sincerity in your intentions. A mans' word is his bond. The sad part is, it isn't enough! You have to have documentation. Strangely there is a big push today that says lack of documentation is reason for charity and compassion. We are supposed to just " take their word for it. "  History does repeat itself, even after thousands of years.    

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