Saturday, June 23, 2018

back on track

 I went on a little hiatus. I was disconnected from the news and Facebook for almost six days. I didn't miss it nearly as much as I thought I might. I did notice that folks everywhere seem a bit more on edge. Maybe it is just something I was expecting or looking for given the political climate we are currently living in. I heard mention of them " Democrats " more than once in strangers conversations. I wasn't eavesdropping but couldn't help but overhear. I did spend the majority of my time just visiting though and so wasn't involved in any big discussions about any of that. LOL, I spent more time driving than I did visiting in the big picture but it was worth every minute of it. I really don't want to fly anywhere anymore, just too much of a hassle. Isn't that a shame that we have to have security concerns impede our freedom to move about, like living in Indian territory or something! We have to guard against attack. But, don't get me started on that.
 I admit to a bit of hesitation before writing this posting. I wasn't sure what I wanted to talk about. My posts have been a string of thoughts lately, one connected to the other in some fashion. As I have said in the past I think of my posts more as a conversation with myself than anything else. It was different to not write something first thing in the morning. I think I may have lost my train of thought. That is one thought I had but another says, maybe I don't want to board that train again. I made an effort to not be overly negative in my postings as that can foster dark thoughts and lead to gloom and doom. I don't like gloom and doom. I have to say that is what I heard a lot of the moment I turned on Facebook and the evening News. My Facebook friends expressing what I would call concern, and the evening news doing its' best to be sensational and attract viewers. The hatred and bias toward President Trump seems even greater, if that is possible. Of course the mid term elections are coming up and the news is doing its' best to influence that while they report about others attempting to " influence " the American voters.
 I'll have to give this a bit more thought and determine my next course. I do enjoy writing my thoughts and sharing them. It is therapeutic. I realize there are times when the therapy can do more harm than good however. Still it is important to stay informed and engaged in what is going on around you. I do bear a certain responsibilty to my children and grandchildren. Does there come a time when you just wash your hands on it all? No, I don't think you should do that. There does come a time when your impact is minimal. Still that doesn't mean that impact isn't important. Well, I'll wait until tomorrow morning and see what develops. As I said, I'm not certain I want to board the same train I was on maybe I'll take another direction. Maybe I'll just try to write some stories instead. I've always said I don't write stories, I write my memories and my thoughts. Maybe it's time for stories, fantasy is a great distraction but comes at a price. It's a gamble!

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