I have heard it said that change is the spice of life. I would have to agree with that sentiment. Of course, change or "spice" if you like, can be hot or cold, bitter and sweet. There comes a point where you are comfortable with the spices you have. Is there anything wrong with that ? Stagnant water becomes stale and so too our lives without change. It is our desire to choose the " spice " that leads us into trouble ! At least that has been my experience in life. My choices of " spice " has not always been the wisest. Fortunately we can discard the unwanted and retain only the spice we enjoy. That is the gift of life and aging.
When others introduce these spices into our lives they can be beneficial or disruptive. They are often unsettling only because we didn't make the choice. There are times when we have to recognize that. Those are the times when my Dad would say that someone is " stirring the pot. " They are mixing things up. That is why you need to be careful in selecting your friends and be careful with whom you associate. What " spices "do they carry ? Drama is a popular spice and I've had my fill of that. The latest spice being introduced into the pot is " political correctness. " This spice seeks to limit your ability to express an opinion. The expressing of your opinion will be met with another very old spice, condemnation.
As we age these spices come and go. We either become accustomed to them or reject them. Our palate becomes adjusted to a certain degree of spice. Any more or less than that what is expected becomes uncomfortable. We seek to change it. Some will make big changes like moving to a new location. Others will remain in place and become almost reclusive. We may change our hair color or style, buy a fast car or take up a new hobby. Maybe we will become vocal in our opinions. We do these things to insulate ourselves from the change in " spices. " Nowadays we call it, Quality of Life. " The famous roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius said, " the happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. " I believe what he was saying was, you control the quality of your life. You do so by the choices you make. What " spices " do you employ ? Those spices affect not only yourself but those around you. All contribute to the quality of your life.
The most difficult challenge we face, as humans, is not allowing others to affect our quality of life. We all need others, man is a social animal, but it is those others that add different spices. We need to learn to accept those additions. The only way that is possible is through our choices. Do not allow others to make the choice for you ! That is the hardest part, this accepting of accountability. You are accountable to yourself ! When all's said and done you have to look in the mirror. You can't lie to that person staring back at you ! No excuses, no buts. Life takes practice. As we age, we gain experience.
The building of a " quality " life takes a lifetime ! Do not be hasty in tearing down an old structure and replacing it with new. Rather examine closely the foundation upon which you have built. It is your thoughts that determine the quality of construction.
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