Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Think about this

 The other day as I was writing I wrote this line, The foundation of faith is virtue. I did receive a few comments and now feel I need to explain a bit further. As it often happens in communications the meaning can get misunderstood or missed entirely. So just what is virtue ? Virtue, to me, is conformity to a standard of conduct or right action, particularly moral excellence. Without that foundation, faith is not possible, as the foundation would be shifting continually. How can one adhere to a standard if you keep changing that same standard to suit your wants at any one time ? When a standard becomes inconvenient, revise that standard ? That certainly seems to be the case in society today. That is why the decline in Christianity as an institution.
 There are components in society that want to change the standards. That has always been so and will continue in the future. The usual reason for doing so is for gain. Financial gain being the most popular reason. That is closely followed by the gaining of power and influence. The trick lies in convincing the majority of society that those changes in standards are justified and correct. Popular reasons, it doesn't hurt anyone. everyone is doing it anyway and it costs too much money to enforce. The latest attempts involve the removal of all virtue whatsoever. Virtue itself is being portrayed as an evil thing ! Only bigots and extremists adhere to the virtuous behaviors that created this society. Any argument to the contrary is just further proof of that. Tearing down the society is the only " virtuous " action ! That is the message today and many are being deceived.
 The reason for this is a simple one. There is a law in electricity that states in will take the path of least resistance. That is a scientific fact and I submit it applies to many individuals as well. Somewhere along the line hard work has become viewed as a " struggle. " Remember When that was a virtue ? No shame in doing a hard days work, earning am honest living. That isn't the perception today. Now I should do minimum work for maximum gain. The path of least resistance. Go with the flow people, in that way you can gain popularity and do whatever you like. No one will point out the error of your ways. No one will point out the flaw in your logic. The blind acceptance of any behavior, short of murder, is the virtuous way. That is what is being taught.
 I am not much on conspiracy theories. I could see this whole thing as one though. Remove the resistance to any action and I can then do as I please. The wealthy and politically connected members stand to benefit the most. Yes they may have to provide " assistance " to the struggling masses but it is a small percentage of their wealth. A necessary expense. Allow the masses their " freedom " as long as it doesn't interfere with the program. Promoting the use of drugs, alcohol and allowing open gambling is a beginning. Legitimizing questionable sexual practices is another way to placate the masses. Let's just keep them distracted from the real issue. To me the real issue is a lack of faith. I'm not advocating one religion over another, just advocating for faith. The Christian church as been divided over the centuries into many segments, we call them denominations. That is because the common denominator is Jesus Christ and his teachings. All are looking for the easiest path to everlasting life. Not a judgement for or against any particular denomination, just a simple fact The other major religions of the world I can not speak to. I know little of their foundations. I do feel correct in my statement, The foundation of faith is Virtue.
 Ask yourselves this question. What virtues were this country founded upon ? Are those virtues still being followed and adhered too ? How's that working out. Remember being open minded doesn't mean being empty headed ! Give it some thought.

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