Friday, June 29, 2018


 I keep hearing the insistence that America was founded on diversity. Yes, it is true that Americans come from all nations and backgrounds. We hear today that we are a nation of immigrants. Yes, we are. Well, at least we are since the founding of the nation in 1776 when we declared our Independence. You can't immigrate to a country that doesn't exist and there was no country here before us. At the very least no country that was recognized by the rest of the civilized world. There was no place , no authority to apply to for immigrant status. Did we invade this land? No, I believe we just migrated, like man had been migrating since the very beginning. Man has migrated to every corner of the earth, which is difficult because it is round after all, despite what some would have you believe. Then having migrated man settles the " new " land and forms a new society. That is what happened in America. After forming a new nation folks started to immigrate to this " new " land. They even called it the " new " world. They came to do one thing, become Americans. That's correct, that was the goal, to become a citizen of this new world. Beginning in 1908 the term melting pot was applied to this new world, specifically the United States of America. The term was meant to enforce the idea of the different cultures and customs " melting " together to form this new society. Assimilation is the term we use today and some are now saying that it is a bad thing. You have to question why? For me the answer is obvious. People want to keep what they have and just add all the good stuff America offers to that. In other words, they don't want to surrender a thing! Well, in my experience everything comes at a price, nothing in this world is free. Yes diversity is an asset. There can be no denying that. That diversity should be utilized to make the society stronger however, not tear it apart! The goal has to remain the same, Unity.
 All of that gives rise to the question of immigration. Does anyone have a right to immigrate anywhere? They do only as far as their personal feelings are concerned. Governments institute law to serve one purpose, to govern. To govern is to control, it is really as simple as that. We must control immigration if we are to control the society. It isn't a difficult concept to understand. Everything on this earth is finite! Everything has a limit. The number of immigrants allowed into a nation must be controlled. It's obvious and requires no explanation. No nation can allow itself to be invaded and to suggest that we should is just ridiculous. Changing the term used to describe the invaders doesn't change the action! Illegal aliens, migrants, refugees or asylum seekers are all the same thing! The motivation may be different but the action is the same! If they are entering the country illegally that means they are invading. If someone enters your home uninvited aren't they invading your home? If they read your correspondence without your permission aren't they invading your privacy? The reason they are doing so doesn't really matter does it? No, they are invading.
 Look even Facebook has a " terms of use " agreement you must sign. Why is it wrong for a nation to have a " term of use " agreement beginning with, you have to apply for entry. You don't get a " free trial period " in this agreement. That trial period is the period between the issuance of a green card and receiving your citizenship. Immigration is a function of government. It can not be administered with emotion as the deciding factor. It must be decided upon conjectural evidence. Let us not forget our motto, " e purlieus Unum " from many one. Although that phrase was never codified as the official motto of the United States many believe it to be so. As an aside, the official motto of the United States as codified in 1956 is " In God we Trust. " Still, I think from many, one describes the state we wish to acquire as a Nation, one. Certainly we must trust in our God to achieve such a lofty goal. We shouldn't compromise on that goal, nor make exception to it. If you want to be an American, you must apply to join the club! That's the bottom line as far as I'm concerned. Immigrate and assimilate are the watchwords. Do those things and you can become a citizen of the greatest country on earth. 

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