Monday, November 20, 2017

throwing stones

 I listened to a potion of the news yesterday. I admit I haven't been paying as close attention as I used too. The reasons for that are many but the primary one is, I'm taking a break. Anyway I did hear a group of people protesting Roy Moore and his run for the senate. This particular group were proclaiming themselves Christians and calling Roy Moore an extremist ! That's correct. They were saying that Roy Moore is a Christian extremist and therefore unfit to run for office. One group of Christians opposing him and his supporters. I admit it is the first time I heard anyone called a Christian extremist ! It gave me pause, a reason to think about what was being alleged here. If a person is an extremist what is that implying ? What fanatical measures is this man proposing ? That is what an extremist does, take extreme or fanatical actions. What has he done ? I know what he is being accused of and that action has nothing to do with his religious beliefs. It is certainly upsetting to others holding Christian beliefs if true. But the question is, what kind of extremist is he ? They say a Christian extremist.
 Okay I understands there are many ways you can interpret what that means. To me, a Christian extremist would emulate Jesus as closely as possible. He, or she, would be turning the other cheek,  spreading the word of God, loving his neighbors as himself and all of that. Now that would be an extreme Christian. He certainly wouldn't be molesting children ! You would have to be a very bad Christian to do that, hardly an extreme Christian. The whole thing of one group of Christians calling another Christian an extremist just seems so, what's the word, unchristian ! Is it the pot calling the kettle black ? Just which one is the extremist ? I wouldn't call those that were involved with the Inquisition very Christian, although they certainly thought so. What is this group that is calling for the public shaming, indeed demanding he resign from the race, based on nothing more than accusations ? Other " Christians " did that with the witch hunts in Salem, remember that ? I just find it all very disturbing when one group of Christians is calling another group names ! Is this what we have come to ?
 I know of no portion in my Bible, Old or New testament that says pedophilia should be practiced. Oh, there is plenty of violence in the Bible no doubt about that. That violence was always directed by God to a certain individual to perform. The Bible doesn't say I personally have to commit any act of violence to attain entrance into heaven. The Bible does tell me all the things that are displeasing to my God. In modern times if I commit an act of violence, or any number of things saying God told me to do it, that reason will be suspect. Many that claim to be Christians will immediately deny that saying God wouldn't tell you to do that ! We even swear on the Bible as proof that we are telling the truth. If I swear on the Bible that God told me to do it, will it be believed ? Maybe, and if it is I will be sent to the nut house ! That's the truth of that.
 Look I don't know if Roy Moore is guilty or not. That is just my point. It's one thing for the public in general to say, I think he is guilty. We are all entitled to our opinions. That is why we have a court of law however, to separate opinion from fact. I find it very disturbing that a group of Christians would start accusing another person of being too Christian ! Isn't that what they are really saying. You are just too Christian for us, we condemn you without a trial. We are without sin and therefore we will throw the first stone ! Well, I think that is a bit extreme, you should too.   

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